I’m still worried about how he’s even going to accomplish that, seeing as he’s also planning to deport the cheapest sources of agricultural labor.
Simple. Prices will go up, Trump will hold a press conference announcing prices are lower, and 50% of the country will believe prices are lower instead of the lying mainstream media.
You mean the lies of their eyes. I believe Orwell had something to say on the subject.
More likely he’ll use tax money to subsidize red state groceries so their eyes won’t lie to them as much.
“The Demonrats voted for Nazi Kamala so they don’t deserve food! We’re taking federal tax income from NY communist state and Calicommufornia and subsiding Fantastic Florida Patriots food! Oh, and they’re the party of hate not us! Fuck Democrats, hope they all die! Merry Christmas to all!”
9/10 because they refer to California as Commiefornia
The mainstream media will report that Trump said prices are lower, and not actually point out that he is a lying liar.
You forgot the part where he blames the democrats
This the the answer. The two major tenets of his platform are “raise tarrifs” (inflationary!) and “deport immigrants” (raising costs on production). Shit is going to get more expensive, but it won’t matter if facts continue not to matter and you have a boogieman to shake your stick at.
I remember when his tax “cut” first was experienced, there were a bunch of tiktoks on the fact that their taxes went up. A lot of “I didn’t vote for this!” Videos.
But they soon forgot.
His fans are like cats. Easily distracted, so long as someone else is getting hurt worse.
His fans are like cats.
Hey, no need to disparage cats…
“Bananas have always cost $10, Michael.”
Some 1984 shit. Newspeak
Plus adding tariffs to everything.
That’s easy! Repeal child labor laws and massively increase prison populations for slave labor!
…they did say private prisons were among the groups very happy to see a Trump victory. Wonder why…
I will make sure to suicide by cop before I end up a literal corporate slave, I will force the guards to kill me.
Those mass deportations are going to take a lot of money and time.
They’ll probably end up turning their massive holding facilities into work camps, maybe hang signs up with catchy slogans like “Trabajo te hace libre” or “El trabajo libera” and forbid any unfriendly reporters from seeing how the sausage is made.
Work will set you free
And what happens if he closes the border with Mexico? Is he going to disrupt trade with them too? Here in Texas an overwhelming majority of our produce is Mexican-grown
Hell, in Canada we mostly have Mexican vegetables and fruits most of the year because people want to eat the same things year long instead of eating the way people did just 100 years ago…
Tbh I expect him to try to invade Mexico at some point in the next few years
Obligatory green text
“Nobody knew trade was this complex.” - Trump
I’m pretty sure he said that last time.
It doesn’t matter because republican voters don’t actually care about the price of eggs. They only pretend to if they think it will help them win. It’s actually amazing more people don’t understand this considering it has been a pattern in US elections for like 40 years now.
He’ll say that he did it
The media will treat it as gospel
People will believe it
Not listed: prices actually coming down
Slaves. The answer is slaves. And the framework for this already exists because prison labour is legalised slavery. They have already said they want to imprison anyone they don’t agree with. Given that includes all kinds of minorities and people who don’t agree with them politically, they are pretty much spoiled for choice. If you are in the US and fall under either of those categories you should be looking at how to get out.
Why do you think they’re relaxing child labor laws?
I think it’ll wind up as slavery. Instead of actually deporting huge numbers of people, they’ll go “wow so it turns out that’s really hard” and use them as prison labor instead. You don’t have to pay prison laborers.
Isn’t that how the Nazi camps turned into death camps? Originally they were just saying to deport the jews, take back the country, blah blah, and then they realized how absolutely brutal it is to forcibly migrate millions of people so they turned to labor and executing the excess. Await a fact-check from a better informed WW2 scholar than me though
Ehhh, there’s still lively debate, but the general consensus is that the whole “we’ll deport the Jews/undesirables” thing was mostly a smokescreen, and the plan was always to either place them in work camps or kill the ones that couldn’t work. The camps came AFTER a lengthy campaign of extermination against “useless eaters” such as the elderly, the chronically ill, and the mentally and physically disabled, which was billed as “well they’re a huge drain on state resources.”
