Ive seen 2, max.
If this is your current state of twitch, its because you keep clicking on boobi. Quit clicking on boobi if you dont want to be seeing boobi.
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This might be a repost of an older meme when it was stíl true
Older meme? Twitch rolled back their barely nude positive rule by, like, the next day.
Well that sucks
I’d like to think that, but I just went to twitch to see what was up and i’ve got one “18+ 🥵🥵” in my recommends despite the only things i’ve really watched on twitch being like 24 hours of marvel snap to collect rewards in that game (i left it in a tab running in the background because why the fuck would i watch other people play something I can just play? but i wanted the in game rewards), some classic TNA (which despite the name is just wrestling) and the first iteration of watch forever (the ai generated Seinfeld).
So they’re definitely advertising it outside people explicitly looking for it.
That said i have no problem with it, if this is how people are making their bag in our capitalist hellscape, get that bag…
Ive gone actively searching for it and cannot find more than 2 at any given moment besides that one dude with the naruto pfp who is just autoplaying youtube twerk videos.
And one of them who frequently does the topless cutoff videos has already needed to up the ante by having 4 girls on screen at once.
Its not that big of a deal. There really isnt much to advertise. And its clearly not doing that well as a strategy to get viewers.
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Just not true. I don’t have a twitch account and visited to see what it’s all about and it’s all over. Even if you peek inside the just chatting category it’s a huge majority of the top content
Of anything, what you state is the result of content filtering for yourself and not for everyone at large.
Yeah, OP has “why do these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?” energy.
I’ll never understand how Twitch became as big as a thing as it is.
"So you’re telling me that instead of watching a fifteen minutes of nicely edited video of content I can watch for hours of a greasy man in a tank top play a game for four hours and get fifteen minutes of good content in the time span? "(Literally) “Take my money!”
A stream is a very different format for content, but that doesn’t necessarily make it worse - only different.
- As streams are live, anything could happen, so there’s the possibility for unexpected excitement and being a part of that as it happens
- Live chat can make a stream feel social and connected with other viewers
- Streams give you the ability to speak to the streamer and change the outcome of the stream
I think that the way people consume content has also changed. A lot of people watch streams “in the background” just as noise while they do other things, not in a way where they are giving the stream their 100% focus in the way you would with a short and well-edited video.
Stream chat is something I never understood… it scrolls way too fast.
Watch less populous streams.
Streamers with 100-1k viewers are actually able to read and respond to chat, and you will likely get responses to actually engaging chat messages.
I watch forsen a lot on twitch, and his chat streams at a hundred messages a second so no one will ever see your individual chat. It’s awesome because it’s like a hive mind at work. Everyone is spamming one emote, and then something on stream happens and then every single chatter simultaneously starts spamming another emote in reaction to that. It’s fun.
For me smaller streams aren’t fun because everything’s (generalizing here) super moderated. No unrelated chat, nothing negative, no backseat gaming, etc. It’s basically post something positive about the streamer or the game and that’s it. Of course if you’re watching your buddy with three other guys not applicable.
You’ve just described the two extremes of streaming and sort of just ignored the whole middle area
Nah I covered that with my second paragraph… Basically anyone over 100 viewers is like that.
I think your brain is so warped from hyperspeed scrolling chats that even people having what would be a normal conversational pace everywhere else feels like an absolute zero temperature.
I regularly watch streams with 500 - 3000 viewers and the chat is nothing like what you describe
15 minutes of good content in several hours? You might not be watching the best streams ngl.
From my view, I enjoy watching Twitch for two main reasons:
For the same reason I like watching live sports rather than a 15 minute cut of highlights - the feeling of experiencing events in real time, the payoff of seeing a big play unfold after all the anticipation leading up to it, watching strategies and counter-strategies unfold in real time, that kind of stuff.
For the same reason I like watching video essays, stand-up comedy, interview shows, podcasts, or other media where one particular person is the focus - that person is entertaining to me. They have a personality I vibe with, they’re funny, they have an interesting perspective, etc.
To a lesser extent, it’s also nice background noise. I can throw a stream on at the beginning of my workday and not have to fiddle with it until I’m done with work, because it’s a constant, reliable source of background noise.
As a genXer I don’t get it either. The model at the moment referenced here makes much more sense to me at least. Not understanding twitch is a real marker of shifts in generational mindsets. I think I understand tech, but I wouldnt invest in tech sectors as I clearly don’t have the instinct for it anymore.
If my kids were unmonitored, they’d probably watch game streamers all day, every day.
