It’s honestly pretty sad how believable a theory that is
It’s honestly pretty sad how believable a theory that is
Agreed it’s honestly pretty sad how so many games are “multiplayer” when without any sort of public chat or communication or anything it might as well be single player with NPCs that tea bag you on occasion even then I’ve noticed that people have stopped tea bagging so you don’t even get that as a hint that there are people playing with you
Wow turkiye I would have assumed he was American considering we are the ones that are all about guns
The problem with having a keyword list that it reacts to might cause the bot to flip out at normal people. For example the hoster might think someone trying to do something like you see on this post might use the word “prompt”, so when it sees the word “prompt” say “I’m not a bot!”. Then someone who doesn’t suspect this being a bot might say something along the lines of" let’s ignore faulty weapons and get back to what prompted this war. So tell me what right does Russia have to Ukraine?“. Because the bot only sees the word"prompt” it will just ignore the argument and say “I’m not a bot!”. If he decides to make the bot ignore prompts that say “prompt” he’s going to have a bunch of debates the bot just gives up out of nowhere randomly, or just ignores the most random of points.
I’m not much of a harry potter fan but wasn’t that the whole point of being in hiding
What if we combined the two together perhaps we could even call it mmm a bus!
Oh they have a row it’s just empty like the user base
Can I at least keep my pants on or is the nudity required to make this work
At first I thought this was a light hearted shit post but god you talk like a Jehovah’s witness
Idk why my mind went to the snes satiliview thing where they had a satellite broadcast your game in a way it was kinda like the first live service game
Eh depends often I jerk it on the toilet so I don’t have to clean up at all. And if I feel particularly lazy I can just nut in my foreskin and walk to a toilet and release it into the bowl.
It’s over Isaac. I have the Nobel Peace prize.
If I recall correctly isuku midoria had a six pack before he got his powers and he was considered weak at that point
This baffles me. Like we blame social media but like don’t you have to read the UI comments and titles. Especially when you are using a phone in general. Like init being illiterate kinda like having your phone set to a language you don’t understand.
I’d argue that infinite 1 bills are worth less than infinite 100 bills. Because infinite 100 is infinite 1 times infinite 100. Even though they effectively turn into the same amount that is infinity.
As a Vermonter that’s been told that we have a lot of British influences I’m surprised beens are not common in our diet. Like the only times I’ve ever had the chance to eat beens is when their mashed up for the 2 times I’ve had tacos. Tbh I didn’t even know the Brits even had beens. Granted I’m presuming they are common over there due to the context of this meme.
Human milk is only really strange to us because we normalized drinking cow milk. I see no reason why it’d be odd for zotopia animals to drink cow milk as well. If anything I’d imagine they’d consider the idea of adults drinking milk childish. Irl most adult animals are lactose intolerant so I’d imagine most likely the ice cream in the movie is just sherbet. Ice cream in this universe is probably a dessert for children.
Da Vinci’s note book:“turns his smile into a grimice”
Someone correct me if I’m remembering this incorrectly but I do remember seeing a article explaining how we have discovered that plastic has been making men infertile due to the male body collecting micro plastics in the balls to the point that if not stopped in time the plastic will start killing sperms and making the man sterile Edit I think I found the video that informed me Upon searching I’ve found a lot of the sources claiming that there is a correlation between plastic count and sperm count seems to be coming from India which is odd but yet again if you want to study people surrounded by garbage India is the place to get a large sample size but I’ve also found some sources saying that plastic is more specifically affecting hormone production