That’s the best choice yet - hot peppers are one thing that all the peoples around the Gulf of Mexico have in common
That’s the best choice yet - hot peppers are one thing that all the peoples around the Gulf of Mexico have in common
can a president all by himself decide
That’s a really good question about a lot of things this administration is doing. As always, it’s some variation of no, but does that matter if no one enforces it?
I don’t if there is specific law, but I read an article a few weeks back detailing the dual process. Name changes should start locally and work their way up to Congress, then to be signed by the president. Obviously the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t have locals, but what happened to Congress? For Denali, it not only overrides the locals but ignores all the due process that went into changing the name.
However, I can see some small amount of blame to Biden for setting a good/bad example. Apparently the change from McKinley to Denali was a local request, locally voted, passed by Alaska congress, an entire process of making sure locals are heard. Then it sat in our dysfunctional Congress for years without any action. Joe Biden signed and went ahead despite it not coming from Congress. He did the right thing for the local people who had been requesting the name change for so long, and Congress clearly abdicated their duty. However, technically he set a bad example proceeding with something that should have come through Congress
He’s the only one with a flat screen: serves him right
It’s a good question, but stocks are a lot less logical than you may think. Bubble stocks, especially, are very emotion driven, very much FOMO.
For “boring” stocks, there are statistical models using all sort of financial data about the company, including things like assets, sales trends, new product predictions. Those stock’s prices will appear logical and relatively stable/predictable, but will make significant jumps either way as news comes out that may affect it. Investors buy or sell based on what they predict will happen, and make money if they get it right.
But for “exciting” stocks, this model doesn’t work as well anymore. The stock price is driven more by what people expect it will be in the future. Take Tesla stock as a great example. The price is sky high compared to the value of the company or its sales, very much unlike other car manufacturers what do you do when it’s still a minor company in vehicles sold, but the total stock value is far higher than any other? The CEO has made made some extremely ambitious predictions, that may justify the stock price, but are those predictions really going to happen? You may have heard in the news about investors “shorting” Tesla stock, usually represented as people who don’t believe in the future. The thing is, these were usually investors looking at the actual value of the company, the actual sales, even actual predictions of sales and deciding this does not justify that kind of stock price. They’ve usually been wrong and lost money, because the stock is not fact-driven, but emotion-driven. Now that CEO has come out with some extremely controversial views and is distracted from actually running his businesses, so that also affects the emotion around buying that stock. Will it still achieve the wild predictions? Do you have personally reasons to not invest in that person?
What is your perceived value of a stock? What is your prediction of how it will change in the future, based on how well the company is run, what their products, sales, and support are like, how their industry may change, and news that may affect them? For an established, stable stock, you can predict enough to reliably make money, but changes will be small so you won’t make a lot. For a new stock driven by hype, with the potential to revolutionize an industry, predictions are more like a gamble, more based on emotion than fact. However stock price changes in both directions will be big, so investors can make or lose a lot of money very fast, depending on timing.
Buying the dip tends to work when the stock drops below actual value or below their peers, when there’s reason to expect some sort of regression to the norm.
We’re currently still in bubble territory. This is more speculation, more gambling. You only have reason to expect more wild swings
Now is just as speculative a time to buy as yesterday. Stocks are unstable. Maybe someone will prove DeepSeek lied and stocks will explode again. Maybe they’ll be proven true and stocks will drop much more.
Not overvalued exactly. I believe the main point is they claimed to have used much much less power to train it, and that it demonstrates equivalent capability on much much less power.
There’s been a huge stock bubble on speculation of near infinite demand for datacenters, and NVidia processors. If DeepSeek’s claims are true, they just popped that bubble. We don’t suddenly need so many new datacenters. Demand for NVidia processors is not infinite, and their stock price is excessive compared to reality
It’s been a long time since fast food was any good. It’s addictive, maybe comfortable, but definitely not good. Break your addiction, especially now that you could save so much money
I’ve been using the wrong bathrooms all this time. I need to start walking into women’s bathrooms, saying “it’s ok, Trump defined me as female”.
as an almost middle aged, fat woman who looks like I could safely run for a Rwpublican seat, standing on toilets
I’m kind of worried about your safety now, since public restrooms don’t generally have toilet lids. Perhaps bring a stool to safely appear to be standing on the toilet.
My dreams have no technology.
Lately too many have been about peeing, and I wake in a panic. I feel like I’m playing chicken with myself.
When I was 12, most of the dreams I remember were about fire, spiders, or super-embarrassing myself at school. I do NOT miss them
Don’t do it. Those machines are the devil. Tempting you with the smells and tastes of some of the best bread ……. For me, I think it was close to a year before there was ever any bread left to put away, and my waistline showed it. I did have help, but ……
The tradition was to start a loaf after dinner every Friday and Saturday. Then id start video games with my teens, until the machine beeped around midnight. Perfect gaming break!
I really like the first half of the movie. That feeling of outrage as they try to get attention is just so well done. But the second half just gets too painful. I can’t watch it
I’m sure not much: Amazon is not likely taking a loss on all those $50 Echo Dots, but that’s a lot more than a thermostat needs. It’s also on WiFi and can play streaming audio, so that’s not nothing
My Ecobee not only has some fairly sophisticated software, a touch screen, and remote sensors, but enough CPU to run Alexa
It’s actually surprising that we expect so much from a smart thermostat. Wouldn’t it be far smarter to sell a dumb thermostat on a local iot network and put the smarts in your automation hub? People who want the extra functionality would be good with that and people who don’t would appreciate saving the money
Program it in increments?
My house has a lot of thermal mass. In the morning when the temperature comes up, it tends to overshoot and make the air temperature too hot after working hard to heat all that thermal mass. However I found it much more comfortable to add an increment: half an hour at a degree colder than I want. Now it can heat all that thermal mass while overheating the air is just playing into my hands
You’re fighting the wrong enemy. Google is correct to use things officially published as fact - they are not the problem.
The problem is Trump doing things where he doesn’t have authority, the other branches rolling over to let him usurp their Constitutional authority. That’s the problem. That’s what needs to be resisted. If there’s a way to define the locals who have naming priority, they have standing to fight