Armoured tesla…
Was the cybertruck just a soft prototype of the TeslaTank© ?
Armoured tesla…
Was the cybertruck just a soft prototype of the TeslaTank© ?
You know whats cool? Office programs like excel and word have an ‘autosave toggle’, and you know what it does? “Please log into one drive to enable autosave”.
Thats right, you cant have a local autosave, you MUST be saving to one drive.
Cool, thanks, no.
( . 人 . )
This feels like a labour law violation, but i assume you are american so your probably both SOL and going to have to pay out of pocket for the inevitable medical bills to fix your back.
At first i considered the fork as the others can all be used if you only fill the one vessel you want to drink from and the fork isnt useful for anything, however something was nagging at me and i realise i would get rid of the person who wrote the meme, “which one you choosing”.
Did you just say exactly what the parent comment said?
Well spotted
Oh no dont update yet, patch 1.2 was bad. There is a bug where you dont properly reboot during Night Terror mode and instead forced Host_Wakeup routine it loops back to start sleep cycle again.
Idk, ask the NSA if they have a copy of it
SLAPP that button for more BASS 🤚
Oh would you look at that, its quarter past enough-internet-for-the-day.
Also the difference in wow factor.
Its “we are making an even faster, better and more stealthy plane than all the previous ones we have” vs “we are convincing the entire world that we are leaving our actual planet to fly through space and land on the moon”.
One of these is a significantly more juicy secret to impress someone with.
We are all dutch on this blessed day
I know this is off topic, but every time i see you comment of a thread all i can see is the pepsi logo (i use the sync app for reference)
Honestly why 3d print any tools that are expected to handle significant force, its much more practical to make a hammer out of a sturdy bit of wood and shape a bit of steel to go on the end than it is to print one and expect it not to break the first time you use it. What if the nail is still sticking out and needs to be knocked in again a second or third time? Especially in a country where every hardware store sells hammers and there are hammer club catch ups where you can also get them from other hammer enthusiasts.
The whole 3D printed hammer thing is sensational journalism hyped up over a theoretical issue that really isnt an actual issue.
We don’t need no education, we dont need no thought control eh guy
I did this (using Sync app) about a month ago after seeing the suggestion and my god it has made a good impact on my mental health. You stil get a bit of crap about those dickheads when not directly mentioned in the title but its a big improvement.