.ml is on of the most abusive and censored communities I have ever seen. While I generally agree with their anti imperialism it ends there.
.ml is on of the most abusive and censored communities I have ever seen. While I generally agree with their anti imperialism it ends there.
When you install Windows 11 it suggests OneDrive, Office 365, and Gamepass. After it is installed it will push news articles and advertisements in your start bar. If you use Edge it will also land on a default web page used to advertise products, services, and media.
I think there are some distros of Linux like Ubuntu that does some of these things, but nowhere near what Windows does now.
Linux didn’t work on my random hardware!
Linux doesn’t have proprietary program X!
Linux didn’t work with my online game that forces you to install spyware on your computer!
Linux doesn’t let you know all the latest movies, products, and deals!
Linux didn’t make me agree to an EULA!
Something like that I guess.
The most obvious example would be the recent antitrust litigation.
But I think that falls into fighting to continue their terrible business practices.
The second is Google refusing warrants due to inadequacies. Google has stated they no longer respond to geofencing warrants although I am having a hard time finding data to back up this statement.
The third is a couple different cases involving private parties and state governments suing Google over violating privacy and illegally collecting data. Once again though, this probably falls under you definition of terrible business practices.
The fourth is Google’s transparency reports that expose request from the government. They have certainly received government pushback from this but I can’t really quantify this in any meaningful way.
Google should show what they think is right, stop giving them a free pass just because you want to. Companies have long resisted decisions issued by governments. Google has gone to court to fight many times but this does not even rise to that level.
The fact is this is the Gulf of Mexico and we should not be renaming bodies of water on someone’s racist whims. We may just have to respectfully disagree here.
Google is wrong here and no one is forcing them to do anything. They are now part of the problem along with anyone else conceding to this madman.
I do agree Aotus is the source, but everyone who goes along with it shares the blame and more importantly the shame.
So your entire point is discredited and all you can do is point fingers. By having even an ounce of self respect and just saying no would help end all this. Google and Apple are not beholden to this administration unless they want to be.
By your logic we should all load ourselves onto the trains willingly because they said so and, after all, we don’t want to get “political”
The real solution is to resist and not roll over. Pretending that act is anything other than resignation is denying the truth of what is happening.
This is perfect on the level of one on one human interactions.
When it comes to movements like fascism it just turns into kill them with kindness while they actually kill you.
I mean their logo is a fucking red target. Not exactly what I think of when I hear “gay friendly”.
He has asked to buy it several times, not sure where you have been.
Nice to see that Mush bought influence with Drump. I personally am not going to play the game of talking about them not getting along. These two clowns trying to play good cop bad cop when they are both heels is pretty stupid.
After reading that I think OP must have been exposed to a lot of lead.
They are both wrong.
The correct way is to argue passionately that your country has committed the MOST war crimes/genocides/human rights violations. Ya know, bragging rights.
I am not sure what you were trying to express with that. Half the articles show how Trump has supported Russian interests to the detrament of the international community.
It is clear you have not even taken the time to read your own articles. I am guessing you push so much conservtard bullshit it is impossible to keep up with the lies.
There is no doubt Russia heavily influences Aotus. Just the simple matter of bank rolling him demonstrates all you need to know.
I actually read all these as well.
The US most definitely uses its surveillance and propaganda system to influence the public. This was all exposed a long time ago.
The thought that Russia influences AOTUS is a conspiracy is probably one of the more bonker things I have ever heard though.
For sure stories were made up but anything short of of acknowledging that Russia has financially supported and heavily influenced everything about the current administration is pure conservatard garbage.
Texting is great for some things, but you lose a lot in translation. I have seen a lot of arguments that happen over text that would not happened on a voice call.
Shields o’ meat I tell yah. Best thing is you can always make more.
Please, this was washed a decade ago.
Ah yes, because those bearing the uncomfortable truth must be crazy. That was so funny I forgot to laugh.
Blocked for denying reality.