Use f-droid. The apps may not always be as polished (hell, some play store apps look like they came out of 2005), but you can filter apps by anti-features such as ads, tracking, permissions, etc.
As for what you’ve mentioned:
The fossify repo of apps is privacy friendly, no ads, etc.
Fossify Voice Recorder (Record anything with this Open-source and Ad-free recorder) https://f-droid.org/packages/org.fossify.voicerecorder/
It’s unfortunate that bolding doesn’t really stand out on here (at least on jerboa).
I’ve posted and shared that excerpt about the white moderate, aka, the centrist, the fence sitter, the ‘I don’t want to take sides’/‘I don’t know enough to do something’/‘I don’t want to know’, people. (Am white, not moderate, yet surrounded by every type mentioned)
It is truly amazing and infuriating how so many people are content with being complacent and apathetic.
Sometimes, I truly hate this world.