I rationalize it like watching sports, but I don’t really understand that either.
When you were younger did you ever watch a sibling or a friend play a game? Same vibe, but it’s a streamer you find enjoyable or entertaining.
Does the streamer trick you into thinking you are controlling the enemies too?
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When you were younger did you ever watch a sibling or a friend play a game?
My attention wanders if I’m not playing.
I totally understand that people might enjoy it, however. It just isn’t for me.
We fought because we both wanted to play. My father ended up buying two game systems.
I always did this. I let my friends play and I watched. Dunno why really. I still find it extremely hard to play single player games (or solo multiplayer), I just get bored. I need to either watch or play with a friend.
Watching someone play video games is straight up younger sibling energy. I don’t get it at all, but I was the older brother.
Seems like a lot of them aren’t greasy men in tank tops.
What makes sense is two things:
You can ask questions about the game and get a direct answer, often including someone showing you exactly the thing in the game you asked about.
Some streams are genuinely entertaining, such as GTA RP streams. These people mostly aren’t slobbering fat guys (though some are) but are actually working and acting the entire time.
Smaller streams make more sense to me. It’s like a virtual social setting, an old school chatroom, but with a focus of attention, and a guy kind of structuring the whole thing, and a guy who can be engaged with. Occasionally, the streamer can be cool, most of the time they’re kind of a goblin, though, so the good streams are few and far between.
Larger streams don’t make much sense unless you kind of view them as being like, the same appeal as talk radio, or something, because the chat scrolls way too fast and most of it is emotes, so most messages will never get read, and never have anything good to say in the first place. There’s not much of an advantage for any of it to be live content, it just sort of is a relic of the format. Sometimes you get higher production stuff, most of the time it’s just some bald asshole ranting about the prices of things in costco and doing other bad stand up bits.
Edit: Also a big appeal is how brainrotted people are. The focus (I’m generalizing now across all internet platforms) is less on some specific information, and is more on “personality” and appeals like that, because that’s the most sustainable way to pump out a metric ton of content at all times, and algorithms tend to reward when you pump out a ton of content. And so you get a lot of parasocial relationships and non-content, and viewers, frankly, just watch whatever’s in front of them. There’s not a lot of control these platforms, increasingly, give you over what you’re watching anyways, and people aren’t going to keep pulling that skinner’s box lever unless they get a hit at some point. Most of the content ends up being dogshit, so you get a kind of selection for people who enjoy dogshit, and a lack of other options, so people just acclimate to their lack of alternative and become kind of complacent in their environment.
For twitch more specifically, you also basically just get shit that’s meant to only reward people’s dopamine centers, when they get their message read by the streamer, and then they keep pulling the lever on the slot machine over and over multiple times per stream. Either that, right, or you’re getting a lot of people who just don’t have many social relationships, and just want to feel like they’re part of a larger organization, or being, even if it’s totally mindless and meaningless. People who want to “turn off” and just kind of mindlessly be part of the flow of the chat, or what have you. That last part is the brainrot, basically.
A buddy from college is a somewhat famous twitch streamer. I remember seeing him a few years after college and asking what he was up to, and couldn’t believe he was making any money just streaming himself playing League. My brain couldn’t comprehend who would want to watch that. That was like 10 years ago, and dude is still doing it, and hasn’t worked a real job in a decade. I’m low key jealous AF.
I had an application from someone who had his previous 3 years of work history as “Twitch streamer”. He didn’t even put his twitch name on there so we could look him up. That one went in the bin.
But if you give the greasy man $50 he will say your name!!!
Right? The 15 minutes of watching someone else play would even be a challenge for me if I’m actually trying to pay attention. That is the kind of content I barely can do as background noise.
Never understood concert goers.
So you’re telling me that instead of listening to 4 minutes of edited music you can watch an old fart on stage for four hours?
(Not even a twitch head by the way)
For me it’s that twitch is a lot more personal, at least it used to be.
I met some of my best friends hanging out in smaller streams. That was 8 years ago. We still hang out daily in discord or on twitch when one of them streams.
I’ll never understand how Twitch became as big as a thing as it is.
You already answered that in your comment.
You want to watch videos, not livestreams. Of course a video will be better at being, you know, a video (nicely edited, in short format, etc). A livestream is different for many reasons, none of which interests you apparently.
Nothing wrong with that tbh. It’s just not for you.
