Tonight we riot is a sidescrolling beatem up thats pretty leftist.
Tonight we riot is a sidescrolling beatem up thats pretty leftist.
Hi, jewish american here. I recognize Palistine, and I have a hard time understanding why “safe for jews” and “recognizing palistine” are mutually exclusive. Could you elaborate on that? Just so you know any answer involving Isreal I’m just going to call antisemetic since conflating jews and Isreal is antisemitic in the same way conflating China and chinese people is racist.
The xbox one/series consoles run a good number of 360 games dispite the fact that the 360 uses powerPC and the newer consoles are x86.
Sony is out here getting shown up by rpcs3 having about 70℅ of their listed games working perfectly fine by hobbyists reverse engineering the ps3.
Theres also the WiiU a game console so poorly marketed people thought it was a new controller.
A decentrailized linked list.
Well, a blockchain is a linked list with extra steps. Only having 1 entity just means it is centralized, not decentralized.
There are actually onions that you can do that with. I think the soil where those are grown is low on sulfer or something so the onion cant make the chemical responsible for making your eyes water.
Gonna be honest here. Last time I ever heard anyone ever being beaten up in a bathroom was back in high school. What are you doing in there that causes so many people to fight you?
You know its just a privacy thing right? Like “hey dont look at my dick” sorta deal. You know this right? Right? RIGHT?
I collect vintage and iconic computers as a hobby, and the only reason i bought a win98 machine was so I could play DOS games on the real hardware. But otherwise yeah, it can do most things youd use a modern computer for very well other than it shouldnt connect to the internet.
Yeah, now imagine every linkedin influencer posting functionally identical nonsense but playing it straight and acting like its inspirational.
Theres a reason the dog post got so much traction on linkedin.
Anyone out of the loop the dog pist says:
“Yesterday I was walking to an interview. There was a starving dog on the road. I stopped to feed him & missed the interview. The next day I got a call asking to come in to do the interview. I was surprised, but I went. Then the interviewer came in. He was the dog.”
Theres a few schools of thought when it comes to teaching math. Theres the camp that thinks that you should see 285 X 342 and figure out in your head its 97,470. Then theres the other group that goes, well we just need to teach them the concept and then the students apply it. Its people in the first camp that said you’d never have a calculator and just isn’t a realistic take on the world anymore. Very rarely do I have to sit down and remember what sin(30) is, but I can still do the trig work I’ve needed in my day job as a software developer.
Some old reddit comment by some guy going by wadsworth stated that the firat 30% of the video is useless.
I’ve personally had a grudge against sony for years now after they robbed me of otherOS, that combined with their rootkit BS and blocking me from paying for something with a giftcard because I don’t remember the 3 digit code on a credit card that stopped existing years ago.
For reference, I don’t trust either Sony or MS to do the “right thing” but MS hasn’t slighted me yet
Yeah, theres shit like the battle of blair mountain that everyone should look into.
Hey, my fellow 'Muricans, we actually took up arms here for our right to have a living wage
Hey, he’s also doing the lords work on there. After JBP posted some kink picture thinking it was some chinese consparacy, Robert Evans replied to every tweet of his with that picture to harrass the dumbass.
Robert’s also an anarchist who hosts behind the bastards which I strongly recommend.
PS4/5 does that unpack replace model for updates. Xbox on the otherhand applies the changes directly to the old version.
Yeah, I feel this meme. Lot of “why bother” energy with my friend group. We all know we’re fucked
Hey buddy, let people have hobbies. There’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to get really good at beating a game they like as fast as possible.
“And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.”