Jesus, just take a moment to realize how insufferable you need to be to have people defend Windows. Privacy issues are the only valid argument at this point for Windows and a really good argument so just harp on it.
Edge isn’t a new concept, it’s just replaced IE. Also I don’t get the want to remove it entirely, try removing libcurl and see how functional Linux is for a daily driver. Just set Firefox as your default browser and call it a day, you’ll never see Edge again.
The search bar is one click to hide. Also several distros ship with a search bar.
Ads don’t appear with Windows Pro
Not really sure what setting you’re having trouble getting to, everything’s roughly the same between 7, 10, and 11 for power users.
6 years ago, two full years before the PS5 released. We’ll most likely be halfway through the PS6’s lifecycle when TES6 releases.
Definitely get a Deck, it’s shocking how powerful the hardware is. If price is an issue you can wait until the refurbished ones go on sale again and pick up the cheapest model for $280.
Yeah, not unless the medical forms were forged.
Tbf most ads are on text news articles, one image can take up thousands of times more data than a few words.
And it’s cached… and there are CDNs… Still way more energy than you want, but not quite as panic inducing as it sounds.
Wojack’s been around since 2009/2010
That’s what we did, it just turned out that we were together for 7 years before everything fell in to place. We got out of college, got our careers in order, and bought a house. Then married the next year.
This, precious metals are a hedge against hyper inflation. Not an investment.
Isn’t 000 Computer Science?
This is probably the best form of execution possible. Your body doesn’t know that there’s a lack of oxygen, but it does notice a build up of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen poisoning is not noticable until you’re already “drunk” and falling asleep. That’s why it’s so deadly to divers.
Nearly cut myself on that title.
I mean they seemed to like Toby Keith, he’s even done a song with Willie Nelson about bounty hunting.
He’s on 4chan last I heard
That’s what wishlists and gift cards are for
It was never an anonymous form of payment. And you didn’t hear it from me, but a certain agency has nearly the whole thing mapped to real people (when possible). There’s a whole division dedicated to it.