My family knows I like IPAs but to them IPA just means the can has a weird design on it. Normally they’re good but one time they got a bunch of triple milkshake IPA and I can’t stand those they’re like canned bread.
hence nyancat but I don’t know where the poptart and rainbow come from.
Ya the inflection of the meow back is spot on for the tone of the conversation its hilarious! He’s got great comedic timing!
I have full conversations with my cats, I swear they speak english
Nice I love a good shitpost
I’ve seen 196 pop up a lot but i’m not in the loop, whats the community about?
Also theres nothing worse than a crowded lane-swimming pool with casuals when you’re trying to get a proper workout in. I never get mad about it, I understand why everyone is there and glad they’re making an effort but theres rules that need to be followed.
Yeah whatever floats your goat really. My brother used to load his backpack full of textbooks and do pushups/home workouts and it worked for him. To each their own as long as long as whatever you do is working and you use proper technique.
I’m in sciences and the AI overview gives wrong answers ALL THE TIME. If students or god forbid professionals rely on it thats bad news.
honestly i’m not sure lol. I prefer shows I don’t have to pay too much attention to but i always end up watching real life lore/geopolitic/news videos and get really wrapped up in them. I’ll probably classify them as shows that i watch in my own and not with my fiance.
Nebula rules I always make a point to check there first. Great for treadmill shows and stuff
tripple click is also a solid podcast on game news and stuff.
well now I want a megathread of all the best shortcuts.
so he’s a kyle. cool-aid kyle
The codex astartes approves