Those scheming betrayers also left Australia out of the transport plan for EU members.
How much lead paint do you need to eat to see the loaded language in these headlines and think “yeah - seems legit.”
FORGET Australia 🦘… They left out the Greatest Country in the Galaxy/Universe ; 'Merica!!!
Even left it out in the comments section… Unbelievable
SMH 😒🙄
That’s Switzerland. (not a member of the EU)
Imagine speaking with such authority whilst simultaneously lacking such a basic understanding of Europe.
Which 70 cretins upvoted this arse water?
So the EU isn’t allowed to cooperate with a country (that’s at least part of the single market and contiguous continent), because they saw no value in including Britain, and that was a scheming betrayal?
What point are you failing to make here?
I don’t think that they’re refusing to cooperate. I think they’re looking after their own members and why wouldn’t they? Are you suggesting that they give the same benefits to member states as non-member states? If so, why wouldn’t everyone leave?
Are you going to adress that you don’t know the difference between Austria and Switzerland or am I just getting suckered in to feeding the troll? Coz if you’re trolling then you’re actually very funny but I’m probably too autistic to tell.
It said ‘Australia’, not ‘Austria’. You know, ‘Australia’…the one in Oceania. Probably highlighting the ridiculousness of a country so removed from the continet feeling slighted for not being included in plans for the EU.
You suckered yourself into looking like an arse.
Oh. Oops! Haha
Which 4 cretins upvoted this?
I guess some people like it when they see someone admit a mistake.
The horse is already dead.
deleted by creator
I’m pretty sure they also left Australia out.
This is from the Daily Express, which is a paper that’s full of these sort of ragebait, horseshit headlines.
Notably it was the first major paper to back Brexit. They should be delighted about this. Fucking mould-ridden wankstains.
If they identified themselves by hating anti-EU pieces, I imagine it’s hard do stop.
Ragebait for tories, perhaps. I find it delicious
I honestly thought it was sarcasm.
Ohh no how can they not include me in their plan after i burn the bridges with them
Oh no, the consequences of my own actions!
Why won’t the EU help me fix all these burnt bridges?
'Merica ; " why won’t EU take care of our homeless population and adopt them / refugee them to EU? I mean… We gave them like military bases n guns n shit… come on !
Dude, who cares about Australia n Britain being left out?.. They left my mighty 'Merica out of the picture! 😔🖼️ SMH
Wasn’t the UK govt also complaining about their tax money going into funding EU projects like this?
No one said they didn’t want these kind of projects. They just didn’t want to have to pay for them.
I lived in Britain during the Leave campaign and it was all about getting the benefits without the responsabilities or costs.
In fact, the sequence of political events that lead to the Leave Referendum was Britain in the EU trying to have less and less obligations whilst keeping the benefits of Membership to the point that eventually, when the UK demanded “otherwise we have a Referedum on Leave” to not to have to abide by Freedom Of Movement into their country whilst keeping all the rest including Freedom Of Movement for Britons into other EU countries, the rest of the EU said “No!”. After this, David Cammeron was under huge pressure to do the Referendum “to show the EU” and the rest is History.
The La-La-Land fantasism of the Leave side was always unbelievable, with everything from genuine expections of, post leave, having “Same Rights as Members With No Obligations”, to after Brexit “Other EU Nations will Follow Us Out”.
I would say that by this point it’s clear that whatever Britain is “showing the EU” isn’t quite what was in Leaver fantasies.
I’m definitely just a dumb American but I love how apparently “What is Brexit” was the biggest UK web search the day it got approved.
To be fair that is because it was sold to the public on outright lies and the readings of a couple of unscrupulous twats.
Johnson for example had always been pro-eu and reportedly had two articles written, one remain and one leave, and based his decision of which one to publish on which was more politically expedient for him, not on what he actually thought was better for the country.
Now departing Fuck Around; next stop, Find Out!
Especially true since the article comes from a paper that backed Brexit.
Scheming EU to make an EU travel plan for countries that didnt voluntarily leave the EU to pursue some racist bullshit propaganda that even the people who started brexit, deep down, didnt want, and never thought would actually happen.
It’s always weird to read stuff from the UK to do with brexit. That paper is clearly some right wing rag and the reality is that we are connected via the channel tunnel and all that this is doing is leaving us off the maps and probably the reasoble prices.
But people like to rile it up like we are missing out on some grand EU mega plan that is going to save the world. The EU has plenty of problems and is not some sort of nirvana. Would I rather be in the EU? Yes it is better to be part of something. However it is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and to be honest day to day it makes little difference to me. People in the UK are not crying into their union jack hankies, we have bigger problems like a completely corrupt and incompetent ruling class.
A “completely corrupt and incompetent ruling class” who have much more power now, after lying to the public and getting Brexit voted in.
Why is it better to be part of something? I hear people say that all the time like it should be obvious, but the concept repulses me.
“repulses”? That’s some mighty strong feelings you have there
Because anti-globalism is the most widely held opinion on earth. You can find people supporting it in every country and they use the power of infrastructure built up by countries working together to spread their message. It is like some weird variant on the paradox of tolerance. A nationalist can only recirculate their unoriginal ideas because internationalism existed for so long.
