The US Postal Service should get in on this action.
The US Postal Service should get in on this action.
The Republicans will never reduce the debt because the only cuts that would make a difference are the ones that are the most popular with their voters. Couple that with tax cuts and the math just doesn’t work for deficit and debt reduction with a Republican government.
Are they going to cut Social Security? No, too many older voters that depend on that income. Medicare? Nope, same thing.
Will they cut the military? Of course not, they wouldn’t be able to virtue signal about how patriotic they are.
They’ll surely cut the education and IRS budgets, but the education cuts wouldn’t make a significant difference and the IRS cuts actually increase deficits because then the IRS can’t go after the rich.
The Democrats wouldn’t cut any of those things either, but if the Democrats increased taxes for top earners and top-earning corporations, and implemented a wealth tax, the increased revenue actually could reduce the deficit.
This is the kind of thing that both parties should be able to agree on, anyone defending this ridiculous system is likely some kind of corporate shill.
Having a federal website to file has been a great step in the right direction. What’s preventing us from going further? Oh, Republicans think it’s anti-business because then TurboTax can’t make their billions, got it.
So selfless
It has been working out fine for the greedy so far, but is that really sustainable in the long term? At some point if greed isn’t checked, there WILL be violence.
Detecting if your employees are having trouble doesn’t sound that terrible, The issue is that instead of getting them help from another employee they are doing some useless BS.
It seems like this system is designed to limit a corporation’s liability for hostile work environments that are created by a combination of corporate negligence and shitty customers.
I find it’s easier to explain this to people as “Southern conservatives used to vote Democrat, now they vote Republican”.
There are some better ways to address this than what this post is advocating.
For example, why should a corporation buying a residential property be getting the same (or better) interest rate than an individual who intends to buy it and live in it?
Why should that corporation be able to deduct expenses that an individual could not if they were living there?
There are ways to give the individuals a leg up over the corporations in the market without something drastic like this that has no chance of happening.
The cover is related to the story, but I believe this cover was also used for a three book anthology which included other stories in addition to “Say Cheese and Die”. The main character acquires a camera that either predicts the future or causes bad things to happen… he takes this picture of his family at a BBQ and then die in a car accident or something.
Passkeys are phishing resistant, or so they say… but the web app still needs to let you in with password + 2FA… So I’m not sure how much that’s really worth.
I guess if the users are typically never seeing a 2FA prompt then it should be more suspicious when they see one?