Please don’t let it be my pacemaker again.
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
Please don’t let it be my pacemaker again.
Small phones cost the same to manufacture, have a smaller battery and less surface area to radiate the processor’s heat.
So all the specs are lower, but you can’t adjust the price accordingly, so they wouldn’t sell.
Concorde was cancelled because one crash instantly turned it into the least safe plane statistically, and demand was dropping.
He’s not thinking about other girls, then.
He’s thinking about other men.
Downvoting this won’t change history, by the way.
Fun fact: In the EU, you can’t do this.
What people think Europe looks like:
What modern Europe really looks like:
The Greenland thing is serious. It’s full of natural resources, important to control when the Northwest passage will be ice-free and Russia claims it, too.
Annexing Canada is the “look over here” thing.
Medium rare is the way steak was supposed to be eaten.
Except in today’s climate, the way steak is supposed to be eaten is not.
That’s not how I remember it from school.
…Ooh! It tastes just like raisins…
In ancient Rome, businesses fought over the right to put up free public toilets.
Then they sold the piss.
And the government taxed the piss.
So it’s a sex toy, got it.
From the rulebook:
Every race has a certain number of legs;
each leg has a certain number of successes required to race on it, determined either by the DM or by randomly generating the track.
Failing means the lesbian falls behind the racers who successfully navigate that leg.
Making out with another lesbian works exactly the same way as racing a car.
Let’s hear what the oysters are up to…