High fashion is just taking the piss
High fashion is just taking the piss
Never forget what they took from us.
What were those medieval people on and can I get some.
‘You can’t have this’ - the baby
‘You lucky bastard’ - the man
Just change an important password somewhere, have an important file/tool at home somewhere, or make yourself unmissable in any other way
I think this might be classed as industrial sabotage and might be illegal. I’m not a lawyer though.
I think there’s a danger in underestimating a government’s ability to keep a secret especially when they have the power to kill you and your family if you break it. While we shouldn’t overestimate the conspiracies they conduct (i.e. the world isn’t flat, we did land on the moon, vaccines don’t cause autism). I think it’s reasonable to suspect that your government is keeping some important information out of the public eye. Oft for the reason of “national security” aka, it would be embarrassing to us if this leaked.
Join a union.
It’s all part of the process of manufacturing consent. These people are paid propagandists working overtime to dilute and disrupt the revolutionary ideas that the ceo shooter had when he pulled the trigger. The rich are scared; this is literally what keeps them up at night.
Murder is an unjustified killing. Killing somebody who is socially murdering people is a form of self defence and is thus not murder. Don’t try and change my mind. Not condoning any action though and I would prefer if the CEO got a jail sentence instead (but that would never happen).
If you kill a poor person. All murder is a crime if the victim is rich.
The corporate media has been consistent in their response to both.
If I know anything about among us it is that it’s very pro corporate and anti-violence. No one and I repeat no one who played that game could have killed anybody. The police have the wrong guy. It just doesn’t match his character. The jury must find him innocent. If you are terminally online like me and you live in Pennsylvania or new york I implore you to tell your less online ‘normie’ friends and associates about this. If they are brought upon the jury they must know about how unlikely this makes as a suspect.
On unrelated note, jury nullification an interesting quirk of the US justice system. I think they will find it quite fascinating to research. Let them know about because they would probably find it very interesting. Spread the word guys.
Now I would never advocate for jury nullification because it’s illegal. Even though if you did do jury nullification there would be no way to punish you and Luigi would go free with the state having no ability to charge him again for the same crime. I would never say that if you are aware of jury nullification to not bring it up when they are selecting witnesses and, I certainly wouldn’t say that once you get on the jury you should not explicitly mention jury nullification but instead protest the fact that you have reasonable doubts and encourage others to also have reasonable doubts because of the aforementioned jury nullification being illegal. I would definitely not do any of that.
I’m convinced. I have reasonable doubts that the police got the right guy. The jury should find the same.
‘Your honor, the jury requests to see the defendant shirtless to verify if he really is the shooter’
Same energy
This was self defence. Insurance companies conduct violence on a grand scale. The adjuster just defended himself.
Mayy has so much sass