My favorite ravioli is peanut butter filled pretzel bites
My favorite ravioli is peanut butter filled pretzel bites
From the 1960s, it uses vacuum tubes and weighs 7 tons
It’s a consequence of how courts interpret this part of the US constitution. That provision was based on common law so i would imagine some other related legal systems might have something similar, at least historically.
In the context specifically of nullification, the CGP Grey video referenced by OP covers exactly this, but to summarize: the combination of that rule with another principle (that juries can’t be punished for their decisions) creates the concept of “nullification”. If the jury believes that a defendant is guilty but returns a “not guilty” verdict, the defendant walks and the jury can’t be held legally responsible either.
In criminal cases, the rule against “double jeopardy” means the government can’t appeal a “not guilty” verdict. The defendant can still appeal a guilty verdict though.
And the CEO would be the only survivor
Also in shitposts and comments, etc
SMH all these lefttrenders
They’re taking all our drugs and bringing jobs into the country 😢
This sounds like it’s gonna end with a portal to the astral sea
It’s especially perverse that they have decided the sin of sodom was homosexuality and used that as a wedge to exclude and dehumanize people, so that they can feel better about committing the ACTUAL sin of sodom that their own book clarifies is inhospitality to the outcasts and foreigners
You’re not fooling anyone, you’ll be stone dead in a moment
Pray we do not update it further
I don’t talk about the goblin friend because I am the goblin friend
The trick with that test is that they’re not looking to see whether you can do it. They know you can’t. They’re looking to see whether you think you can. If you show signs of believing it’s possible, that’s probable cause for a search. If you believe you actually pulled it off, you’re drunk.
Just not that one
Phineas, are you guys building a reactor in the back yard?
Ligma grindset