Canadian, Stone Mason, Ex-Pat living in the UK.
My phone’s camera app just doesn’t scan qr codes. It’s actually really frustrating. I refuse to install a specific qr scanner, but I’d still like the ability to scan a menu code at restaurants or to get the WiFi connection at a hotel…
Hmmmm…I’d never thought of that…but goddamnit you’re right! Guess I’ll be telling the wife we need to pump a few out!
Nah, what he means by “traditional family values” is the women folk stay indoors, keep the house, pump out kids til they’re a dead shriveled husk, the men get to do whatever they want, sleep around whatever. And if they feel like the wife or kids are talking back they beat the everliving fuck out of em, and that’s fine because the wife and kids shouldn’t have been talking back to the man of the house…
He’s not a hypocrite, he just doesn’t mean the same thing you think he is with the words he’s using.
Patently false! They produce money for shareholders, by providing a really shitty way to pay for food.
JD Vance? Is that you?
I’m pretty sure lots of people can’t stop thinking about P25…
I never was arguing against that. Also I’m pretty sure their moral compass was pushed by the feds until he topped himself, so nothing about their bullshit has surprised me since.
Pffffffffffff…since when is it a good idea to get financial advice from randos on the internet?
I mean, to be fair, I’m nearly positive that the Reddit T&Cs will have said they retain rights to anything posted there for ages. And the AI bubble is already showing signs of deflation or bursting coming not too far down the line. Let them enjoy their first and hopefully only profitable year.
Ah yes, the OG rage quit. Love to see it.
I mean, fair play, but my comment was hardly real world accurate in it’s entirety.
Good shout though.
Clearly this is an action movie gun, where clip size is inconsistent.
Well. Either way doesn’t bother OP none, we’ve established that.
No, the if in this case acknowledges that it’s pee.
That you’re gonna have a long wait in the queue to pay for it?
Edinburgh specifically, but yeah.
Edit: thought I was replying to a reply to a comment I made on a picture of a sunrise in Edinburgh, yeah, first full day up here was a shock. “What do you mean it’s 30 seconds past 10 and the till won’t let you make the sale?”
Mine would be mostly the same as yours, but with the added:
Shame about not being able to buy alcohol between 10pm and 10am…
It’s not a bug, it’s the system working as designed