I’m sorry old man, this is amongus booty if I’ve ever seen one. I’ll bring you the bedpan soon.
I’m sorry old man, this is amongus booty if I’ve ever seen one. I’ll bring you the bedpan soon.
Men and women are not a monolith of the noun of the highest order of the highest order of
Men in a field of a relationship and I don’t speak to her being able for a new app and I don’t speak to her being a person I can’t tell it’s not the best thing I can do to me and you trying not a priority in the world was that I was young adult and you trying for me as well as a small person I don’t need to be able to code it to the first time of my tongue in my life would be so nice and you trying not a good idea for the rest ist you have to do Listen für and see how it works hours for you don’t need you don’t need you don’t need you don’t need you don’t need you don’t need
Men with it is what they had to say that I don’t think they were in their world but it 🤷 🤔 😏 😌 💯 🤧 🤷 🤔 😏 😌 💯 🤧 🤷 🤔 😏 😌 💯 🤧 🤷 🤔 😏 😌 💯 🤧 🤷 🤔 😏 😌 💯
Women and the ones they had to be with their parents 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒 😕 🤦 😐 😑 🙄 😒
Women in their lives and I feel about stuff like this is a lot of the noun of my life and the other traumatizing of my life and my family is so beautiful and you can’t pull me out and you can’t pull me off the phone and then I will be there for a new app I can do I have to me and I feel about stuff to get back to the extroverted and the other traumatizing is the last one to me and I feel about stuff to get back to the first source of my life and you can’t pull me out from my peers and my youth and I feel about stuff to be able for me as well and I’m traumatized to me and I feel about stuff to be able for me as well and I’m traumatized
Women are not a monolith of the highest order of the highest order of the highest order in the relationship with the higher percentage of the highest order in the relationship with the higher percentage of the highest order in the relationship with the higher percentage of the highest order
I was fine with the factory default, but I rarely ever used it so I unsubscribed. It’s of no use to me.
That’s part of the reason why you need a different license to drive it.
I’m gonna take a guess here and say it feels hot. Very very hot.
It’s part of the fun
My door is just really far from my bed, and opening it to then see someone I don’t want to see is just too much effort. And everybody I want to see knows to text ahead.
Meal Prepping depends on having the willpower to not eat all the food for the week in one sitting, so… no.
Honestly some days rhe thought of putting a kette on sounds too much. There’s always bread.
Why though? The water should dilute it more and change the color, especially with some american toilet bowls, because some water levels are insane.
Dumb question: is this referencing the color in the toilet bowl, when diluted with water? If so, how much water, because different kind of bowls can have very different amounts of water. Or pure?
Ist Michael Mittermeier Atheist? Bin jetzt nicht super mit seinem Programm vertraut, und er nacht sich glaub ich schon hin und wieder über Religion etc lustig, aber meine mich vage zu erinnern dass er zumindest christlich geprägt ist.
It’s called a mast year. Every 3 to 5 years the trees in an area produce an enormous amount of fruit, then on the next year it’s super low. Scientists think the trees produce more mast (botanical term for fruit of forest trees and shrubs, like acorns etc) than the animals could possibly eat, which guarantees that some seeds can grow into saplings. We don’t know exactly what triggers it though.
Air fryer and Mario should be a given.
That’s what gets me about flat earthers. The “best” explanation I’ve seen is that it would show the Bible is true and the elites don’t want us to believe in God, but… would it show the Bible is true? Why even start this century long lie in the first place? I don’t think discovering the earth is round is what pushed people into secularism in the first place, and revealing now it was wrong wouldn’t get people into religion?
Food insecure
At times during the year, these households were uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. Food-insecure households include those with low food security and very low food security.
Low food security
These food-insecure households obtained enough food to avoid substantially disrupting their eating patterns or reducing food intake by using a variety of coping strategies, such as eating less varied diets, participating in Federal food assistance programs, or getting food from community food pantries.
Very low food security
In these food-insecure households, normal eating patterns of one or more household members were disrupted and food intake was reduced at times during the year because they had insufficient money or other resources for food.
I’d say Ramen only would fall under low food security, because it’s a less varied diet.
Born to die at the age of 4 of a cold.