That’s probably the best bet for us regular folk, but the problem is that she probably knows that she really doesn’t need to go anywhere near as hard as she could to get every serve past us
That’s probably the best bet for us regular folk, but the problem is that she probably knows that she really doesn’t need to go anywhere near as hard as she could to get every serve past us
Other fun stuff from the same poll:
Probably not a tonne of people responding to a British polling agency’s survey play basketball, but otherwise yeah. If we go by viewrship figures for the men’s final at Wimbledon, a little over an eighth of the country watches a game of tennis once a year
If you accept a lack of gears, a belt drive instead of a chain probably simplifies the most difficult part of actually making it. Best pick somewhere with good roads though, since you’re definitely not making pneumatic tyres or a pump to fill them with
It’s an Australian pelican, they just look like that
Ahh, just Namibia then by that rule I misunderstood Namibia’s situation as “national language” meaning “official language”. It doesn’t, Namibia has an official language and it is English
Wouldn’t including Belgium also mean including about half of Europe plus Namibia and Brazil? Like Italy has South Tyrol, Denmark has North Schleswig, Poland has Opole and so on
This is a consequence of the advertising market in Ukraine dropping in the first year of Russia’s full-scale invasion
Congratulations on citing an article about what happened in 2022 to attempt to disprove my claim about what happened before 2014. Please learn to read dates. This is the third time in this thread that you have either gotten them completely wrong or actively misrepresented them.
You’re retreading the exact same ground that I already went over with Grapho in this same thread
I wasn’t there either, but I do know that on his inaugration he said “Ukraine’s integration with the EU remains our strategic aim.”
Are you saying that since he was more popular in the east, he must have been against EU integration?
Why did they vote in the guy that said “For Ukraine, association with the European Union must become an important stimulus for forming a modern European state,” and that he was going to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement? That does not seem at all contradictory to me. His sudden U-turn on that was what got the Ukrainian people so pissed at him
Ukrainians already wanted to align with the EU. The US didn’t need to do a damn thing to influence that, a long history of Russian imperialism did it all for them
America spent fuck all on Ukraine in the entire history of its independence up until Euromaidan (pg 167). They simply did not spend “all that money”, because a single digit millions of dollars a year is a rounding error in the US budget. American spending on Ukraine in 2013 was 0.00024% of the federal budget.
If America’s goal was to put Svoboda in power, they didn’t do a very good job of keeping them there, did they?
I have read the Nuland transcript. She’s talking about the existing leader of the opposition. Of course she said Yatsenyuk was the guy, he was the goddamn leader of the opposition. He was the one guy avalable with the best democratic mandate at the last election. Yanukovych even offered to make him prime minister at one point.
Russia put troops into Crimea before the referendum, and the referendum was run by the occupying army. Do you normally trust occupying armies to run referendums about whether or not they should get to keep the land they’re occupying?
Perhaps if Russia was so concerned about casualties in the Donbas, it should not have invaded and caused hundreds of thousands more casualties.
long before Russia went in
There’s a problem with this, because Russia has had troops in Ukraine since early 2014, before Poroshenko’s government
Genderswapped Malenia vs Radahn
Here’s some behind-the-scenes about them
It was manually puppeted most of the time rather than being animatronic, but obviously with all the things that TARS and CASE can do they had to build different props for each one
It’s also Pale Blue Dot day! For those that haven’t seen it before, it’s a photo of Earth taken on the 14th of February 1990 from well beyond the orbit of Neptune. Earth is that single blue pixel.
Apparently our national men’s team is ranked 48th, in between fellow basketball titans Senegal and Sweden
I guess we don’t really have a British equivalent that is a household name recognisable to non-fans in the way the Williams sisters are. We’ve got a few men who fit the bill, but that obviously doesn’t work for the question. If you need to name a woman that everyone immediately knows is really god damn good at tennis, one of the Williamses is probably gonna be the go-to regardless of where you ask