They haven’t thought it through enough.
They haven’t thought it through enough.
That’s called Complex Trauma or CPTSD.
From wiki:
The story is commonly recognized as a fable concerning the danger of greed causing human destruction of the natural environment, using the literary element of personification to create relatable characters for industry (the Once-ler), the environment (the Truffula trees) and environmental activism (the Lorax). The story encourages activism and involvement in making the situation better: a quote from the Lorax states, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not”.
Dr. Seuss singled out The Lorax as his personal favorite of his books – in it, he managed to create an engaging story highlighting how economic growth is often prioritised over environmental issues. Dr. Seuss stated: “The Lorax came out of me being angry. The ecology books I’d read were dull…In The Lorax I was out to attack what I think are evil things and let the chips fall where they might”.
Enjoy your home OP. May you live out many happy years under its shelter.
Maybe I’m just old but the old memes were built to last. These newer memes fall apart after a few days.
The playing field is not equal so it isn’t reasonable to hold people to the same standard of making an impact.
Uncle Milton and his cat 5 anaconda …
This is cool. A literal dream come true.
Ok fine, he’s a special pimp.
Ugh, in no way am I trying to suggest this is a good man doing acceptable things. I’m trying to suggest he is a bad man doing exploitive things AND that there are many like him that perhaps are less skillful with social media.
That’s correct. Please accept my apology if it seemed I was suggesting otherwise.
He’s not special. Run of the mill pimp.
There’s no one size fits all.
When this image was created there was no texting and everyone answered the phone. Source: old