I hate that republicans like saying that republicans are better for the economy when they’re not
Well, to be fair, that graph only looks like that because the Dems always seem to inherit a dogshit economy that’s been destroyed by conservative policies, then the Republicans inherit a strong economy before destroying it.
Yup, unfortunately people don’t understand that policies only change the equilibrium, but sometimes take longer than electoral cycles to see effect.
That’s why no party really gives a shit about bringing down the national debt, because twofold:
- people hate you in your term because that’s less money being spent for their benefit now
- the opposition can have more spending room to provide more benefits in their term, making them more popular.
The Republicans will never reduce the debt because the only cuts that would make a difference are the ones that are the most popular with their voters. Couple that with tax cuts and the math just doesn’t work for deficit and debt reduction with a Republican government.
Are they going to cut Social Security? No, too many older voters that depend on that income. Medicare? Nope, same thing.
Will they cut the military? Of course not, they wouldn’t be able to virtue signal about how patriotic they are.
They’ll surely cut the education and IRS budgets, but the education cuts wouldn’t make a significant difference and the IRS cuts actually increase deficits because then the IRS can’t go after the rich.
The Democrats wouldn’t cut any of those things either, but if the Democrats increased taxes for top earners and top-earning corporations, and implemented a wealth tax, the increased revenue actually could reduce the deficit.
Are they going to cut Social Security? No, too many older voters that depend on that income. Medicare? Nope, same thing.
Republicans: “unless we can just not need their votes any more… 🧐 “
You’re suggesting the statistics shown in the study don’t help because it’s impossible to measure the length of the effect?
God I was steamed when Trump was praised for a good economy, when he inherited Obama’s policies and when Trump’s policies went into effect it caused Covid-19 lol
Republicans aren’t better for the the economy, they’re better at telling people they’re better for the economy.
The public doesn’t grock a long or nuanced list of economic policies. This is a painful lesson that the democrats never seam to learn.
What’s worse is that the public is so fucking moronic that they EVER believe a word of it. It would be impossible to underestimate how stupid voters are. Honestly. They only surpass their stupidity with their selfishness
deleted by creator
Because any sort of goodwill attempt to eliminate people from voting will just increase the chance of it being abused by said nazis, well fascists, because nazis were the fascists from germany.
Also fun fact, like many things IQ tests have a history rooted in racism, so if your plan was to use that then bad luck.
Fun fact number #2 the likes of Trump, Orbán (HUN), Fico (SVK) almost always win because of a low voter turnout.
The previous US election had what, 20 million more voters and surprise surprise, Trump lost.
Extremists are always a passionate vocal minority the more you restrict who can vote the easier time they have to take over the election.
If anything suggesting fines for not voting is a far less dumb idea than the shit you just said.
Fines sound like a good idea.
After all, if you live in a democracy, voting is not just a right, its a responsibility. You fail to meet your responsibilities, believe it or not, fine.
The duty to vote in Belgium belongs to all adult Belgians. EU citizens can vote in European and municipal elections. Other foreigners have local voting rights when they have lived in the country for more than five years. Attendance is compulsory for Belgians in Belgium, not doing so results in a fine, 3 fines equals the loss of civil rights.
It can be done, but I was also part of an election oversight or whatever committee, we counted votes and stuff. One of the things we did was we took a vote urn to the local retirement home and well I witnessed what happened when voting is mandatory. In the past It was mandatory in our country as it was part of the eastern bloc and this man just took the first paper, not even reading which party he voted for and just put it in the envelope and voted that way.
So there are definitely downsides to trying to encourage voting too.
I definitiv think voting should be mandatory in the sense of you should have to go to a polling place or send in a ballot or statement of intent to not vote. Make it just as easy to vote as to not, but don’t actually make people vote
Agreed. We need more Americans to actually understand the responsibilities we hold and what we get for them. Voting isn’t fun, but it’s your damn job. It’s the price of democracy. Same as being aware of the issues and candidates. And don’t get me started on jury duty
Sure, you might be able to get away with it in case of advanced dementia. When my father was an election watcher, he saw christian fundamentalists trying to convince election officiers, that a man so demented that didn’t even realize what was happening, only that those christian fundamentalists talking about how that man used to be voting for Fidesz allegedly.
