Yes! then you can have other mental health problems to distract from your existing ones.
For best results, try Gentoo.
I use Arch btw. Got the sexy socks to prove it.
I use arch in my boxers. Usually haven’t made it to socks, but if I had arch sock you better believe they’d be sexy. I use arch btw.
Sock pics or it didn’t happen
The proof that he uses Arch is that he told you about it. Arch user confirmed.
Was more interested in the sexy sock pic tho
Not on this profile daddy.
Where do I get these socks? Wait! Did I just fall for a drop-ship scam?
Arch users are the vegans of the Linux world
Shadowsocks is sexy.
I heard very desperate people also use Linux From Scratch. Might help. Might induce neurosis.
I did that once, then went to install a package manager, and realized I was just basically building Arch, so I deleted the VM.
I use debian but I got enough mental health problems already… like somehow I cannot backport packages, gimp doesn’t work on wayland, it puts me back to tty occasionally, et cetra.
I love it though
gimp doesn’t work on wayland
Ouch. It works for me on Debian 12 and Wayland 47.
I like Krita way better, anyway, now, though.
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Yes brother, may they be blessed with the stage 0 tarball.
Blessings for hours and days.
Gentoo is for everypony!
Frustration is not a mental problem, it’s a perfectly normal response
Uh huh, uh huh, and what about obsessiveness?
I use Arch, BTW.
Use and maintain lfs/blfs setup for peak misery
If I could give awards I’d be doing so on this comment. Absolute gold. 🥇
I use Gentoo, that distro is rock solid and easy to use.
And I build my own kernel. It’s really not that hard.
Can’t focus on mental problems if you’re too busy reinstalling arch.
Damn you’re right…I should install arch
My brother used to endlessly recompile Gentoo. I like just watching the terminal scrolling. Hmm, maybe I need a gentoo-compiling-simulator…
Its a bit like having an ant farm or taking the hood off a complex machine and watching it work. I miss compiling in Gentoo.
Hey guys, what distro do you use?
I’ve never had to reinstall Arch! Never! It’s probably the most stable system I’ve used. Additionally, I didn’t update one for 3 years, and when I ran a system update it worked perfectly.
just set up shell scripts to help yourself reinstall arch
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I’m about to need some therapy with the computer problems I’m dealing with, I tell you what.
Or you could just lean into your mental health issues and try TempleOS.
Holy C is best C
I used to be all fucked up on drugs, now I am all fucked up on Linux.
Hooked on Linux worked for me!
Haven’t got time to do drugs now that I’m using Arch.
But have you heard of NixOS? In case you still have time left…
Psst… Have you heard of Rust yet?
I have nightmares where the borrow checker is shouting at me incomprehensibly about the literal bugs and I shoot them with the clone laser and the borrow checker stops shouting for ten seconds, but now there are two bugs for each original bug and Tim Berners Lee floats by saying it’s not very idiomatic and I shouldn’t expect to get to work on time if I just keep stopping along the journey to spend all my time cloning the bugs.
Haha. On a more serious note, it gets better over time. I recommend keeping a really functional programming style in Rust and only opt out to imperative programming, when it just makes sense (e.g. to optimize, avoid allocs etc.). I’d say Rust is currently my most productive programming language, because I mostly avoid the time-consuming debugging part due to the strictness.
Thanks for the encouragement, kind fellow former redditor.
This is 100% true
Please leave reddit comments on reddit where they belong.
No-no—he’s out of line, but he’s right…
Even Reddit has rules against low effort comments in lieu of upvotes. They don’t enforce them, but they have it as a rule.
I don’t care that they were right about their “this”-style comment. I care that they thought I should read that instead of someone else’s comment.
It’s all about the signal:noise ratio.
shocking: users of open-source reddit alternative like open-source things
There’s a fine line between liking something, and obsessing over it to the point you’re evangelizing strangers against their wishes.
evangelizing? Evangelizing!? EVANGELIZING!?!?!?!
Yeah that’s fair, carry on.:-)
Every church needs their evangelists and missionaries. And the Church of Tux is no different or better than the churches that have gone before.
It’s a people thing.
You mean the people commenting on the Linux communities?
Not much “against their wishes” if they keep looking there.
Yeah but what if your option is objectively better even if not anyone has your exact usage?
refrains real hard from proselytizing
Can I interest you in the word of our lord and savior Dick Stallman?
