It’s called abstraction, maybe if you paid attention in class you would know what that is.
Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.
It’s called abstraction, maybe if you paid attention in class you would know what that is.
Do any full adults bitter about incidents of their childhood really think it was out of spite? I just want a simple yes or no. Like the teacher gets paid either way, and it must be awkward as fuck to drag a shy kid out a bit who is going to be wrong. I just wonder if people really really believe this was out of malice.
Johnny knows the answer, Johnny always knows the answer, Johnny shouldn’t even be in that class, and yes Johnny puts his hand up each and every time. Tim might know the answer, might not. Tim never talks. Tim is in big trouble grade-wise if he doesn’t know the answer on the next exam. So give him a nudge, make sure he knows that he doesn’t know, and maybe he will study. Cause if you let Tim just sit and space out they are going to get an F.
Anyway back to your bitterness. I am sure it is perfectly reasonable to be a 32 years old upset about being called on by teacher when you were 11.
The thing about five year olds is that they don’t communicate like adults. Also adults suck as well. Go work in retail or a restaurant for a week and tell me about how understanding adults are.
I have a client now who wants a replacement part that my employer hasn’t made since 2002, explained that and he demanded that I walk him through the repair process. Guy this thing was out of warranty for 21 years.
If I was a hetro woman and wanted good sex I would find guys with the crappiest cars possible. Those guys got nothing to compensate for.
Everytime I see a cybertruck or BMW or an oversized pickup I just think “nice car, sorry about the ED. You know they have a pill for that now?”
I love how the Bible compliers had to alter the ending to change the meaning completely. They couldn’t just let the emo-like ramblings go without comment.
No one reads that sentence in context. Here is the next sentence
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
Which is simply not true no matter how you look at it. Every idea still had someone think of it first and all but a tiny fraction of our technology is pretty freaken new. The whole poem is just a whiny rant by a person with an insufferable large ego.
I am an engineer who deals a lot with the waste sector. Garbage, recycling, and feces.
I strongly encourage everyone who is looking for a change or doesn’t know what they want to do to at least consider this stuff. Recession-proof, job security, decent pay, very few and small busy seasons, long vacation time, some really cool people to work with.
There are obvious cons. I don’t enjoy site visits. I deal with a lot of unqualified clients. Fuck Parsons and Jacobs so very hard.
Sometimes depends on area. The guys at the facility usually don’t.
I like my work my job however I am on the fence about.
Well lemmy knows best I have you know that lemmy last week told me that they only reason anyone goes to Thailand is for hookers. When I pointed out all the amazing historical stuff to see there, and included pictures of some of it, the group mind insisted that I was wrong and they knew the truth.
They just feels like a failure of the imagination. Load them block by block
Not him but I am pretty confident no one will pay to see my naked on earth. Literally all 8 billion of you mother fuckers and not one of you would give me a dollar for a nude from me.
Apparently not. I am still shocked by this. Next people will be telling me via fax machine that they still visit their barber once a year for a good bleeding
Huh? Those machines are still out there? I haven’t seen any since I was a small kid in a town of 300 people in the freaken woods.
Drive-thru bank pneumatic box slot
Edit: ok so apparently everyone except me is somehow stuck in the 1980s. And presumably buying betmax players so they can watch Robocop
It was the power tie.