you can figure out how to avoid the situation and fight back.
you can figure out how to avoid the situation and fight back.
video? fine.
20 minutes video?
who are you kidding?
I remembered the crossdressing scene, I don’t remember the scene on the right as clearly.
which is surprising, haha, I assumed I still recognized the movie frame for frame.
what’s the one on the right?
what is the government not cascatelling us?
My friend sent me a picture of eggs at 12.50 in Denver, what are the record egg prices around you guys?
maps.me still keeping it so far, from OSM.
at this point, not understanding blockchain sounds like grandpa asking if the internet is a “net” or a “web”.
The Dogs With Bees in Their Mouths.
Good God that’s funny.
the nazi is you in this meme?
they don’t degrade after being fired?
thanks! first and only person unfamiliar with the scene out of a dozen responses.
I’m genuinely curious If any of you didn’t immediately know the context from this screenshot.
there must be someone, but it’s such an iconic movie that I’m curious if there is anyone who recognize it immediately.
aren’t you tired of being a liberal?
don’t you want to be a liberal who doesn’t understand the point of politics?
free your mind from pesky knowledge and political context, all it does is get in the way of forming autocratic groups and exploiting the people around you!
I’m a fingerist.
no…no I don’t like that word.
a digitist.
less upsetting.
i tried to find its origin but it’s everywhere going way back, and it’s the thumbnail for a video, like a video compilation, but the video isn’t it.