Just go to poor families and you will see how early children develop into adults. You need to take care of your brother, or work, or both. Money makes a huge difference.*Not only that, but it is a major factor.
I may make some grammar mistakes, but remind you, english is not my main language. I am very interested in learning, so feel free to correct me in a polite manner.
Just go to poor families and you will see how early children develop into adults. You need to take care of your brother, or work, or both. Money makes a huge difference.*Not only that, but it is a major factor.
Them like fish sticks 🤮
like I am gonna say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. The guy in the $4,000 suit. COME ON!
Brazil’s consumers rights department listed itens prices so stores can’t fake advertise them. Countries with regulations: ok, we can do Black Friday, but…
Yeah. That and you cut so many important parts of meeting your partner. This is a easy shortcut for people with low social skills. Cutting important parts of meeting someone, and being already in the I like you let’s X, usually ends poorly. You see some successful stories here and there, but there sre millions dating through apps.
Source: last two relationships from Tinder didn’t go well after the honeymoon phase.
Here, the government has a service that you go to and somebody tries to solve the issue for you (like a costumer support). The lady called Samsung, they had her on hold, and then returned basically saying “sue us”. She was surprised because the companies tend to reason when the government service calls to solve the issue, because the next step to solving it is a lawsuit. It was a journey with Samsung.
Dude, I had just moved, putting everything inside a cooler with ice in the summer. Delaying a fridge for almost a month was terrific. All this information made to the judge. If he thought this was a fair amount, I would mind a little more tho.
Something something they don’t go past the 3rd floor, but my address the whole time was 5th floor. The delivery was 2 weeks late and the delivery guy knocked on my door asking if I was going to carry the fridge, even though I had paid them to do that.
This would make they pay more for a lawsuit in a country that takes consumer protection seriously, lol. Samsung had to pay me 5k(35% to the lawyer) because they refused to deliver a fridge on my apartment. They delayed the delivery, had me hours on hold, insult and tried to fright me whenever they talked to me. The fridge was 4,5k and it got done within 10 months. So good luck to Mac Donald’s.
My brother adopted a stray dog. She is super thankful for everything. And if the front door is open, she may get outside but will beg to come inside afterwards. She knows how it works out there.
You got the top run to my heart, dad Picard Maneuver.
If you collapsed probably there were lots of bad stuff accumulated over your working time, but yeah, I get that. I had a job that made me life miserable (billing department over phone), but I was afraid to quit because, you know, we have to sustain ourselves. Everything will be alright, but you’ll have to start looking for something soon, lol.
Valid point. But, there are many reasons people are funny and like funny things. Sometimes I get the feel that I am laughing at something just to forget the harshness in life. Bo Burnham in “What’s Funny” explains it better:
"Humor is often linked to shared experience
Like, a guy gets up and says
“Have you noticed that public restrooms have really inefficient hand-dryers?”
Oh, my god! Yes, I have!
Ha-ha-ha, really good point
They should fix that…
It’s good to know that somebody finally gets me
Because my wife divorced me, which subconsciously forced me
To lose all sense of self
So, it’s nice to think about hand-dryers and not that cheating whore"
Take care of yourself my dude. Definitely not worth it, always reach for help and you’ll be surprised that people actually care! Also, therapy and probably meds, if you aren’t doing it already.
Would be better if you just started calling him she, they or it. You would probably be fired, but he would get the message. mostly wouldn’t you never know with them people
Studied about it this week! This meme is the reality that men take longer to really give space to their child. While women have to do it since conception, specially after birth. This according to 90s and early 2000s psychoanalysis. Since then, men are taking their responsibilities in parenthood. Nice meme as always, king.
I missed a job opportunity because in my CV I was 24yo, in the interview I said I was 26yo, then corrected myself and realized I haven’t had my birthday this year.
I remembered Mr Omar from Everybody Hates Chris trying to get the mayor that wouldn’t care for safety elected so his funeral business gets more, well, dead people.
I manage a family flat. The price is pretty much the half of the region + if the person doesn’t own a car, the spot can be rented for 1/3 of the rent. Since I rented it, it has been passed down to friends. The other lady that rented it just told me if it was ok to let her friend live there, with a proper contract.