Speak only for yourself. In the meantime, I use uBlock.
Inb4 they lock youtube behind DRMs with hardware authentication.
(Some apps don’t run on third-party OS like Graphene OS anymore, that could be the future of technology)
If they make it too hard I’ll stop watching. I have no intention of watching their ads (ads are psychological abuse), and they charge way-yyy too much for premium.
If they make it too hard I’ll stop watching.
Exactly. There is practically an infinite supply of entertainment with a wide variety these days. There are too many alternatives to care about any single source.
Yeah, at some point it will become just like cable TV, which I don’t watch, so… There’s plenty of other stuff out there.
The point you’re talking about was 2016.
Knowing what people are like, that won’t stop adblockers for long
Use third party clients
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Grayjay ftw
There’s also NewPipe
Or Tubular, if you want NewPipe with SponsorBlock included.
Speak only for yourself. I just don’t use YouTube. Like, at all. /s but not /s
I’d pay YouTube if it were $5/month instead of $15.
In fact, a couple of my favorite YouTube creators are on nebula.tv and I pay them $30/year.
Nebula rules I always make a point to check there first. Great for treadmill shows and stuff
Is a treadmill show just something you watch while you’re on the treadmill?
honestly i’m not sure lol. I prefer shows I don’t have to pay too much attention to but i always end up watching real life lore/geopolitic/news videos and get really wrapped up in them. I’ll probably classify them as shows that i watch in my own and not with my fiance.
Right I meant more the expression itself, first time I see it I think.
I’d pay YouTube if it were $5/month instead of $15.
It’s less than 5/month on the family plan IF you have 4 other people you’d like to share with
The family plan is the only reason I pay for premium lol.
I pay $14CAD for Crunchyroll and I don’t even use it that much. I use hours and hours of Youtube content pretty much every day. I also had Nebula but need to get that sorted again now that they aren’t with Curiosity Stream.
People will pay for a lot of stuff but ask them to pay for Youtube and they will lose their damn minds.
YouTube doesn’t even produce their own content. I’d rather get it somewhere else, if creators offer that option.
Sure, but considering just how much they need to store and serve to viewers at the highest speed I kinda get it. Look if it was $20CAD a month I’d definitely reconsider, and if they start putting ads in anyway I’ll cancel because I’m not paying to still see that shit, but for now it’s fine.
Netflix serves more.
I wish Nebula had official support for third party clients.
What I really want is a more decentralized approach. Hosting video is expensive so it would be idea if it could be offloaded to smaller community devices instead of huge server farms.
There’s Peertube but it’s a model that requires a lot more people to work well. I tried to watch a video but nobody was seeding. That was my first experience with it.
Doesn’t Grayjay have Nebula support?
No official support
Official support from Nebula or from Grayjay? I reinstalled and it’s definitely in there.
Support from Nebula
I’d gladly pay €15 a month if they guaranteed not to track me on the internet.
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Could just be that they’ve fixed their interface since then.
They would lose money with every user if this was the case, UNLESS they stopped paying creators entirely
Family plan is 5 or 6 google accounts for 22$ a month. That’s what I do
It’s one or the other. If you pay YouTube for Premium and don’t get any ads, advertisers don’t pay for your ad impression.
wish there was an option for “pay the platform the few cents the ads make” instead of me paying the platform a wild and ever increasing amount of money
Tbh I feel like they should take a ~30% cut from the creator tips feature and add that to a “ad balance” which would remove ads and subtract the few cents they would’ve got from the ad. That way YouTube gets paid, the consumer doesn’t get ads, and the creator gets encouraged to make good content.
You keep imagining some way how YT could get cheaper for you.
But in fact, ads are highly profitable, and if you buy a premium there’s a very transparent revenue share model. 70% of your money goes directly to the creators.
All your wishes are already fulfilled, you’re just poor and are trying to justify not paying with imagined arguments.
The thing that bothers me is the revenue doesnt go to creators that I watch. Its all pooled and divided out by view count across the entire platform. Which is bs. I dont want my money going to the top channels that i have zero interest in. A better system is dividing it out to the channels I view.
Thus why adblocking and patreon is highly popular…
Again you’re wrong. It’s counted directly by the amount you watch and goes to the creators you watch.
Or, equivalently, pool all revenue, divide by watch time, get the same result.
You can verify this by constructing an excel table of 10 users (rows) and 3 channels (columns). Assign random % weights of “watch time” per user per channel. Assume a constant subscription fee of 1. Verify that a column_sum is the same as column_average*10, where 10 is the total platform revenue, as there are 10 users each paying 1.
You are assuming a fair distribution of watch time over channels and/or over the viewers. In reality, some channels are highly popular and some are not. A few proportion of people pay for yt premium. Assuming the payer’s money get distributed equally to creators, the less popular channels get less amount from those payers. The question is, does google distribute the paid money according to each user’s view?
Then it must changed because thats not how it was when they launched it.
Most YouTube channels have a Patrion account, or something similar.
My biggest gripe about Patreon is that I can’t just do a one time donation, it’s a subscription to donate money to people. Cool and all, but I’m not rich enough to just give some of my income to people, I’d rather do small donations whenever I can.
I didn’t know it was a sub. Yeah that ruins the appeal.
Also Patreon takes a sizeable cut too
You can sub and unsub anytime. You just lose out the “perks” of being subbed the next month.
most patreons are at least $5 so if you sub to more than 2, you might as well be paying for YouTube premium
OR just pay the person directly.
