“Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.”
This post probably does count as “commentary about vintage memes,” but my comment also counts as an appraisal of the provenance of the meme. I can make it more appraisal sounding:
“While at first glance this appears to be an “I am the night” meme from the late 2000s early 2010s, closer inspection of the top image shows signs of being AI generated meaning this meme is much more modern. Fortunately antique memes are often more about the vibes, themes, and format of antique memes so it is likely this meme will gain several dozen upvotes in this community”
“Rolly. Polly. Pudding.”
My siblings and I will quote this scene in our best imitation of that rat’s voice randomly and no one knows what we’re talking about lol
Damn I miss watching movies with my sisters