I mainly watch speedruns and esports live because if you’re watching a video you already know if a runner has PBed or which team won (in the case if esports)
I much prefer to watch gameplay on twitch. It’s a much more natural way of consuming content vs the super energetic, loud, pushy YouTube videos.
Edited game content provides very little entertainment value to me, while I mostly have streams turned on as background noise and check in occasionally to see what happens.
Never seen these cam girls everyone complains about on my twitch feed. I don’t seek that stuff out though either. You can also filter out content in settings, but I’ve never had to. This “problem” seems like a non issue.
If you click “I want to watch mature content” on any profanity stream such as Soda or Summit your feed magically starts filling up with titty streamers.
The notion that you need to seek them out first is false.
Didn’t even know that existed. Guess I’d have to seek it out, or get into discussion on lemmy. Is see profanity on chat. I’ve never seen these girls.
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You know how people watch videos of master carpenters or cobblers or whatever the fuck do their jobs expertly? This is like that but with videogames instead of building shit.
Alternatively, you know how people watch dumbasses with endearing personalities do whatever the fuck? This is like that. Exactly like that.
People watch carpenters so they can get ideas on how to make useful things. Games are meant to be fun, not constructive. So, I still don’t get it.
It does seem like you’re second point is more valid This is just reality TV. I’ve never understood that, either, though.
Games can be competitive. Or maybe you are having difficulty in a certain game and want to learn strategies to get better at it, even if it isn’t a competitive game.
I listen to podcasts while doing carpentry and watch streamers or YouTubers while coding or using CAD it’s a great way of holding focus and taking away the urge to rush. Bikini hulahoop streamers are just as good side noise as gamers, nothing important so you don’t get distracted but interesting enough to stop boredom.
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We can all trivialize each other’s interests.
Most blacksmithing videos I’ve seen aren’t as funny as the gaming videos. Besides even though I find it interesting, I think watching a sword getting made live would be boring as fuck compared to the action and pithy banter of many streamers.
Edit: I mean, there’s a whole industry around watching other people game. I find most sports boring, but I’d just be wrong to critique it like you’re doing right now.
Personally, I enjoy watching people who are better than me play a game. One of my favorites is Insym, dude is just incredible at figuring out the mechanics behind gameplay and screwing around with the game engine. It’s really interesting to watch him figure stuff out and test his theories in real time.
On the opposite end of the scale it can also be hilarious to watch someone like Jerma walk around talking about food while ignoring the most obvious things in the game. It’s like a mobile ad that makes you want to play the game just to do it right.
There’s plenty of trash content on twitch but there are definitely creators that make watching them play a lot more about their personality than the game itself.
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I sometimes watch it for games that I think I can learn/improve by watching. Like chess.
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It actually isn’t. Which is why some of the highest skilled athletes in the world watch gameday footage on top of their practice and conditioning.
Unstructured practice is only one form of skill enhancement. Alone it is not usually an effective tool. That’s why coaches, books, training regiments exist for all sorts of things from sports to chess to games
I practice too, but I still find it helpful to watch chess streamers talk through their thought process in the moment rather than reading/watching a structured lesson.
me too. honestly I don’t even watch video walk throughs it’s too uncomfortable
I can’t do it, either. The only way it’s tolerable is if I’m sitting next to them and can occasionally grab the controller (husband and I get through 1 player games this way, currently playing The Sinking City)
If you want video game streams then look for video games. I looked up the starcraft 2 section and there’s not a single thirst trap streamer, same with the video games that I play.
People are always getting pissed off that their favorite thing no longer exists. It’s still there, dummy! You just think it doesn’t because complaining is more popular than talking about the things that people like.
inb4 “it’s just a meme, it can’t mean anything”
there are a few in very popular yet casual categories like Overwatch, but yes you have to go into hot tubs to see them and spend time in those streams to get recommended them
Who? I’m looking at the Overwatch 2 directory right now and can’t find a single one. Like half of them listed don’t even have face cams on, judging by a quick scan of the thumbnails.
I mean by the token of there being “a few” there…aren’t many.
I guess checking on a Saturday night might be my only advice. YMMV, I’ve seen it happen rarely, maybe it was a fluke.
I think a lot of the people talking about this literally just mean there is a girl playing video games
ootl is twitch expanding into the amateur porn market orrrrrr
For years, Twitch’s “Just Chatting” section has basically been podcasts, Reaction content where streamers play a youtube and go take a shit, and (generally female presenting) streamers in various states of undress. You may have heard of “the hot tub meta” which involved putting on a skimpy bikini.
