Propaganda for what? Super glue?
Propaganda for what? Super glue?
Wtf is up with Mace Windu’s Megamind head?
Not only that, but it’s good for one person to donate their excessive wealth, but it’d be great if the other 2700 of them had to relinquish some of it.
Hold on, do you think most music has romantic subplots?
Because the original argument is that a movie about giant robots fighting doesn’t necessarily need a romantic subplot tacked on. It’s not saying a Valentines Day romance movie needs to stop shoving romantic plots down our throats.
Maybe I’m just not well versed enough in music, but as far as I know, music producers aren’t out there saying, “and now the big kiss… and moving on”.
Wait, are you suggesting people need to bribe the cops to not murder them because the cops are underpaid essenital workers?
Or did you really think this was actually about Amazon delivery drivers and still just had a weird take on it?
You know, except there’s no motivation for retailers to lower prices no matter how cheap the the products become nor how low their taxes are.
Meanwhile, in France:
“What’s the roundish thing we eat a lot?”
“No, the one that grows underground.”
“Dirt apples?”
But it’s so goofy! What silly nonsense!
Or is it Moldovian-Neo-Communisim by virtue of its roots to Carpathian Hedonocacy? It’s more Geonosian that you might think.
Meanwhile the guy in the top left is just pleased as punch
To be fair, we’re all really fed up with etc here. The list of bullshit is so god damn long.
Capitalism: “Always remember we have hostages”
I’ll fight you. Also as Orks, the coolest faction. Nothing like a good fight!
Madonna - Like A Virgin With A Boner
To be clear: climate change requires individual responsibility. Keeping your kids off legitimate online pornography websites is too big for citizens to handle on their own and requires government intervention.
Surely the dragon will be satisfied when we let him eat the next village!
“Love and acceptance will be the death of America as we know it!”
Keep it up, everyone
Question! Do you like penicillin on your pizza?
You need to be a certain kind of person to perceive audio quality difference. One, you need to be able to detect the difference. Two, you need to be able to appreciate the difference. And Three, which everyone seems to ignore, you need to have bought a sufficiently expensive device that can make the difference.
In short, if you have an $18 desktop speaker, get the FLAC outta here.
If you want to try to compare it to Netflix, sure, Ubisoft, I’ll pay $13/month for every game you ever made, every game you ever will make, and at least as many game (including new releases) from other publishers. Then, yeah, sure.
Question! Do you like penicillin on your pizza?