Fediverse: extremely USA-centric, extremely left and queer. Dissent is punished as hard as posting Winnie Pooh on TikTok.
Fediverse: extremely USA-centric, extremely left and queer. Dissent is punished as hard as posting Winnie Pooh on TikTok.
That’s a far cry from how china suppresses protests. And really a small individual example. Overall there’s a clear freedom of expression and civil protest in the US. The same absolutely cannot be said about china.
True. Nonetheless, “women bad” memes aren’t a valid replacement. Please, kindly proceed to 9gag.com to find a community of like-minded individuals.
Bob Ross gets a share of the price for selling your soul to Google. He’s a tool in corporate abuse of humanity. Otherwise he would’ve long time ago quit YouTube with a clear public statement.
Facebook is a product that cost billions to develop. It scaled so fast at some point, they developed a big data framework on top of MySQL, cuz refactoring wasn’t an option. Their tech stack is the funniest chimera out there. And it only happened because everyone loved it so much. Facebook costs billions per year to run. And you get it for free. I mean, you pay with your data, just like on YouTube.
Lemmy, you show as usual that you cannot even basic math. You’re not entitled to criticize capitalism until you learn how to count. You sound stupid.
Top 3 upvoted post on lemmy for me, since I blocked all political content.
Tells you everything about your average lemming. Basement dwellers. This place is a queer wanna-be commie 4chan in disguise.
You folks need to go touch some grass.
And this image is just a clever rehash of those 🤷
Again you’re wrong. It’s counted directly by the amount you watch and goes to the creators you watch.
Or, equivalently, pool all revenue, divide by watch time, get the same result.
You can verify this by constructing an excel table of 10 users (rows) and 3 channels (columns). Assign random % weights of “watch time” per user per channel. Assume a constant subscription fee of 1. Verify that a column_sum is the same as column_average*10, where 10 is the total platform revenue, as there are 10 users each paying 1.
You keep imagining some way how YT could get cheaper for you.
But in fact, ads are highly profitable, and if you buy a premium there’s a very transparent revenue share model. 70% of your money goes directly to the creators.
All your wishes are already fulfilled, you’re just poor and are trying to justify not paying with imagined arguments.
You’re only allowed to have post-nut clarity in capitalism if you have earned a lot or better yet once you have a stable passive income. Otherwise, it’s money-horney talking in you.
And most of the days that’s what lemmy sounds like “I never had sex, this attractive guy has slept with too many girls, we gotta make sure there’s an equal distribution of girls among all of us”.
We can still talk about how that situation is unfair, but you’ll never convince me that you’re neither jealous nor horny.
Err, your immune system can cope with a bit of bacteria. But if you don’t wash your salad and get a massive load into yourself, your body will deal with it by extorting everything in your stomach. E.g. you’ll puke the entire night. You’re welcome.
No boomer reads whatever you, regular lemming, are reading.
Independent journalism is dead because journalists need to be paid. And you guys celebrate this? Yeah, sure, keep reading your “free” news. Just remember to ask yourself who do you think is paying for it and why.
Voter turnout is low on both sides. In your lame battleground states it’s especially republicans who don’t vote. If tomorrow you’ll have election with a 100% turnout, trump will win.
Oh, and he is wanted. By like half of the country. You better get used to it. Or are you against democracy?
They’re right, cuz you will find a great community of like-minded people.
Source: I’m a regular Linux guy.
2 seconds assumes an instantaneous reaction and perfect road conditions. In the EU they’ll teach you about 3s and at least +1 in poor conditions.
Wait about 12-13 years, and you won’t be able to get them out of bed before noon.
(Carcadian rhythm dramatically shifts with aging. It’s a reverse U shape)
If only you knew the joy of walking around the city at night. Not a damn soul. (Unless it’s the weekend ofc, then the streets are full and everyone is smashed)
The problem is, when they start with construction noises at 8am, this is all fine and legal, but if I come back at them with vacuuming at 11pm, I’ll just get a fine.
It’s ok, I run my drier at night. It’s enough to be annoying and not enough for anyone to call the police.
Meh, you’re just building an echo chamber. Everyone around is of the same opinion, everything against is downvoted to hell, sometimes bans are handed out.
And you are starting to believe you’re normal and you’re keeping your space clean of all the “assholes”. But instead you’re just way too far up your own ass most of the time.
Your downvotes don’t hurt. It’s just sad that this ambitious project that could’ve easily replaced reddit, turned into a circle-jerk. The content and opinion-diversity on everything that’s reachable from my current instance is approximately /r/antiwork. I could just go back and spend all my days browsing that one sub without any loss. But such pompous name “fediverse”.
You got nothing folks. Every community is about USA only and all the top posts are “trump bad”, “capitalism bad.” Like nothing else exists. You sabotaged yourselves. There’s no fediverse. There are 20-40k people chanting together “fuck trump, fuck musk, fuck capitalism”. On every instance, in every thread, on every topic.
And you know what, I agree with all three. But even to me you look pathetic. And as my multiple tests confirm, you do not accept any disagreement, and you cannot brin any rational argument to the table, you can only echo.