C’mon man, this information would be very handy.
But costs an arm or a leg to find out.
My mother had a personal experience with quicksand. Unlike the movies, its name is correct. She was just suddenly stuck in it up to her knees.
So now you all know.
Also, it wasn’t in the jungle, it was in Canada, so she had to rely on being pulled out by my uncle since no vines were around.
Fun fact, the “Quick” part of it is an old timey synonym of “Living”. So basically, Living Sand. It’s the same thing with Quick Silver (mercury).
Is that why that movie was called “The Quick and the Dead”?
Yeah, and apparently that phrase dates back to at least a 1526 translation of the Bible. It’s old.
That fact really was fun!
When a fetus starts to move: “quickening”
No, that’s when an immortal kills another immortal by beheading them and gain their powers.
Which historically is when some Christian writers believed the fetus gets a soul
This is a fun fact!
She should’ve just lassoed a passing moose.
A moose once bit my sister
Or reached for a maple tree’s branch.
Or held up a Tim Hortons coffee cup to attract the attention of local syrup farmers
Tangential, but quicksand is called so because it moves, much like quicksilver.
As a teen I was in the woods fucking around with my friend like teens are wont to do and I got stuck in some. I was quickly half calf deep before he helped me out. Overall that was a fun day.
Peanut butter. According to many scientist lava has the consistency of peanut butter.
This is dangerous information for me as I like peanut butter a lot. Now I must beware the glowing forbidden peanut butter.
The spiciest of spicy peanut sauces
Man I could go for some spicy peanut sauce chicken or something right now too.
Blow on it first,it’s hot.
I always thought the lava buckets in Minecraft looked really tasty
But have they actually touched it?
Yeah you can look up videos of people getting their hands wet and slapping molten metal, so I imagine you can touch lava under the same Circumstances?
I don’t know man, I’m not a lava expert
Whenever I see videos of them breaking into a fresh stream of it to collect some in a bucket, it looks less viscous than that.
(Maybe I’m just used to the bad peanut butter with the trans fats that keep it from separating, and the natural stuff is thinner?)
It is thinner, and would absolutely pour off a spoon slowly like lava.
What does it taste like?
Pizza rolls
deleted by creator
Isn’t it full of brimstone? So it tastes eggy?
What a cheap answer, peanut butter can be any number of consistencies based on temperature and is the first reference point for “thick substance”. I need a scientist to experimentally compare the two and fell me if I need gif or skippy and at what temperature and humidity.
Alot of pain followed by nothing except for a ring of pain around you the arm where the lava hasn’t completely burnt your free nerve endings off and pain in any flesh exposed to the radiative heat coming off the lava. So basically just a lot of pain.
Ring? In lava? Idk about that
Right? Don’t believe the lies of the Numenorean deep state. You’re being brainwashed by Elven space lasers! Can you really trust a man who would marry an Elf? It’s an abomination.
Sauron lives! The King’s Men will rise up, throw down the Elves, their Dunedain lap dogs, and claim Valinor in His name.
All praise be to Morgoth and his Chief Lieutenant Sauron! Hail the Great Eye!
Find out more on my blog.
oh my god
Lava is molten rock. It is still incredibly dense, if it wasn’t burning hot you could walk on it. How would you plunge a whole arm in?
Very dense, yes, but stuff can be very dense and have low viscosity at the same time. Lava has a viscosity similar to peanut butter is what I’ve heard. You can push stuff down into it, it just requires some force to prevent the stuff from floating back to the top.
You could in principle walk on lava, either by moving quickly enough that you stay on top, or by protecting your legs enough that you could sink in maybe around knee deep where you would float.
I feel like you are challenging me.
Mercury is denser than steel, but Cody could still plunge his whole arm into a bathtub of it if he tried
Maybe it was very hot
You mean I have to die to discuss your insights on death?
-Leonard McCoy, 2286
Aren’t you supposed to be dead from the radiant heat before you even get close enough to plunge a
ringarm in lava?No. Not all lava is the same temp.
Ah well good to know, in case I ever run into a lava pit thps3 custom park style I can know it may be safe to kickflip over.
I can’t find a legitimate source for this man actually existing. Do you happen to have any?
I have no idea if it’s real or a joke. Googling it is just showing me more memes.
I bet it was hot.
But you can’t be sure.
More like lose-a-limb-to-know basis
This is actually very fucked. He literally sacrificifed a few billion cells of his own, and now he is refusing to respond how to burn up less cells to reach consensus of how many cells it takes to feel lava.
It’s simple really. He didn’t. Lava is so hot, it vaporizes the water inside cells. His arm would have exploded.
I’m gonna take a guess here and say it feels hot. Very very hot.
Depending on how hot. Only for a bit as the nerves are destroyed. The body part near the lava that didnt get completely destroyed? Absolutely excruciating.
The pain doesn’t always stop when the nerves are severed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_pain
im not sure this would really apply during the whole, limb extinction event.
It would most certainly apply after.
It feel spicy
The librul deep state told him to not say!
Doing it awakens you, brings about awareness that libruls are transsexual mooslem communist lizards!