The kind of mother willing to have a kid with Muskrat
The kind of mother willing to have a kid with Muskrat
innocence is not a sufficient reason to overturn a conviction
Ah, a fellow lastthursdayism believer
There was a piracy poll in Norway, and a significant percentage of people said they would stop pirating if streaming was cheaper.
Fun fact: “pissa” means piss in Finnish
I have FTTB and I’m glad I haven’t experienced that. Always the 200Mbps that was advertised
I was a lot happier when I thought that was a rubber band
Do not try to download over torrent, it’s disabled in the free tier.
Found that out when a friend shared their screen on Discord and my internet went down lol. It’s all p2p traffic.
The internet would go down in a day without gay furry hackers
How else? I’m in bed right now and trying to lay on my side with straight legs I have to use some weird muscles in my body to keep myself from falling onto my belly or back
They did, but you had to pay a pretty penny to have one of those
Laptops also had LCDs. Just don’t move your mouse too fast or the screen can’t keep up and it’ll disappear
It was a woman on reddit a few years ago thar posted that meme of herself.
Oh look, a kid understanding what gay is without any difficulties. How could this happen??
The xm3 broke near where the head size adjustment is right? Mine did too, on both sides and a little super glue fixed them. I’ve used them almost daily since 2019.
You make it taller so you can work while standing, and lower when you want to sit.
My i5-4690k is definitely showing its age. Especially since I have a Titan X Pascal that gets bottlenecked hard. The cpu in my 4 year old non-gaming laptop is more powerful
Sometimes the ice is so bad I have to run the car for 10 minutes so the ice scraper will remove the ice
Looks like they work on Thunder, just disabled by default