Why not just call it Subaru racing?
There’s a guy on my block with a Subaru with Moron Labe, Occupy Mars, and NASA bumper stickers.
It’s not relevant. I just think the positioning of stereotypes is funny.
And no, he definitely doesn’t use it to go off-road, ever.
One of the most fun ttrpgs I’ve played was XXXXXtreme Street Luge.
It’s a game about the underground street luge racing scene. There are no rules for street luging. Every scene takes place in a character’s mom’s basement, after a race. Everyone roasts each other for their street luging.
You have a stat for how much like dwayne the rock johnson your character is. If you’re actually dwayne the rock johnson IRL, you can max the stat. A rule specifies that.
I’m gonna need a link to this, because the only results when I search for it are you mentioning it
Apologies, it’s only 4 Xs, not 5. Also it was vin diesel rather than the rock.
Searching for “Xtreme street luge rpg” gets me a drivethru and RPG geek link, among others.
Magnificent, thank you
From the rulebook:
Every race has a certain number of legs;
each leg has a certain number of successes required to race on it, determined either by the DM or by randomly generating the track.
Failing means the lesbian falls behind the racers who successfully navigate that leg.Making out with another lesbian works exactly the same way as racing a car.
Making out with another lesbian works exactly the same way as racing a car.
So true
Every race has a certain number of legs
this has been my experience with most rpgs
As well as nearly all biology
I need to find a group of lesbians to play this with. Nothing in this world matters more
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omg, it’s real https://archive.org/details/car-lesbians/mode/2up
Two dongs way up
This is a board game? What?
There was a trend for a while on /tg/ for creating ‘one-page’ games. The premise and every rule must fit on one standard page. I think my personal favorite was Road Rage Crab Truck Drivers. They were meant to be played quickly, in one night or so, as a break from a traditional campaign that would take many meetings, like D&D or WW games.
I personally like Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf. It’s great for creativity and teaching players that losing can be fun
I really want road rage crab truck drivers now
I must have forgotten the name. Apparently it’s Big Mothafuckin Crab Truckers. See here for the pdf. It’s amusing, because apparently this conversation goes back and forth between this and car lesbians.
Wanna make a party? Sign me up.
Hotness, and car