HL2 soundtrack? HELL Yeah
HL2 soundtrack? HELL Yeah
Just wanted to thank you both for this discourse! As somebody who’s interested in AI but totally ignorant to how the hell it works, I found this conversation very helpful! I would say you both have good points. Happy days to you both! 🙂
Yeah, I played the 2.0 vanilla for a week or so after the update came out (comes with quality and elevated trains mods), then bought the DLC and it loads in as a mod as well.
You are my people, lemmings.
If I could give awards I’d be doing so on this comment. Absolute gold. 🥇
Yeah discord let’s you too! On the actual desktop app, at least, unsure about discord web… I believe I used teams’ pop out in browser feature once, though!
Yeah, right though?! Who tf thought that up! Unusable
Best fucking thing I’ve seen in my whole life 🤣🤣🤣 fucking incredible
Yeah that shit was my final straw when they released it. Between sluggish behavior and instability, their focus on BeTtEr ShUfFlE was too fucking dumb to stick around.
I’m working on buying copies of all my main tracks and have otherwise fallen back to my old-ass mp3 collection from ages ago. Never going back
actual pic of my bro n I. Not cool man
1- proof I have actual family not fake and
2- offensive description of my actual existence bro, not cool if I could change how I look I would’ve years ago but Verizon got me locked in with that killer speed proprietary to my sick hardware, nothing I cloud do. T9 will always be faster that touch keyboards you can’t convince me otherwise
(Does bad grammer & missing punctuation add or subtract point from my internet argument skill-rank? Really shooting for that bronze, over here!)
Speed run strats. Give me the half hour in 5 minutes.
HDBaseT is cool, except in my experience the transmit/receive units get WAY hotter than I think make any sense. We used then at my last job for AV solutions, both ‘high end’ Crestron units and cheap Amazon.com randos - they all got HOT to the touch!