A bad peace is better than a good war.
Every time I hear about Brexit I’m reminded how 17 million people directly fucked up my ability to be part of something just to spite themselves. If you don’t want to be part of something then just take yourself and leave, don’t drag everyone else out too.
If 17 million people don’t wanna be part of something, go be part of it yourself. Don’t drag everyone else in too.
You played yourself.
Then why are you commenting by being a part of the largest network on earth?
Practical outcome in the case of the EU?
- Relaxed borders / Easy International Travel
- Easy to go work in another country
- Same currency (for most of it)
Probably more but that’s what I can think of right now.
EUxit? Didn’t the EU exit from the UK a couple years ago?
Nah… That was Russia
Other way around
Nope, it was EU sponsored campaign to remove UK. For obvious reasons
Edit: not sure if I’m getting downvoted for a lame joke, someone taking it seriously or just brits
I just assumed you were being serious, for obvious reasons. But as a Brit I find it funny
The Trans-European Transport Project has been ongoing since the '90s.
And since I was curious, here are the new guidelines adopted last week. Nothing revolutionary but an evolution in the right direction. I do find it personally interesting that the TEN-T apparently did not previously formally take into account military mobility…
TETP is just a nefarious scheme to dictate glorious typography to member states. Seriously that thing is good: Ridiculously legible and specifically so in “big font at long distances” situations, meanwhile both friendly and authoritative – exactly the kind of thing you want when asking for the way. No “yeah let me think where was that intersection” or “can’t you find your own way” but “Of course! Go straight ahead, first to the left, then the second right”.
Now if the EU would get around to telling member states that they should learn from each other in overall traffic and urban design, and follow the best practices that they can find anywhere. Which is diplomatic language for “Do as the Dutch do”.
New maps for Ticket to Ride just dropped
I would unironically buy this if they really just dropped the lines from UK so it just appears on the board as a blank spot lmao
Technically you would still be buying it out of irony but I get your meaning
What’s truly bullshit about this map is Hungary. To get anywhere, you have to go through Budapest and it’s been like this since the last 150 years, when it comes to rail. Even though it has at least seven metropolitan areas outside of Pest county with population above 100k… NOPE! You have to go through two of the three major railway stations of Budapest.
What’s worse is say you are a local to Hungary and you live east of the Danube. You want to visit Lake Balaton in the west. You have to take the train to Budapest. You then transfer by Metró to the other railway station. And then take another train to the lake. Three fares and two transfers, which might be fine as an individual but adds up in costs and stress if you are with family or have accessibility needs. And by accessibility needs I’m just talking about being elderly (who mostly travel free or at a very reduced rate) or a stroller.
Why is it set up that way?
Everybody in Europe needs to go to spas in Budapest. It’s medicinal. And required.
Our capitol was always overprioritiezed because of some kind of elitism.
I can only guess the reasons but I experienced this frustration when I needed to go from the very north to the very east of the country and still had to go through Budapest.
France is no different, going anywhere by TGV ? You’d best like going via Paris
Pfft, they’re lucky the French don’t bomb their end of the chunnel.
Knowing the french they are just waiting for the UK to look at them wrong so they can do that. After a few weeks of rioting of course.
Of course. The je ne sais quoi is rioting, always. As is the avec.
I imagine sad, regretful brits dining/vacationing are a boon to the economy.
Are those tunnels to ireland?
Under the water?
Are people not sketched out by that? That sounds terrifying
The dotted lines are ferry routes.
I don’t see any dots motherf- zooms in …oh.
Maybe with your name you should avoid the water entirely? Didn’t end so well last time…
Good god thats so much better
Ferries are pretty nice, we recently used them for a NL -> EN -> WA -> IE -> SCO -> NL trip and they were nice. Some of them had plenty of entertainment and felt quite nice, others a bit more run down but still fine. The best was taking the overnight ones, you sleep on board and disembark fresh and ready to go in the morning at your destination and costs less than having a separate hotel night.
The floating tunnels weren’t working out so well
They’re long range heavy impulse air routes using catapults…
Bridges, with a mid ocean interchange
The trains can fly… only to literally crash at the destination’s train station. Somehow, everyone miraculously survives every single time.
That actually sounded way more terrorist than I wanted it to.
Are You?
Nah, everyone must live.
“Daylight 2: Erin Go Bragh”
Are you spooked by La Manche tunnel? It exists.
Look at the one to Cyprus
I see two arrows leading into the UK. One across the channel and the other into NI, FFS.
Don’t like those arrows pointing at the UK, feels a bit Dad’s Army.
Two too many, if you ask me. They wanted out, happy they are out. Maybe help Scotland separate and join the EU again, but that’s where it ends.
Why not liberate northern Ireland and reunite it with the rest
Because some of the people there really wouldn’t like that.
It’s complicated 😞…
There’s a smidge more nuance to that whole situation.
I think the bottom one, at least, already exists and is the channel tunnel the Eurostar uses
The channel tunnel exists so already a direct link and all the usage without having to pay for it? Abit of a win really