Tell that to chromium
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You know what, this is the first time I realized this even though it should be obvious. It makes so much more sense now.
Okay but have you considered
Was this an official thing?
What do you mean Was? Ms. Cirus still uses it.
There’s hardware and everything.
I googled my symptoms and it says here I have “compatibility issues”.
In all fairness my mental health IS better since I’ve moved to Linux.
Turns out constant ads, AI crap I can’t disable, the feeling of being spied on and other corporate tech-bro soul-sucking shenanigans is not great for one’s mental health.
Funny enough my mental health has been improved by watching Star Trek. Whenever I notice myself doomscrolling at home I’ve started watching it instead. It’s something I’d always meant to watch and I’m enjoying the concept of people trying to live up to higher ideals
More people should figure this out. Star Trek is essential to a healthy media diet.
I also recommend a regular dose of stand-up comedy.
I would do that, but a lot of standup comedians have taken to ranting against people like me for daring to be offended when they insult us. I miss when I could just throw on any random standup comedy and have a good time without having to check if there’s a transphobic rant in it
Annecdotaly, has a good number of LGBTQ employees, seems conscious not to shit on people, and has a growing library of stand up.
I think you just described why being on social media is bad for our mental health. Or most of the internet now really. I’ve never had ads or AI shit in the tens of thousands of Windows deployments I’ve had to push out at companies. I also don’t have them on my families personal machines.
It’s a bad move by Microsoft to include that shit… But it isn’t them that got my mental health this way. They are just falling into the well if everyone is shanking public mental health and making money off it … I guess we have to as well otherwise our shareholders quite literally will sue us for not attempting to make them more money at every stage all of the time reguardless of the harm it could cause.
Turns out capitalism might not be good for our mental health…
I feel you’re vastly overstating how bad Windows is, to be honest.
Although I am still running 10.
Yeah fr I’ve been on windows 10 for years. It works fine. I don’t have ai or ads everywhere.
There are start menu ads in windows 10.
Not in mine.
mildly annoying at first but can be turned off in the settings easily
Fair enough but I don’t think there should be any ads in an operating system I paid for.
I don’t use the start menu.
I was talking to a friend of mine about this, very techy guy, has run Linux in the past etc. He said he just ran a de crapifier script on his current machine and carried on with his life.
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My recall what now?
I think people here assume everyone’s a computer person. I know how to get windows on a pc for free and it works fine. If anything ever goes wrong I just re put windows on my pc again and bam it’s new. I don’t have 5000 terabytes of anime I’m afraid of losing that’s separated across 20 different solid state drives. I stream shit or just re download it in like 720p so it’s fast. Windows works fine. I promise you my life will not be affected in the slightest when some criminal makes off with my recall database lmfao.
Recall is a database Microsoft (wants to) build that records the screen every moment you use your computer (yes, including the embarrassing stuff).
It does this to better help you with suggestions.
It’s going to end a lot of relationships in a very graphic pornographic ways, I expect.
But a few people will be delightfully (and graphically) surprised that their partner is also into their kink.
But most importantly, all data that gets stored eventually gets breached to someone who shouldn’t have it.
So we expect to hear a lot more about (and experience a lot more) blackmail (alongside ransomware and financial crimes) in the next ten years.
Oh, no! If only I could open the local group policy editor and set the recall policy to disabled! If only I could also enable bitlocker on my drive to prevent and *criminal *from being able to get to data on my drive! Whoever is going to steal my laptop is going to simply take it to a pawn shop to sell it, they’re not looking for the pictures of my cats anyways.
He’s too far gone to be reasoned with, Recall is going to collect all his passwords and a bad evil hacker is going to remote access his computer and steal them.
I can feel the spittle from here.
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I’m going to be honest with you, this is pretty tinfoil hat.
The noose around your computer’s neck isn’t gonna get any looser, until and unless you cut it off.
You legitimately need help.
It’s not even over when you switch to Linux as I found out.
“You’re not using Arch? What’s wrong with you?”
“Mint is for idiots who don’t understand Linux.”
I can confirm. I use Mint and I don’t understand it.
I jumped into Garuda headfirst. Whenever I get around to hopping I’ll probably pick something Debian based. There’s more support
I tried using Debian 12 instead of Arch. I ended up installing my apps with the Nix package manager. Debian provides Firefox ESR and an old version of NeoVim. I didn’t want to add more repositories to apt, as I have had some bad experiences in the past with conflicts in backports packages.