I might know which user said that to you. I had a run in like that too. They kept telling how I was objectively a fascist for agreeing with the sentiment – was explicitly explaining that I am not sure how you would implement it precisely, but that it was understandable. NO ITS fAsCisT and UnCoNsTitUtIoNaL!!!
Because intelligence tests were used to deny black votes in the reconstruction south. There are a variety of tricks that they’ve used from just giving harder tests to black people to giving tests that prioritize knowledge more common in white cultural experiences. And that’s not touching on the language issue as a means to deny immigrant votes
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I hate even more that everyone somehow believes them, just because they’ve said it enough times.
That’s actually true worldwide. Wanna see how an economy looks like after over 30 years of almost uninterrupted conservative leadership? Look at where Germany stands now. Crumbling infrastructure, worst Internet in Europe, industry unable and/or unwilling to open itself to modern technology (best example being the German car industry).
Even Trump admitted Democrats were better for the economy
Yep, I’m sure he still believes that. Especially when he was like the worse performing president within that last few decades
During a March 2004 interview, Trump stated: “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”
They also like trying to sabotage the economy when they’re not in charge by telling others it’s shit … and there is evidence trump tried to delay deals last election
Don’t be surprised if he did the same to undermine Biden this time
That’s juhst gayr propahgandurrr
prices went up under Trump, Trump told people the prices went down, and dumb people believe him.
Biden told corporations to lower their prices, the corporations lowered their prices, Trump said prices went up, dumb people believed him.
deleted by creator
you are incorrect.
Biden called out Walmart, Target and other big chain stores specifically about staple grocery prices and asked them to lower their prices. over the next few days and weeks, all of those stores lowered thousands of their grocery prices.
Biden launched and funded organizations to fight price gouging and shrinkflation through the ftc, inflation has been steadily being brought down by Biden ever since the catastrophe trump left him.
Thank you. It drives me bananas that people are so fucking lazy they can’t see any shade of gray. This is why bOtH sIdEs is popular. People just cannot be bothered to look at a fucking detail every now and then. Makes me want to scream.
High five.
it seems like Americans watched the South Park episode about Trump and Hillary, assumed it was the factual, comprehensive truth about all politics everywhere forever, and then never looked at any of the facts ever again.
The democrats reduce inflation.
The Republicans force women to die in hospital parking lots.
democrats fund civil rights advocacy groups.
The Republicans make memes about murdering senators.
Democrats significantly increase the value of the US dollar and lower unemployment
The leader of the Republicans is a rapist.
Honestly, you might be right about the SP episode. It was good criticism for its time, but people are literally too stupid to process context/nuance.
Don’t forget the 10 prescription meds Biden negotiated MUCH lower prices for.
But hey, “Biden didn’t do anything”
yep, that is good to throw in.
I try to keep these as specific as I can, because as soon as I mention more than one item in the same sentence, the conservative arguing with me is like “so first he reduced inflation, then he also reduced prescription drug prices? which is it? choose one!”
presidents can actually do more than one thing-
"Last year biden said he was 80!
this year Biden says he’s 81!
what’s the real number?"
Oh I know, the whole communication space is cooked. I don’t know if it was just bad PR or intentional manipulation but the concrete positive impacts of the Biden admin are so unknown its sad.
You were corrected by someone else here, but I just wanted to say that I hate that because Democrats suck in many ways, they literally get no credit for what good they actually do and then because of that, equated to Republicans who are a billion times worse. Which leads to bullshit apathy and that leads to the present situation.
Another example everyone will conveniently forget is that the Biden administration did something that should’ve happened 25 years ago: they forced Ticketmaster to include fees in advertised prices. Yeah it’s not the biggest accomplishment but they did fucking something positive, unlike Republicans.
The Biden administration also forced airlines to be better about refunds. Again, something that makes a small material difference in lives.
Presidents ought to be better but that doesn’t give you license to be so mentally lazy that you discount literally every good thing done which falls short of your wishlist.
The best part is that Trump will not bring down the price of groceries.
Particularly since they’re looking at produce. Who’s going to pick that produce after he starts rounding up immigrants? White people? Good luck with that.
Florida and Georgia have both had crops left rotting in the fields after they enacted draconian policies about immigrants. Now we’re going to see supply plummet at a national level and prices will skyrocket. They’ll blame Biden for it what it happens.
