Defund SpaceX, it should survive on its own.
He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java
Defund SpaceX, it should survive on its own.
So if I, an autistic person bite a nonautistic one, do they turn into autistic? Is the source of my autism is that I got bit by an autism creature?
You’re valid!
Run a local instance of DeepMind or any other LLM, then just make it to generate endless streams of plausible reports.
Finally a good use for the plagiarism and spam generating machine! Just make sure it’s verbose enough that a normal human being gets tired reading it. Generating templates then changing up words is also a good way to go, just make sure you have like 20-30+ templates, so it won’t become obvious.
That’s because of social media influencers poorly understanding the concept, or even misapplying it to transwomen (I have yet to find one with an unusually high self-esteem).
Where can I get that open source pony-themed RPG dating sim?
I have a desktop PC that needs stickers (maybe even refrigerator magnets for the side panels), where can I get them? I’m especially interested in AM’s hate speech from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.
Hulk must defeat bad guys at place where Hulk can’t poop for three days.
I do a lot of poo
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I eat a lot of poo
In my country, Hungary, the far-right got normalized through both moral panics about the reappearance of the “far-left” and making calling people “nazi” and “fascist” heavily stigmatized. If someone act like a nazi, speaks like a nazi, and advocates for nazi bullshit don’t call them “moderate, patriotic, christian-democratic conservatives” just because they want to normalize their far-right politics.
What is a blinding stew? Is there any recipe for it?
“This is clearly an avian condition, if you experience Wet Ass P-word in real world, you should go to the vetenarian!” - Ben Shapiro
Is there a Brutus salad?
Me, although I have a heavy bias for more feminine presenting people.
Gamergate was an astroturf by regular /pol/ users that was organized on a public IRC channel, but the original “wokespotting” also involved spotting triangles and hexagrams. I still remember how much I laughed at a conspiracy head claiming the David Star in the banking scene of the first Harry Potter movie was to make goyim children to accept the Jews as their financial overlords, all while said conspiracy theorists also claimed he was not an anti-semite, because “real christians love the sinner and hate the sin” and “Judaism is a religion/sin, not a nationality”. Did manage to find others in similar vein, especially through the whole Lion King SFX controversy, but most of it disappeared the moment gamergate blew up.
The thing is, neo-nazis vowed to recruit gamers early on, but for many years, had way too high standards, and called classics like Metroid or Tomb Raider “cultural Marxist garbages” for the sin of having women outside of the kitchen, not to mention games made by the far-right. Beginning in 2012, a lot of them started to have lower standards for geek media, especially gamers. I tried to warn my then fellow skeptics that they’re looking in ways to make their conspiracy theories more digestable to “normies”, but they wrote me off as someone trying to politicize skeptic circles, as back then a lot of skeptics and atheists tried to be politically neutral to wave off “Stalinism” accusations, and otherwise most of them thought their “hidden messages and cultural Marxism in popular culture” conspiracy theories were way too insane to save. Many of them later told me I was right and were sad to discount me as some paranoid weirdo that probably also believes nazis are living on the moon and secretly controlling everything.
There’s also some modders who make transparent aftermarket housings.