Eh, fuck ‘em. I’ve been riding my Fedora install for nearly 3 years. Never distro hopped. Never found an issue with it.
It just pisses me off that people told me for years to switch to Linux and when I finally did, it wasn’t good enough for a lot of them because I wasn’t using the right flavor of Linux in their view.
But yeah, Mint is fine for my needs- a web browser and a handful of applications- and I’m going to stick with it.
Every community everywhere has a-holes. Live your best minty life
I can relate. if you let people tell you what you should do, you will never feel satisfied because there is no consensus. People are addicted to pointing out negatives and telling others what they should be doing. I am an arch user because of imagined people telling me I should.
I realize now I that this has impacted my life in many ways. I am working to uncover the difference between what I want, and what I think i should do because of what my brain thinks people expect of me.
It’s the hobbyist issue. “You don’t [hobby]‽ Learn it!” Followed by “Do more [complicated/expensive/expert] version.”
I’m really glad I switched, but I’m a casual. I shouldn’t’ve taken the die hards into account when switching. You don’t need or want to learn an instrument on the most expensive version. You don’t need or want a high end carbon fiber bike to get into shape and do grocery runs. And you don’t need or want to learn on arch unless you’re certain you want to spend a lot of time learning.
In the past 5ish years linux has entered viability as an “I just need a computer and this seems like it might be better for my needs/wants”. We should trust them about as much as the people saying to drop thousands of dollars on a top of the line bicycle for groceries.
And you’re programming you can still do most of the terminal shenanigans that are enabled by linux
Fedora was actually the last version of Linux I used, back in high school on my old HP e-Vectra. Fedora Core 4. What made you pick Fedora? I’m going to be switching to Linux before Win 10 is end of life, and there are so many more options than there were in the early 2000’s.
Fedora is a very solid, no nonsense distro. It gives you a vanilla Linux experience, with sane defaults out of the box. You get major updates every 6 month shipping newer version of the core stuff (kernel, desktop environment, etc). The Fedora community is dedicated to deliver a reliable OS and tests a lot before shipping updates.
It’s my favorite desktop/laptop distro for many years.
However, there are a couple a pitfalls to avoid. If you go for it, follow some beginners guide to get you sorted out with things like codecs and proprietary drivers. E.g: Things to do after installing Fedora 40 - I would definitely recommend to do steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 from this guide.
I’m going to be switching to Linux before Win 10 is end of life, and there are so many more options than there were in the early 2000’s.
Fedora isn’t my distro of choice, but I can confirm it’s an excellent no-nonsense choice. It gets the job done with minimal fuss.
Isn’t that Windows?
Those are legs
Technically the truth.
I thought that was the - clever - point to make. :P
Can confirm :3
Linux is the operating system of the effeminate punk nerd. Also of the dude who looks and talks like a wizard
And of actual wizards, thank you very much. And none of this is accidental - effeminate punk nerds are good company, and people who look like wizards… …help prevent assassinations.
I increased my antidepressants due to ArchLinux
I use Xanax, BTW.
ngl it sounds like a distro
If based on reality, I’m sorry to hear it and how it gets better soon. As a Linux user for over a decade, this is extremely funny.
Now, have you heard of Plan9 from Bell Labs?.. /s
No, but I’ve heard of plan 9 from outer space.
After decades of hearing how bad that film is, I finally broke down and watched it.
The incredible terrible reputation that precedes it doesn’t even remotely do justice to how very very bad it is.
But also, it has Tor in it. That’s pretty cool.
Plan 9 From Outer Space is the benchmark for b-movies… and it’s a really low bar.
It’s useful if your mental health issues are caused by Microsoft. For example, if I ever have to go through another license audit, I may have a psychotic break.
You put it out in the universe. You’re doomed to go through another one!
(I’ve been in IT for 10 years, I don’t wish this on my worst enemy, sorry for your luck.)
You paid for your windows license?
My company did (via dell) for employee workstations. Microsoft puts you though a site audit if you have anything they ever made. And if you have some products you also end up paying prices for things they didn’t make. “You have network connect phones on the same vlan as a windows server? Here’s a license for each phone, that’ll be $8000 please. Now lets talk about all your printers…”