The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
As teenagers, we were drinking at a friend’s place while his parents were at work. One of us found his mum’s vibrator and chased everyone else around the house with it till it broke.
His sister heard about it and told her mum at family dinner. Their mother replied “Well it works now!”
One of my favorite Simpsons jokes is when bart refers to the “Fe-mailman” and lisa corrects him with “fe-mail carrier”.
You’re blaming people who shoot their mouths off online for a fascist coup orchestrated by russian and US oligarchs?
Apologies, it’s only 4 Xs, not 5. Also it was vin diesel rather than the rock.
Searching for “Xtreme street luge rpg” gets me a drivethru and RPG geek link, among others.
One of the most fun ttrpgs I’ve played was XXXXXtreme Street Luge.
It’s a game about the underground street luge racing scene. There are no rules for street luging. Every scene takes place in a character’s mom’s basement, after a race. Everyone roasts each other for their street luging.
You have a stat for how much like dwayne the rock johnson your character is. If you’re actually dwayne the rock johnson IRL, you can max the stat. A rule specifies that.
Reposting popular material isn’t a reddit thing, it’s a human thing.
There will always be someone who just discovered that whatever from a couple years ago and likes it enough to post it. The larger the user base, the more common this becomes.
It’s worth remembering that immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens and are more economically productive.
Not only should we act against these ICE raids because they’re inhuman fascist theatre, but because the make the country less safe and poorer.
Creating memes mocking them is not ignoring. Encourage people not to buy from amazon or post on facebook instead.
The moral panic about tankies is a waste of time that distracts from focusing on the elites destroying our planet and emiserating the lives of disadvantaged communities.
Ignore the tankies, mock the fascists.
I would’ve gone with Fus Rule Dah as the title.
I’m saying the need to instantly and constantly denounce tankies is tedious and counterproductive. I’m saying that policing the boundaries of leftism based on dumb shit said online is a reactionary distraction.
It’s not about defending tankies it’s about people who are constantly shifting the focus of conversation to the most mockable section of online lefties.
The ruling class don’t waste their time distancing themselves from qanon, they focus on furthering their class interests and emiserating the poor.
Liberals who are constantly calling people tankies are helping the ruling class.
underage and the prostitute is committing statutory rape
So the ethical issue for you is that it’s illegal?
decide as a society that any underage can make the decision to hire a prostitute or none of them can
As a society we’ve decided that no one outside of Nevada can hire a prostitute, regardless of age. But again, this argument sounds like your point of view is that breaking the law is unethical - or have I misunderstood?
Endocannibalism - eating people from your own group -has been practised as a respectful part of funerial traditions by a handful of cultures across the world and may have been more widespread in prehistory.
Totally unethical
What specifically do you feel is unethical in this situation?
I’m curious because for me, behavior that harms no-one cannot be unethical. I see no harm, so I’m very interested to know what part flags it as unethical for you?
You may be punished because:
==please incorporate the word rule in your post titles==
Maybe put an R the word “SCHOOLS”?
state is, ideally, composed of elected representatives
oligarch-led private armies oppressing people.
They’re the same picture.
Elections are a venue for competiting oligarchs - US elections are largely just a wealth check - with the bonus that afterwards people feel they’ve chosen their oligarchs and are less likely to notice that 90%+ of elected representatives only represent the interest of elites.
I do the same thing at work when I need mentally ill people to do what I say. “You can do what I want version A, or do what I want version B, which one?” always works better than “Do what I want!”
I agree that violence management is a very difficult problem with no easy solution. But I don’t think giving full control of legitimate violence to the rich is the best solution, which is what a state of elected representatives does.
I always heard the tip of the tie should be at your bellybutton, making the rightmost imagine correct.
There should definitely be a gap between your tie and pants, it looks super weird if not.