I wake up every day grateful that I’m not into speedrunning.
I wk ∆ evryday gr8tful tht im no in2 spdrning
Beat you. Git gud grub
I weak delta?
The greek keyboard speedrun strat. The delta looks like an “up” arrow so he can shave off 0.02 seconds and he doesn’t need to write the whole word
Honestly, that strat went out the window once we got the ^. No need to waste time using the Greek keyboard exploit, expecially since the top runner was found to be using macros to emulate anyway.
^ needs 2 keypresses, shift+6. You might as well just type “up.” Also note that the speedrunner here used a capital i, also an excess keypress, except for the fact that you’re allowed to be holding a key down before you start. Just a bit of showing off, I guess.
But if you hold shift since the start you can practically type ^ in 1 press, or in this case 1.5 press would be more appropriate
That would make I WK ∆
No, unless you’re using the 5 finger style it’s proven a non-dominant stroke is negligible since 6 is in the C1 vector and shift is in in the A4 vector.
Yeah as it happens I’m not very good at this thing
I chase weak deltas for gold splitz all day long homie
I wyk ^ ery day g8fl tht im nt n2 spd rnnin
Nah, I win
The funniest thing about this comment to me is it probably took like four times as long to type out as the original.
I stand corrected!
👁️ 🧍💅
I used a wrong warp in the cloud level to trigger the ending credits from the second letter.
I wk evday gr8ful I no in2 spdrning. Boom even faster
This feels… less efficient
And yet stenographers can type at an ungodly speed.
wakeup(){ while(day){ if(!speedrunning){ me = grateful; } } sleep(86400); }
A TAS run?
The feeling is mutual
I’m not that familiar with the speedrun community, but no way they do much checking for any runs that aren’t reasonably in contention for a top spot right?
Lol I’m sure that’s how it works. There’s just no way otherwise.
They often don’t even properly check TOP runs
I can’t remember which game it was but one of them said they checked the splits and looked at either the harder parts of runs or where they runner shaved time the most. Makes sense to my slow ass that looks at mostly mario64 streamers and can barely BLJ
Now I wanna see the SW that compares the 2 runs and shows where one got faster so you can zoom in there…
I used to be a speedrun verifier for Portal a while ago and in general we’ll reject anything that looks like very little effort was put in it. For Portal this would be runs somewhere above the hour mark, but obviously this varies for other speedrun communities which I can’t speak for. For actual runs though it’s common to watch them on 5x speed or faster as it’s still relatively easy to catch someone breaking the rules at that speed. It also drastically speeds up the time it takes a run to get verified for such a popular game with a limited amount of volunteer verifiers.
I was the first person to do a 25x Inbounds run and I felt bad that someone had to verify it. It took like 6 hours with multiple instances, though, I doubt they actually kept track of the whole thing lol
I’m going to cheat to get the worst time ever recorded
My God, this guy has taken longer to beat the game than the amount of time it’s been available. How is that possible?
Time Skip, he divided by 0
Fallout 2, 13 year in-game run, any %.
Some of the more competitive games don’t even demand that you submit a video of your run if you aren’t in contention for the top 10. Some games you can just “claim” a time and you’ll be added to the leaderboard.
Depends on the game/community I think. There’s probably common tells for different games - eg if it’s obvious someone picked a good seed for Minecraft. Probably don’t have to watch the whole video, just skip to a few critical points.
Depending on the game that could be decently fast
For Factorio, its blazingly fast but also insanely slow.
Now I’m curious
You’re better off with space engineers at least you can get off planet once you build a large enough factory
100% Breath of the Wild run takes like 20 hours
So damn much Yahaha!
You got the top run to my heart, dad Picard Maneuver.
Thank you, Vincent. I’m very proud of you.
Stop treating him like a child he’s clearly an adult.
they watched thousands of multi hour videos? that is lunacy 😂
If you take the meme at face value, sure. I’m sure they have to validate some runs, I’m also pretty sure they don’t extend that policy to 2500 spots down the list.
… but weirder things have happened.
Most runs in general do not get scrutinized unless something about the submission is suspicious in itself. The community is very tight knit and there is nothing to gain from being on the leaderboard but clout.
The top speed runners get all the riches and bitches.
If I recall correctly there are games like final fantasy where the world record is still 2 hours long
there are a lot of games that take over 24+hours to complete
I heard you like Baten Kaitos 100%?
I don’t even remember anything about that game but the twist.
I’m not sure why a 100% would take that long though.
Edit: Oh, right, the cards would evolve after a certain time, and one of them takes two weeks.
So the speed run is really just “how long does it take to get this one card.”
Pretty much yeah, the runner still has to plan his two weeks pretty much to the minute and a whole lot of time save comes from optimizing menu navigation as time to evolve cars doesn’t pass on the menus.
Man I honestly don’t get why anyone would try speedruning a game that takes 24+ hours to complete even if you skip half of the game
Hugo One has a novelty run of San Andreas (novelty meaning it’s modded, e.g. Chaos Mod, Randomizer, and non-competitive because it’s not an actual category) that’s almost 70 hours long
No…this is SPARTA!
No, this is Patrick
Sir, this is a Wendy’s…
That’s got to be the worst speedrunner I’ve ever seen.
But you have seen him.
firth, secoth, thirth
what if you spam them with 182 16 hour speedruns
then you’ve lost 2912 hours of your life
edit: hours
you did the math
Poorly, I might add
i did a little misinput
with a cos of 6 i got 2,959.697160616 and i will remove the number past the dot so i get 2959 something
i have no idea what i did
edit: i guess hours?
17.613 weeks
or 123.3 days is 2959 hour’s
That dumbass with paper plate mask ruined it for everyone.
Being a moderate already is sad, being a speedrun mod is even more sad
And what do you do for fun?
Lmao based.
Hey buddy, let people have hobbies. There’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to get really good at beating a game they like as fast as possible.
People can do whatever they want. Some things people do is sad. This is one of those things.
And posting shit like this on an internet forum is even worse :)
No it’s not, it takes me seconds to type this, it takes them hundred of hours.
yeah, in total you’ve only spent a couple seconds on forums, right?
What does this have to do with being a speedrun moderator
why do you care so much about other people’s hobbies?
Some people spend hours enabling a community to compete with one another. You spend hours here arguing with strangers.
Which one is more sad 🤷♀️