Suicide and murder are normal words as well. I’m seeing things like weed or cocaine blocked lately too.
Suicide and murder are normal words as well. I’m seeing things like weed or cocaine blocked lately too.
It’s a metaphor, doesn’t need to make perfect sense. Our train is the world we live in, you’re on it no matter what you do.
Fuck future me, that guys an asshole.
He’s more a fast food guy anyway…
The 4 seasons are worth watching. Most of it is actually really good, but it does get weird in the last season.
I think it’s more like
Red: State owned brewery is best
Blue: I diluted mine for more profit
Green: mine is just piss (horny)
Yellow: mine is just piss (no sanitation laws)
That’s not true. 10k steps a day is less than a million in a year.
Album? Hell, that’s a whole discography.
The cocaine collection
The heroin blues
Marijuana mellow
The ecstasy of sound
I think it might be a touch more than a trade war bud.
But harder to get out of the costume. Ask me how I know.
“He has to give me a new name. He’s already chosen it. He just has to call it out.”
Sounds like The Nothing from ‘the neverending story’.
And shell uses that 2 trillion to lower the price for consumers.
Bob gives all his money to the company execs.
More puppies? As in you already do this?
Also, the media makes sure it’s not reported as class war.
Look at Mr moneybags over here, with a shovel AND a broom!
I asked for a hooker, and she had 16 fingers!
Well the best explanation is many Santas. You’d think they would divide it up by region, each taking different Xmas celebrating regions. But they actually divide it up by socioeconomic class. So your children’s gifts really depend on how much your parents paid into the ‘Santa Tax’.
Some of us have touched grass before.
They did that to make it sound worse than it is.