The right to not be gaslighted with lies, stupidity, and disinformation.
The right to not be gaslighted with lies, stupidity, and disinformation.
There’s a little detail in the show that I always liked. They didn’t shove it in your face and I appreciate the subtlety.
The detail is that there were actually very few groceries in the grocery store. If you look closely, the produce is always very low quality, and there just wasn’t that much to choose from. It was a big deal when they got those navel oranges. Not much meats either, and they mostly got canned goods and such. It highlights how shitty their society is without going too overboard. “You might not have noticed, but your brain did.”
Mass deportation of our cheap labor supply will do way more to increase cost of groceries than Chinese tariffs ever will. The cold hard truth of it all is that our entire way of life depends on exploiting cheap migrant labor. Democrats don’t like to admit it because we don’t like that kind of exploitation, and republicans don’t like to admit it because they don’t like immigrants. But we depend on them as much as we do the laborers in chinese factories, the somewhat educated cheap labor in India, the children in sweatshops in Vietnam, and so on. Our entire economy is based on exploiting someone, somewhere, artifically reducing the cost of living for us.
You’re ok with little planes flying through hyperspace but draw the line at space hacking, lol
On the contrary, Luke Skywalker taking a lucky shot
Man that’s like the ONE THING that I totally give star wars a pass for. It wasn’t a lucky shot. The design flaw was there, yes, but the targeting computer was never going to work. Red leader had a lock and it still didn’t work. Wedge Antilles, the best non-Jedi starfighter pilot in the galaxy, expressed strong doubt at least two or three times. Luke had to use the force to destroy it, there was no other way. If you can suspend your disbelief to accept the existence of the force, it makes perfect sense in the context of the story. Fucking masterpiece!
Ever seen Primer? Equal and opposite to that, easily the most confusing movie I’ve ever seen and they don’t spoon feed you anything, lol
Related: outrunning explosions, ugh
That’s why I always have my criminal conspiracy meetings at Starbucks or Wendy’s.
The pseudo-realism in those batman movies and comic book movies in general is a huge part of why I detest them. It’s like an uncanny gap or something. Comic book characters are inherently ridiculous and absurd so I can’t take them seriously. They ask me to suspend too much disbelief.
One specific example from the batman movies is at the end of one of them, I forget which, I think a few hundred cops charge a bunch of guys with machine guns or something? And I remember thinking in the theater they are about to get mowed down World War I style. But somehow they win, they all live, and the streets aren’t flowing with a river of blood. You want me to take them seriously, while having absurd characters and situations, and then you put them in situations where they absolutely should be massacred…I just…I’m out…
It’s a Robin Williams joke from his special live on Broadway not long after 9/11. Legendary set
I knew ghandi. He was a prick. I saw him sucking down a pork hot dog hitting on Mother Teresa.
It didn’t come across as denial to me. It was pretty on the nose, they just wouldn’t come out and just say it. The knuckle dragging mouth breathers need it spelled out word for word.
I was stuck in a waiting room for two hours today and the tv had the weather channel on. They covered the fires thoroughly, as well as record high temperatures all across the country, and the fact that before now such and such area only had five 100+ degree days and this year it had 11! Etc.
The part I really noticed though is the number of times they actually said the phrase: climate change. ZERO
There’s an accountant shortage too, which nobody talks about except us in the industry. It SHOULD be talked about though, because it’s another huge ticking time bomb. Financial statements audits performed by third party external accountants are designed to keep businesses honest and report factual numbers to investors. If they report false information then you get situations like Enron.
The problem is that we are overworked and underpaid like everyone else, the work has gotten vastly more complicated, regulatory compliance requirements are more burdensome than helpful, and tons of other issues. The results are that accounting enrollment has plummeted in schools, experienced professionals are being driven away from the industry in huge numbers, and more and more work is being sent overseas to be done extremely poorly. Corporations pay for their own audits and firm partners don’t want to lose a good client so crappy work gets pushed through no matter what.
I’m convinced the next major financial crisis will be from a bunch of huge household name companies getting caught with their pants down after fudging too many numbers. Just a matter of time.
…what issue? It isn’t technical. I just don’t want another stupid shitty app.
I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!
That’s ol’ Slippin Jimmy for you, ever hear about that time in Chicago with the sunroof? Good stuff