Aragon has Numenorean blood. He could live past 200 and was like 87 in LOTR. Arwen is thousands of years old and was I believe born early into the 3rd age.
Aragon has Numenorean blood. He could live past 200 and was like 87 in LOTR. Arwen is thousands of years old and was I believe born early into the 3rd age.
Isn’t Low Carb debunked?
What does this even mean? Nobody that I know of has ever asserted that low carb diets are the only way to lose weight. Low carb diets tend to reduce appetite which helps in achieving a calorie deficit, that’s all .
Just like piss comes from the balls.
Next time they won’t announce it.
sir this is a Wendy’s drive thru
It works better because everything else is geared towards maximum monetization to the direct detriment of the user and the UX. Those alternatives suck simply because “working better” on its own is financially worthless to those selling this shit.
I agree with this post with 4 layers of ironic sarcasm.
Here’s my plan to stop the war in Ukraine. Start up a massive industrial effort to mass produce printed copies of that photo. Absolutely absurd numbers of them. Cut down forests if necessary. Load them into B52s and drop them on the front lines from high altitude to get a good scatter. Keep doing this every day for 6 months. Like 50 tones of that photo dropped every day.
I will now take exactly zero questions.
It’s pretty crumbly but honestly haggis probably has one of the most undeserved bad reputations out of any food. The 5-6 times I’ve tried it it’s always tasted great. They went to extra trouble to make this plate look like shit for the memes.
I remember the first time I used MapQuest and I was absolutely amazed that it could just figure out the route automatically.
The part where that matters. Your discourse is directly counterproductive to your stated goal.
If you cared about genocide more than how you look, you might actually say or do something productive towards stopping it
You can keep denying the truth of what you’ve proven all you want. You know your conclusion is nonsense.
This is vibes-based. The DNC will not cease support for Israel because the US State needs it for its Imperialist ambitions.
They can be made to cease unconditional support for Israel which is the only reason Israel has no incentive to work for peace.
Why do you believe organizing and building outside pressure has zero chance of success?
Probably because you and you guys have never provided a plausible possibility for how that would happen?
Why do you think the DNC will magically work against their material interests?
Unconditional support for Israel can be made to be against the DNC’s interests. But you have no interest in that. You just make noise.
Moral implications is actually the only outcome of voting in the US. BTW , when the situation in Gaza actually gets better, remember that this genocide was directly facilitated by people like you.
The only productive thing you’ve done is prove the opposite of that. You did by accident, but you did it.
There is significant anti-genocide faction within the democratic party that is trying to change things from within. There is nothing like that within the GOP. The only way to stop this (and the broader unconditional support of Israel) is through the democratic party. However small you think the chances of success of that strategy, leftists offer literally zero alternative paths to this outcome that have any chance of success.
It’s incredible that I had to chew this up and serve it on the platter before you could wrap your head around my point
Have you tried actually writing well?
You’re right that there is no solution to the problem in Gaza because it turns out that Americans are perfectly fine to let genocide continue and will do nothing about it. Glad we’re on the same page.
Cool thanks for proving that voting doesn’t have any moral implications on the situation in Gaza at all, so you all your noise can be safely ignored. BTW , when the situation in Gaza actually gets better, remember that you did absolutely nothing of any consequence.
Leftists have no solutions on Gaza. They just make noise. “Don’t vote for anyone who can win and change things” isn’t a solution and anyone who isn’t a child understands that .
No it’s not. Just more bullshit which is all you’re good for.
I suspect a bigger issue was lack of access to salt.