You can be anti-genocide and still have enough of a working brain left to recognize singling out one political party at a time on the genocide in Gaza is a disingenuous argument, cause they both suck, and that specifically targetting the Dems ignores the part that Trump would happily let his good friend Bibi turn Gaza into glass.
It’s a dumb pro-GOP propaganda meme, and people that think shit memes like this have value are dangerous because they encourage voter apathy.
God what a transparently lame pro-Trump propaganda meme. Boooorrring, next!
Are any “undecided” voters actually swayed by this useless garbage?
I love seeing stuff like this, but I absolutely HATE that we are all still fighting for these rights and such basic shit is not long since codified into law. What the fuck.
The problem is it didn’t happen suddenly 😭
This is our chance to make this person’s dreams come alive by downvoting them into oblivion!
That’s clearly a daikon
Ahh, after all this time, the Socratic Method still reigns
Since we’re all dummies and you know the answers, please go ahead and explain how Google goes about selling heavily targeted ads to uniquely identifiable groups, but that they also are not “selling data”.
Are we being massively pedantic and saying that it’s not actual user data, but rather leveraging said data to sell ads to the anonymized targeted groups, who are actively tracked by Google around the internet so ads can be served up at opportune times in their browsing?
Because that dumb argument is like saying Oxford Dictionary doesn’t sell words, they sell definitions; or that McDonalds doesn’t sell beef, they sell hamburgers.
Sorry if I miscommunicated. No, they’re not selling your home address. But the idea that they aren’t monetizing your personal data aggressively is laughably wrong and heavily documented.
Literally everyone. Have you been living under a rock?
A man’s gotta have a dream
New maps for Ticket to Ride just dropped
Bah, that’s a double-decker butter sandwich.
A toast sandwich is a piece of dry toast between two other pieces of bread, toasted or otherwise.
The very literal Energy Transition policy of the clown car occupants that make up Alberta’s UCP government.
That’s your perineal raphe. In the womb everyone starts female, and that particular feature either becomes the scrotal/penile raphe (the scrotum seam) or the labia majora.
Is the one in the bottom left actually called “No Need YT Ads”? Cause I can’t find that one