Finally a non-braindead comment.
This can’t seriously be surprising for anybody, youtube with its on-demand unlimited video storage and streaming has to be one of the biggest money sinks on the internet.
Its the most expensive service ever.
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I would link one but any searches for it just return “YouTube premium is getting more expensive”
We all bought a free subscription to it for life with our data that they stole before we even had a sense of it being a problem.
And this is why peertube will never actually take off outside of a Utopian future of unlimited energy and a future where everything is perfectly distributed
Who is going to pay the hosting costs? Who is going to pay the bandwidth costs? Let’s say magic happens and the users donate enough for that. Who is going to pay the creators who that is their main source of income?
Now what will happen when people demand 4k content everywhere, and then 8k after that? That quadruples the cost of the bandwidth and hosting costs.
I absolutely hate hate hate subscription models and hate ads. There has to be a subscription model for any video hosting platform, and YouTube doesn’t split up into exclusivity deals like shitty steaming services to screw over the consumer for profit. So at least there is that.
Decentralized systems work extremely well for text and even audio-based services. Video is a whole other beast, especially long form video at high resolutions.
If a subscription makes sense anywhere it is for something like YouTube, totally agreed. According to YouTube stats 4.3 Petabytes of new data get uploaded every single day to the platform. That’s absolutely mindboggling.
This kind of pisses me off whenever people complain about YouTube pushing ads or charging money. It’s absolutely insane how much storage and bandwidth the amount of video hosted and uploaded every second requires. How could it possibly free?!
Bundled with YouTube Music it’s even extremely good value.
Spotify premium costs USD15.36 in my country.
YouTube premium, including YouTube music USD19.58.
That’s USD4.23 for no ads where I watch the most videos. Absolute no brainer in my opinion.
*and we block YouTube ads to not show ads
Ever heard of Elsevier? You pay them for the privilege of posting your article, and then they charge other people for the privilege of accessing it.
And they don’t pay the people actually proofreading/peer reviewing the stuff
Now that’s just comically evil. Who designed this system, Spez?
And in return, YouTube serves video and pays creators.
pays creators
Not enough. Otherwise creators would not need to include their own ads which Premium users can’t hide.
It’s not possible to pay enough to overcome human greed.
Not to money junkies it isn’t, but to people with a healthy senses of empathy it would be.
Premium users can jump ahead to “the next part of the video most users fast forward to”, which are sponsored segments most of the time
Lol Premium users pay for sponsorblock
I know this feature and use it when I’m watching on the phone. But so far it’s not available on the Apple TV app.
would not need to include
Yeah, I bet people like MKBHD are barely surviving without sponsors!
Sure, get the big ones out as an example…
Yea but it proves the point that you might as well take sponsors on top of whatever YouTube pays you
Of course. You said YouTube doesn’t pay enough, so I’m proving you that no amount of money will ever be “enough” for some people. I wouldn’t expect creators to just reject lucrative deals with sponsors because “they already have enough money from youtube”.
Even if it was enough, they would not leave money on the table.
Which is still bullshit, Youtube Premium payers should not have to sit through that crap. Pirates with sponsor block have a better experience than paying suckers
Piracy is a service problem…
There was a piracy poll in Norway, and a significant percentage of people said they would stop pirating if streaming was cheaper.
I scrape videos off of YouTube using Pinchflat which dumps them into a folder, predownloaded for me, which I then have connected to a Jellyfin server that splits each channel up as an individual series, ads and bumpers stripped entirely, and it automatically downloads videos as they release.
Paying sounded too involved. Make a google account, etc…
Who has the time?
Bro I think you just created a reason for me to build my next server. Thank you for this!
Honest? Wallet was on the other side of the room.
It was legit easier to run docker commands on my phone.
lol, np
Lmao nice
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not the first time capitalism asks you for money to solve problems capitalism created…
As a highly experienced software developer, I’m available for not writing software at a reduced rate of $45/hr, and I can handle unlimited overtime.
As a highly experienced murderer, I’m available for not murdering you and skinning your family alive in front of you for a low cost of just $40/hr.
You’re gonna murder and skin me in front of myself? I’m intrigued and have 40$ to spare
YouTube keeps uBlock functioning to keep me going to their website.
The thing with advertising is that the advertisers make more money in product sales from people who watched ads than they spend telling YT to push their ads. That’s just how the advertising business works.
In other words, either the viewers pay youtube not to show ads, or the viewers pay the advertisers to pay youtube (in a roundabout way).
So it’s just you paying in both cases, unless you use an adblocker :)
PSA: firefox + ublock origin blocks youtube ads even on mobile (on android at least)
People on iPhone can use “Firefox Focus” it’s a browser with no tabs, just a single window with Adblock.
Youtube sends me data, I simply do not accept it. Simple as. No higher argument is needed
Meanwhile YouTubers don’t get paid enough so they still show you their ads.
The bourgeoisie (parasites) pay the bourgeoisie (parasites) to make their service worse in an attempt to extract more capital from you. You give the bourgeoisie capital… to stop them from making their service worse in order to take your capital?
This is a lose lose for you and a win win for corpo scum. Use an Adblock, take to the seven seas, use platforms that are decentralized. Then it’s a win win for you and, added bonus, it’s typically parasite free.