Look at this useless comment here smh
/s ;-)
Look at this useless comment here smh
/s ;-)
The argument is quite a Stretch.
I bet most f-cars posters have a car, too. Maybe more than one!
Gulf of Mexico, for the small price of moving to Mexico.
I love OSMAnd for openstreetmap. Great for offline maps, and able to download whole countries in advance. There’s lighter weight apps now, I think; OSMAnd has lots of features, many which I don’t need, but I still love it after picking it up when it was maybe the only one.
Doesn’t do traffic (I don’t think?) and it’s routing used to be lacklustre. Search function still seems rubbish to me, but maybe I’m using it wrong. (If I’m searching for a place rather than looking on the map I’ll often use Google maps to get a lat/lon or plus code, then put that into OSM!)
2028: AI Jobs is stealing our Chinese.
After a suspicious-looking guide I nearly started with, and the NoxOS split drama, and having homemanager bork my login in a test setup, I wonder if next time I’ll try GUIX.
I mean, the word ‘which’ doesn’t matter, according to the English professor.
Sure, if you’re taking the joke seriously about money, looks and [removed], I agree they all matter to some extent.
“Which doesn’t matter.”
– English professor.
I think that’s the opposite.
Rich people will say, money doesn’t matter. But they haven’t experienced actually not having it. It’s ironic.
Attractive people say, looks don’t matter, but they’ve always had good looks. It’s ironic.
The joke plays on the way deleted comments on Reddit show up as removed by deleted user, sounding similar to the earlier ironies: Deleted says deleted. Since that last is effectively meaningless, and entirely different underneath from the reaction-to-judgement underlying the first two, it’s also humour from the non-sequitur.
So it turns a frustration with rich and attractive people telling us not to worry about money and looks, into a surreal joke comparing the pattern to deleted Reddit comments.
40.17619° S, 175.38531° E
Check here for milk from Bulls.
Ok but I did read that as ‘furniture’. We are the dog class.
And in return, YouTube serves video and pays creators.
Is that why they voted in Trump instead?
All right, but we’re doing the study on rats as per usual and extrapolating to humans. Please turn up at the lab Monday 9am sharp.
Like the steak in the restaurant at the end of the universe?
Wow. The thought that your Bluetooth chip might be a planned attack vector for a remote exploit…
At least it should be hard to exploit without physical proximity, right? Which makes it a bit harder to use en masse or at will.