He shouldn’t go down the stairs with his balls while angry. Increased torsion risk
He shouldn’t go down the stairs with his balls while angry. Increased torsion risk
Writing is such an elegant craft.
Are you an anarchist, like you don’t believe any state can be “great”?
Or do you believe, somehow, that the US’s historical actions are unique?
Make sure to scream things like “yeaaaah, that’s it!” and “more, more!” when you do. You have reinforce the visual denial with vocal denial.
I followed this one chart and was instantly promoted to CFO.
We really did great work designing this fantastic flowchart.
I have a sick compulsion where I read the comments on websites, willingly bathing my eyes in filth.
Feels like the viewers of manga and anime are indoctrinated with their own tropes, forcing “titles” on characters just because they are expecting to see them.
<Female doesn’t align with male main character> “Ah, here’s the fucking bitch character she’s so fucking annoying why hasn’t the author fucking killed off already?!!1” It’s deranged.
I was wondering why this reply seemed so weird to me before realizing it was ultimately just saying, “but actually, what I originally said.”
I also didn’t explain why I thought my pedantic answer seemed more appropriate. I will do so here:
The instance admins are envisioned as [US] states because they hold general sway over a number of communities, in this metaphor “properties”. They have control, independent from over adjacent “states”. Community mods mirror “landlords” in that they own a “property”(community) and impose specific guidelines about how users, in this metaphor “tenants”, interact with the “property”. The “state”(instance) can arbitrate during disputes and generally won’t allow a “property” to apply guidelines that break their state laws.
Of course, the “tenants” are providing all the value. The “landlords” can also be replaced without much concern to the “tenants” unless the new landlord has new rules about interactions with the “property.” If the “landlord” has rules that are too annoying or even closes the “property”, the “tenants” might be annoyed but they can take all their stuff with them to a new “property” with different “landlords.” Maybe even move to a place in a new “state.”
If the guy with fridge says “no more fridge”, all the stuff in the house doesn’t get locked down.
I understand I’m being a pedant but it sounds more similar to a landlord telling their tenants that the house being rented is legally being moved across state borders. The landlord had house rules under the umbrella of state law and wanted a new umbrella. Tenants are saying “this state is fine and, fuck off, we brought all the furniture in this house.”
All choices depend on the degree of the power. How much can you lift with telekinesis and how dexterous is? Is magic cantrips, level 9 spells, or something even more arcane? To what level are the speed and strength “super”? Are you a “Captain America” super human or Superman?
Thankfully, my constant favorites are pretty definite: invulnerability and immortality.
What even is “psychic” and how is meaningfully different from “telekinesis” and “telepathy”? Is it bundling all the other -kineses? Yeah, I’m giving it too much thought but personally I don’t like discussions based entirely on everyone not having enough information.
You’ve gone too deep, bruv, you gotta come up for air.
There probably isn’t one and there really doesn’t have to be one. The ability to do it is a side effect of the versatility of the command.
I read it as:
Man: “That baby’s a goddamn pervert.”
Baby: “I’m a goddamn pervert.”
The show is called “Invincible” about a superhero with the same name, who is the son in the image. The father is patterned after Superman and is challenging.
Mormons also unlocked the “soaking” tech. I know some bros, so I’m golden.
The unknown individual who offed the healthcare CEO has been called “The Adjuster” in various circles for weeks, at least, now.
Yes, like a Silver Age comic book hero.
This is the second time in the same thread I’ve seen someone write “upside down” to (I assume) mean “insolvent” despite never seeing the phrase before in my life. Y’all all from the same town?
Pure, human lard
So, we’re doing shameplay? Not my favorite but ok.