This has resulted in some pretty awkward front pages where it can look like you are looking out the window in a beach town or left a PG-13 movie on. Because, you know, bikinis.
This came to a head semi-recently when “the topless meta” became a thing where (generally) female (presenting) streamers would put on a tube top, position the camera like they are doing a face stream in the early 2010s, and make people think they are actually topless. So obviously a bunch of the most generic white guys with man buns on the planet (and Kai “Trick guests and other streamers into being raped by my violent rapist buddy” Cenat) lost their shit and competed to go viral with their Reaction content to putting something tamer than what TBS shows on daytime television when they play Austin Powers on the screen.
So Twitch/Amazon actually made a good decision for the first time in years by allowing artistic nudity and sexualized content so long as streamers checked a box that would add content warnings and take them off the front page. Which led to a race to promote OF/Fansly content by the streamers interested in that and to show how sexualized content is destroying the white man by the usual suspects. And Twitch, rather than try to moderate this, rolled it back.
Because, as OP demonstrates, there is this completely asinine “theory” that bikini streamers are ruining and taking over twitch. And, while I am not a fan and wish we had the content warning policy, they really aren’t. The top 100 streamers by almost any metric are almost universally dudes (many in tanktops because they hit the gym and male nipples aren’t scary) with the few female streamers being people like Pokimane or QTCinderella who actively do not do this kind of content.
But just look at people like andrew tate and like half of kick. There is a lot of money in pushing incel content and hate.
Exactly. Charalanahzard did a video on this a few days ago I thought was really good.
Essentially what you said: it’s not really an issue. It only seems like one because there’s a demographic that’s intensely jealous and controlling.
With a big titty cam girl for a thumbnail… Talk about bait and switch.
Yeah. After watching Charlanahzard’s video I went right to Twitch to the Just Chatting section and I saw that exact thumbnail on a video. It was playing old videos but it was just so absolutely perfect.
I agree that 95% of the reason is just men being uncomfortable with women having success in “their” space when it involves their sexuality, but I can also sympathize with being unable to find a mid-sized chill stream to watch because so many of them are half-nude ASMR streams or body painting. It’s like how YouTube has so much trashy corporate garbage protmoted in its algorithm, it’s just exhausting to wade through sometimes.
The way incentives are currently set up on both sites just happen to prioritize those types of content though, so it’s pointless to get mad at the creators as if they’re doing something wrong. Twitch is still a step above YouTube in this aspect as well, since at least you can’t AI generate trash content that gets uploaded 100+ times daily on a livestream. You’re at least getting real people.
I just loaded up the front page of twitch.
I see two streams where the face cam looks like it is a major part of the stream and I am pretty sure that was just “let’s make a thumbnail”. One workout stream which was a pretty standard gym attire. The only risque thing I found was one “Bodypaint Xmas (heart emoticon) !socials” and said body paint was good enough that I genuinely had to do a triple take to figure out she was not wearing a shirt. Oh, and a sumo wrestling channel that I followed because holy shit that is awesome.
Like most things: Your algorithm based recommendations mostly say a lot about you. Assuming you actually have a front page that looks like you left TBS on all day: Maybe stop watching the titty streams if you don’t want to see more titty streams?
Their recommendation algorithm doesn’t care what you watch, it cares what other people who watch the same streamers as you watch. So if I watch a lot of shroud, I notice more titty streamers popping up in my recommendations because shroud viewers are more likely to watch titty streams.
More than anything it’s annoying. I come to twitch for gaming content. I really don’t appreciate my recommended tab needing to be censored. It’s not taking away viewers, but it is making the experience on the platform worse for many.
I still stand by not needing to actually censor something tamer than going to a public pool but…
That is literally what the policy changes were. Tag content that maybe shouldn’t be on the front page of a site where over 50% of users are 16-44. And everyone lost their minds and killed it.
And I am not familiar with shroud’s content. I know back in the day he was a “god gamer” but not sure what he streams these days. For what it is worth, after I “just couldn’t” with moistcritikal anymore, my youtube recommendations cleared themselves right up. Because, shockingly, watching someone who Reacts to everything means you tend to get the same trash he is Reacting to in your feed.
Most of my twitch follows are weird channels (like watching otters play in a pool) or O(100) streams like Remap. But I’ll tune into the occasional Pokimane or Disguised Toast stream and my front page is still pretty much gaming.
If I’m in public browsing through twitch, when that stuff pops up, it’s sure not looking like a public pool. 99% of the time it’s a woman with the bottom of the camera cutting off her nipples and a ton of cleavage right in your face. I have NSFW blurring turned on for every other service, because who would have known, people don’t want to see that stuff in public.