I have heard a lot about the building industry saying very similar things about whats going to happen to the housing market with these policies. They rely on these people and have blatantly said they need their labour to build houses so its simple maths here.
Lol he has latched onto literally the only obvious idea one could execute as president which would be guaranteed to do the opposite.
Mass deportations and tariffs will both damage prices so that’s two things.
Well shit color me Trupid – I missed one of the braindead anti-ideas
It’s a banana, what could it cost? $10?
It doesn’t matter because it was never about the price of groceries.
You don’t need tariffs, you need taxes. The problem isn’t that your economy isn’t doing well, it’s that too much of the wealth goes to the top and too little to lower and middle class. It’s not normal that one man has more than 250 billion.
I may even argue that it is not normal that someone has more that one billion :)
try one hundred times less
-99 billion?
…luftballoons, na nana nanana naaaa
Not sure that’s how to math
What is 100 times 1 billion? 100 billion Now subtract that from the original and you get -99 billion.
100 times less is not 1/100th of the original.
You know, except there’s no motivation for retailers to lower prices no matter how cheap the the products become nor how low their taxes are.
Correct. A dozen eggs will never be $1.40 again.
Eggs at Aldi near me are legitimately not that much more expensive than $1.40. I think it was like $1.89 in store price for the cheapest ones. That’s why I don’t understand this whole thing. Eggs aren’t even that expensive. I feel like the whole country is collectively gaslighting me.
And Aldi probably had their eggs for a dollar a dozen in '19. My Target has them for $2.59, (and that did come down from pandemic pricing). If you haven’t noticed prices not rising at all over the last 4 years, don’t know what to tell you. But you make a point. I can’t shop at Aldi because my family is too picky. We “have” to have our specific products, so we pay more, especially when inflation spikes. Of course, you are going to notice gas is super expensive when you are driving an F150. Comparatively, gas feels cheap in a Prius. Regardless of how good people have it, people do not want to have to tighten their belts, especially due to no fault of their own. Should they have voted for Trump directly? or indirectly by not voting? That’s another story. We’ll see how expensive the eggs get for you when a majority of the agrarian labor force is deported and the tariffs are levied.
They could be… if we replace dollars with new “patriot dollars”. The rate of exchange will start at 10 USD for 1 patriot $1 - yes, the patriot dollar receives the symbol that used to mean USD. Gotta pwn those libs tho! 💵
Right. Low taxes mean stock buybacks and a consolidation of wealth.
he won’t though. so enjoy your rights being taken away and rising cost of groceries.
What rights have been taken away?
The right to not be gaslighted with lies, stupidity, and disinformation.
the right to govern your own body.
the right to “kill babies” is probably what you’re fishing for us to say, right? very clever.
or maybe the way he campaigned on “you wont need to vote anymore”?
I’m not baiting anything. In fact, I’m pro choice. I’m genuinely asking: What rights have been taken away?
Dumb question, he’s not president yet.
Sure, bud.
Abortion in the red states, and that was work he did his last term.
Wait till he’s back in office, he’s nothing if not vindictive.
Canadian commentary:
I know it’s difficult with corporate greed and price gouging right now, I’m not debating that.
I’m worried that the food that people gravitate toward is unhealthy, ultra processed and cheaper on purpose. You need to buy MORE of this kind of food to stay full.
The US has, in my understanding, a lot of food deserts where healthier options are not available and people are pushed to eat empty calories.
The late-stage capitalist system wears people so thin that the effort to find and cook cheap healthy meals can be overwhelming if you don’t usually do this.
Portions in North America are HUGE.
There are ways to eat for cheaper but I understand that takes effort. For example, I order a $23 CDN all in produce box to my door of oddly shaped/sized produce that feeds two adults for a week. The largest box at $49 easily feeds a family of 4. It takes effort to find and locate services like this. Only available in big cities too.
I guess what I’m trying to say is it seems like the structure of society and capitalism makes the impact of corporate greed RE: groceries SO much worse.
Not to mention the wars, gas, and housing prices.
I know a lot of people are low information but since this issue in my perspective is aggravated and accelerated by so many factors, it still baffles me that people accept the solution is more Republican trickle down economics and tariffs which seem like they’re just going to make the problem worse for everyone.
