I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!
Hell yeah. I was furious when I learned that you “nEed To InsTalL tHe McDoNaLds ApP FoR tHe CoDe!” for their monopoly-game. Wtf?! Just give me my fucking mcsundae-coupon right now, goddamn.
The issue of companies wanting to force apps while you don’t want another app. Instant apps are a halfway point between a webpage and having to download an app, the app’s never actually installed on your phone. It’s not much different than a site with heavy CSS.
Screw a midpoint. Those sites push their apps by sabotaging their websites because they have financial incentives to fuck with people and they can scrape more data with an app. No middle ground, no compromise.
I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!
Hell yeah. I was furious when I learned that you “nEed To InsTalL tHe McDoNaLds ApP FoR tHe CoDe!” for their monopoly-game. Wtf?! Just give me my fucking mcsundae-coupon right now, goddamn.
What country are you in? Here in Canada you didn’t need an app for McNopoly
Germany. I’m envious!
Android tried to fix this issue, no clue if anyone uses it through
…what issue? It isn’t technical. I just don’t want another stupid shitty app.
The issue of companies wanting to force apps while you don’t want another app. Instant apps are a halfway point between a webpage and having to download an app, the app’s never actually installed on your phone. It’s not much different than a site with heavy CSS.
Screw a midpoint. Those sites push their apps by sabotaging their websites because they have financial incentives to fuck with people and they can scrape more data with an app. No middle ground, no compromise.