Everyone lost their mind because the problem got 100x worse the moment twitch loosened the guidelines, and there’s no way they could have subjectively moderated all of it.
Shroud is still 100% gaming. That doesn’t matter though, because as a large streamer, there’s a lot of overlap with the teenagers watching gaming content and titty streamers.
When I don’t watch any big streamers/fps streamers for a week or two the recommendations are almost always gone, except for the one I clicked on once out of genuine curiosity.
Just checked the Just Chatting tab. With five streams per row
- Victoria (930 viewerrs) is “topless meta” at the top
- Five rows in we have “melina” at 5.6k viewers with what looks like a splash screen of her in a lacy top. Maybe it is lingerie, maybe it is just a camiosole. A lot of leg is showing, but that is the kind of shit you see on a bus.
- Eight rows in we have my big beefy sumo boys. I will admit, I tend to not see man ass in a thong in my every day life but I don’t think people mind.
- Also eight rows in we have some hot pussy action with an adorable kittens stream
- And at 46 rows I gave up because that seemed high but scrolling back it was at least in the 30s. The rest are just people podcasting, Reacting to other content, or whatever
And for funs, I checked the Beauty & Body Art tab. One person is getting a haircut, one dude (?) is face painting, and someone feminine looking looks like they are doing actual body paint but I can’t tell if they are doing pasties or what.
So of forty-ish rows I see three things that I would give a second take if I saw it on the street. Big beefy sumo boys, cute little kitties, and a woman in a tubetop.
We go to very different pools I guess.
It wouldn’t be on the front page anymore after the recent policy change, but if you go to “just chatting” it auto-sorts by view count, which is where most of that content is.
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Twitch is no longer a gaming only platform. It went full circle back to being an everything streaming site. People chat, people draw, people code, people make stuff with their hands. It’s been that way for awhile.
A lot of the most popular streamers regularly have long gaps with the camera pointing at three empty chair so don’t act like having a brief break is crime of the century, Sips is away for about fifteen minutes an hour making tea or whatever he does - and that’s only real streamers, someone like xqc will watch an entire someone else’s content while out the room then come in and eat silently while he watches another whole someone else’s content.
I know a lot of people here will never be able to accept it but a lot of the bikini streamers are actually really interesting conversationalists too, like she’s not someone I watch often but amouranth ripping the trolls can genuinely be the funniest thing I see in a day - she and many others are generally interesting, intelligent, and insightful – and no before people imply it just because they have boobs doesn’t mean they can’t be smart.
Compared to Charlie, xqc, and most the popular streamers they put a lot more effort into their streams. Depending who you watch and what your tastes are they can make great background streams, I’ve discovered a lot of great music certainly more than any local radio station.
It’s funny to me seeing people making a show of saying they’d never watch such content then acting like they know exactly what it’s like - what they mean is they assume anything with an attractive woman is terrible because attractive women are nothing but dumb sex objects.
If you want Charlie to be able to tell dirty jokes, make god slap, talk about wild internet drama, and play violent video games without getting censored then don’t side with the over boiled morality police, support the troops on the vanguard in the struggle for artistic liberty – the bikini hulahoop girls are fighting for your freedom.
This is exactly it. Insecure CHUDS hate that female sexuality has power over them so they seek to assert cultural control over it. It’s the same reason repressed assholes all over the world want to tell women what to wear and how to act.
You know I’m partial to the explanation that none of the viewers who watch this kind of shit would really want to watch anything else anyways, because they’re just here for the softcore porn market, so it’s not really hurting anyone. Or, if they would watch anything else, they clearly have their priorities, and it’s not the problem of the softcore streamer to stop streaming so kai cenat can have 0.5% higher viewership since theoretically they’re “stealing the views with their feminine wiles”. On the other hand, I do think a lot of people (mostly kids) tend to eat whatever you put in front of them, and it’s not as though tastes can’t change over time, with exposure, rather than something or other being necessarily higher value to the viewer. The only people who could probably attempt to know the truth, if they wanted, would be twitch themselves, because they have access to that collection of statistics, of what viewers are getting converted over to what streams. It’s not so clear as to be just a zero sum game, but it’s also not not a zero sum game, is basically what I’m saying.