Portions in North America are HUGE.
The restaraunt portion thing is… a big problem. Here’s what I think is going on.
I’m pretty sure that it has more to do with profitability than customer demand, although it’s gone on for long enough perhaps it’s both by now. The key here is that food sales have pretty thin margins (except for soft drinks which are outrageously marked-up everywhere). If a restaurant chain suddenly downsized their portion sizes, people would realize very quickly that the price hasn’t scaled down to the same extent, as the current portion sizes are inflated to mask how much food service really costs. There’s a price floor to remain profitable and I think it’s a lot higher than people realize.
Lol, groceries are about to go up. Trump wants to continue a pointless tariff war with China. It’s not going to work.
The CPC is more than willing to plunge their own citizens into poverty to outlast the US. Americans complain over a 20 cent increase in gas. How do you think they’ll react when most of their goods suddenly increase by 30% or more?
Chinese labor made the American middle class.
I think it’s funny how Tankies pretend China is a paradise. China will absolutely starve every man, woman, and child over the pettiest of shit, there’s no telling what they’d do to win a tariff war.
It killed the US middle class, or better, was one of the bigger factors in doing so. The American middle class was strongest post war until the late 70s. That was when our economic policies shifted to off-shoring as much labor as possible, and when the Chinese special economic zone polices were started, in cooperation with the US. The loss of manufacturing jobs in the following decades gutted the US middle class.
Yeah, how can people not see this? The “American Dream” and times of middle class prosperity were very obviously before China opened its economy and became the new industrial hub of the world. And when off-shoring started, so did real wage stagnation/decline.
Selling the declining American middle class plastic toys did not “make” that class. What made it were stable well paying manufacturing jobs. Trump won’t bring those back with a trade war with China, but the claim that Chinese labor “made” the American middle class is just delusional.
No one has found it odd that this happened around the time when a single person could no longer pay for a family for muh trad lifestyle.
The US middle class is diminished somewhat over a long period of time, not “killed”. 1971 was 61%, 2021 50%. And the movement from middle class has been upwards and downwards.
And the deportations will end up raising grocery prices.
“Avocados from Mexico” is the only commercial I remember hearing on tv recently. I assume those 100% tariffs he wants on Mexico would raise the price of avocados right out of most buyers budget. I only buy them when they are in season around .60 cents. Over a dollar isn’t worth it to me. I’ve seen them as high as $2.50 sometimes here.
I’m hoping he was just spewing junk to rile up his base and doesn’t actually put tariffs on anything but cars (preferably nothing)
Narrator: He wasn’t spewing junk.
Uhm… Gonna have to wildly disagree with you there, wartime and postwar industrialization and strong unions created the American middle class, globalism breaking the unions is what has destroyed the middle class.
Mass deportation of our cheap labor supply will do way more to increase cost of groceries than Chinese tariffs ever will. The cold hard truth of it all is that our entire way of life depends on exploiting cheap migrant labor. Democrats don’t like to admit it because we don’t like that kind of exploitation, and republicans don’t like to admit it because they don’t like immigrants. But we depend on them as much as we do the laborers in chinese factories, the somewhat educated cheap labor in India, the children in sweatshops in Vietnam, and so on. Our entire economy is based on exploiting someone, somewhere, artifically reducing the cost of living for us.
Except he won’t, of course.
Blessed be the fruit.
No. They hate fruits, too.
May the lord open
As a fruit, I know I’m blessed but they seem to disagree
There’s a little detail in the show that I always liked. They didn’t shove it in your face and I appreciate the subtlety.
The detail is that there were actually very few groceries in the grocery store. If you look closely, the produce is always very low quality, and there just wasn’t that much to choose from. It was a big deal when they got those navel oranges. Not much meats either, and they mostly got canned goods and such. It highlights how shitty their society is without going too overboard. “You might not have noticed, but your brain did.”
Even more obvious in the book, where its mentioned that even the commander can’t afford to eat meat whenever he wants.
blessed be the groceries
Do we have equivalent of that subreddit on Lemmy?
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!leopardsatemyface@reddthat.comAlso a reddit repost bot instance
only things he has brought down so far are morale and the IQ of the office