I miss movies like Scary Movie. You’ll never see anything like that ever again.
I miss movies like Scary Movie. You’ll never see anything like that ever again.
They are stupid but Jim Carry nails the role and it’s objectively funny. Definitely worth watching both of them.
ITT: young people who never saw this masterpiece of a movie.
I didn’t really go too deep into thought about this when I was crafting my reply. I don’t think I’m the best in the world. I am just like pretty sure that I’m top 5% or so haha. So i just most people wouldn’t be in that top 5%. Hwoever I’m definitely 0ut if practice at the moment and would need to prep.
I suppose, if you operate under the assumption that everyone who says they’re good is lying? But that’s an assumption based on no evidence. I suppose me saying I can beat anyone is also unproven. But hey, it’s an Internet forum. I can’t “prove” it lol.
So you’re saying you could beat me just based on the fact that i said i can beat anyone? I’m very confused with your statement.
I played ao much MK64 in college that I can confidently beat literally anyone in that game. I can’t say there’s really any other game where this is true for me.
No one trusts institutions so they assume that the experts are lying to them to further some political agenda or whatever. Add in AI bullshit that has flooded the Internet, so no one trusts articles anymore. Also most people just simply don’t have good critical thinking skills. It’s all really bad.
Idk what to say. I am reading articles directly from NASA and other reputable sources, and it says the damage would be bad for a city but localized. I haven’t seen a single thing about fallout. So if you have some articles you’d like to share that says otherwise, by all means please share them. However the experts aren’t saying that so idk.
You’re clearly falling for the clickbait articles if you read that this is a world ender.
You’re clearly falling for the clickbait articles. This is not a world ender and will not cause radioactive fallout. Read better articles.
ITT: people who have never had Prime Rib or have only had well done shitty Prime Rib. Prime rib is supposed to look like this you buffoons.
Honestly at this point I rather have China steal my data vs. The US government. I’d be more likely to see a negative impact from data collection from the US government rather than China. China can’t really influence my insurance rates. The US can.
Wife bad, amirite?
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Okay Buzz Killington.
You’re just wrong man, sorry. Idk what else to say.
No it’s not? Unless something changed in the last few months. I’m like 99.99999% sure it’s not.
AI is so fucking cap. There is no way to know if the information is accurate. It’s completely unreliable.
What’s wrong with exfat? I’ve used it dozens of time with no problems.
Edit: oh thought you meant wth pcs. You mean cars and receivers and stuff. Fair.