Touché, but my point still stands in reference to the chap I was conversing with. And what you said still doesn’t make any sense
Touché, but my point still stands in reference to the chap I was conversing with. And what you said still doesn’t make any sense
This meme doesn’t state or imply anything about bots. You jumped in with “the liberals are blaming bots” from absolutely nowhere my dude
Did you just float the idea of Russian bots and then accuse “liberals” of floating the idea of Russian bots? You’re the only person anywhere in here mentioning bots
You clearly haven’t read anything I said if you think that, given I just talked about how awful they are. I prefer to base my opinions on reality rather than making shit up, though. If they threatened someone, you’d have a simple question to answer. Instead you went for my character, so what does that say about you?
Who did they threaten?
I didn’t say that at all. The entire system is awful and the Democratic leadership is awful. At the same time, the DNC counted every vote and there was a democratic primary in 2024.
The DNC did count primary votes. What evidence is there to the contrary? Are you talking about the superdelegate system that some argue kept Bernie from being the candidate in 2016 and that was subsequently eliminated? Yeah they still counted very vote in 2016 and Hillary had more. I didn’t like it either, but knew plenty people who were excited about her.
Won’t prices come down if people, you know, stop buying vegetables?
Because in Colorado, they can’t sell the cheap eggs laid by chickens packed in cages, so the demand for the expensive eggs has gone up significantly, driving up prices. Also the cost of living in many parts of Colorado is higher than North Carolina.
On the original thread this picture came from, people were talking about a new law that went into effect in January in Colorado only allowing certified cage-free eggs to be sold statewide. It seems that’s behind the price on this single brand of eggs. Would be interested to see how all the other egg prices on that shelf compare
I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all. I think our trans brothers and sisters are suffering the brunt of a focused culture-war campaign to villainize them and drive conservative outrage. I think the LGB and QIA+ folks in this country are doing what they can in their communities to protect them and each other. Those in charge would seek to divide us and we cannot let that happen.
Are the social advances for gay people too settled for them to think it’s worth the effort to try and revert them?
It’s this one. Public opinion is accepting of the “LGB” portion by an overwhelming margin. I know a lot of queer folks whose conservative families are perfectly accepting of them these days, way different than it was 20 years ago. People who are intersex can get fucked though, apparently.
Your comment history reads like a broken record
Personally, I’m jerking off to Alfred Hitchcock
No son of mine is going to drink “La Croix!”
We drink Waterloo in this house
Turkey too lmao
People, fish, shrimp, and bugs are worms.
Typical chordate-centric arthropodophobia
A and C are the same user…