Most of Lemmy’s user base is made up of tech obsessed weirdos with an axe to grind against other social media platforms.
Of course they’re going to be toxic.
Most of Lemmy’s user base is made up of tech obsessed weirdos with an axe to grind against other social media platforms.
Of course they’re going to be toxic.
G*mers are Stockholmed crazy style.
I see you know your references well
If you think it’s contained within one instance then you are the exact type of mark they are after.
Dude. The Russian propaganda flows freely around here.
That’s a How I Met Your Mother plotline
That would involve people actually doing something rather than waiting for someone else.
And even then you guys would fall into conspiracy theories because you can’t believe someone actually did something.
In my household the Fairytale of New York is never over
Jesus Christ dude. Pull your head out of your ass. You’re not Winston Smith.
You might want to read up the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (the person not the band in case you’re confused) assassinations are rarely fool proof plans
- Figure out how to access and identify their target (date, time, location, physical appearance)
The target was a CEO of a major corporation. And his plan just involved waiting outside the hotel.
- Take enough care to avoid immediate detection before and after the fact (Why suppressor that causes jams? Why 3D print vs straw purchase/private sale/4473 @ FFL? Why mask up before and after?)
Dude was techbro pilled out of his mind. So why not use a 3d printer, if he wasn’t a gun nut he wouldn’t know the issues his suppressor would cause.
- Flee the scene and the state before (allegedly) getting “randomly” caught in public with all the gear and then some more, and not some invisible forensic trail like gunshot residue on hands/clothes or a cellphone GPS trail to that morning?
Because real life isn’t a episode of CSI were the criminal thinks of everything but is eventually caught out with this smoking gun piece of evidence.
It beggars belief imo. Otherwise why not drop the gun immediately and peacefully wait for the cops at the scene to “say his piece in court”, or die in a police shootout, or a mad spree killing inside the board meeting that the CEO was going to that morning? Why stop at the one killing if you’re throwing your life away? Why NOT dispose/bury/cache the tools and evidence if there was a larger/long term plan?
What makes you think he had a plan? an actual plan that is. He was a well educated techbro, just because he could pull the trigger doesn’t mean he could handle what comes next. Probably didn’t think he would get that far.
Nice to see someone else gets it.
He was a young adult having a mental breakdown. He clearly wasn’t thinking straight.
It’s sad seeing a lot of people fall for conspiracy theories like this. Unable to handle the fact that Luigi wasn’t a criminal mastermind but just a regular person like them, only Luigi had the balls to do something about it outside of screaming anonymously into the void.
Yeah but G*mers aren’t smart enough to realise that.
Something something bear
Linux users should be included. After all they switched OS being they couldn’t understand how image formatting works.
Fuck Dragonball Z for what it did to my boy Yamcha.