FWIW though I don’t really care about softcore on twitch because ALL of twitch is softcore. All of it. Most of the people who complain about this shit are just idiots sitting around doing react content or gaming and doing really dumb stand up, and all the viewers are parasocial andys. The only good twitch streams I’ve seen are a guy getting tortured in a closet and a dude doing amateur cooking for random people he meets outside, and then a very small handful of people livestreaming technical subjects and doing live tutorials because that’s easier and provides more feedback than videos, even if it’s not scalable. And the sumo guy, that guy’s sick.
Also worth considering twitch makes a decent portion of its operating budget from them, if you want a service to keep continuing functioning so you can watch niche channels then don’t chase their cashcows from the platform
They recently made a post saying sexual dancing would be allowed on the platform but then changed their minds after being roasted for it.
Didn’t Twitch take back a lot of what they said?
I mean yes, but this is still the Just Chatting section
Yes but the just chatting section as been this for years regardless of what we last unenforced rules twitch makes
Well, on Twitch and YouTube and Reddit, I’m settled.
On Twitch, I never visit front-page. I follow the channels I follow.
On YouTube, I watch the subscribed channels (and recommend videos. If good, I follow).
Reddit, I don’t visit All or Popular. I have the subreddits I wanna follow.
On Lemmy, it’s so new that I haven’t found all the places, so I go to All on Local and see what’s up - like I do now.
Yeah, I do a similar thing with youtube and reddit. I am interested in communities of humans I like curating content and conversations. I am less interested in a robot doing so, even if it wasn’t a crap advertisement and engagement robot.
I am interested in the humans and I find it infuriating how often these websites try to shove what the robots want me to engage with down my throat while hiding access to the humans/communities I am interested in so I always have to click through to see it.
Yeah for that reason I just have my YouTube subscription download and go to my plex server so I don’t have to deal with ads or algorithms and we have a discord channel where we share interesting videos so I find a lot of my content that way. For reddit I just stopped going there after the exodus except when doing searches and I can’t find what I’m looking for I’ll add reddit to the search query to see the comments and hope there’s an answer there
I don’t get some of these comments. You can want to avoid random nudity without bring a prude or jealous.
I’d argue that a LOT of people are not interested in seeing 99.9% of the population naked, and there should be nothing wrong with that. I don’t care what they look like. Sometimes people just don’t want to look at rectums.
The mindset of “you have to be happy about unexpectedly seeing a stranger naked or you’re a prude” also doesn’t sit right with me.
I would have just stopped using twitch, personally.
Why do people watch this shit on Twitch when there are sites where you can watch live porn?
As a father who is a linux wizard and knows every single ip our BABIES go to
why are you using a VPN son 😢???
There’s still tons of video game streamers. In fact, even if 10k titty streamers join the site, that doesn’t push even a single video game streamer out.
There’s a market for both things, and neither thing is eating the audience of the other.
This is all just stupid neo-puritanical pearl clutching.
A woman showing her tits on twitch isn’t going to hurt you, or anyone else.
You know, I don’t get offended or anything. But it’s impossible to mute / block streamers, and there are some particularly annoying offenders which I just don’t want to see when I open twitch. Just give me the option to filter that out and I won’t complain again.
Every single time I go to watch a clip theres a ton of random partially naked people in the useless recomended section under the clip. I wish I could turn that off
A filter is an entirely reasonable request
This reminds me of when I used TOR to check my Facebook account after so many years. It was constantly throwing random almost-explicit-but-definitely NSFW pages at me.
"Where did these come from? Did I accidentally subscribe at some point? Oh they all say “suggested for you.”
Can you turn off “suggested for you”? Lol no. That’s how they force ads on you.
My findings concluded as expected: All the people I knew in highschool are living their dream lives somehow, my grandma’s still into weird rightoid conspiracies, and FB is a dogpoo platform I don’t understand how anybody still uses lol.
There’s a block functionality that any user can use and iirc if you block a streamer they will be filtered out from your recommends/etc
Helps to clean things up if you wanna hide the usuals you aren’t a fan of
Only a corporation would be so completely uninterested in the experience of users that they wouldn’t have a way to mute or block channels. Honestly they should be ashamed they don’t have that feature, how long has twitch been around?
Removed by mod
Oh he has higher chances of procreating than you do
They should change the name to Twatch.
I’ll see myself out.
Buy my girlfriend a pregnancy test while I’m out…
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Without intentional effort to prevent it, every platform eventually becomes some level of this.
Youtube: remember when they had to scrap “reply” videos because they were all borderline NSFW spam?
Onlyfans: was originally intended to be a platform for fans of fashion, idols, etc. I guess they just embraced it since then.
Tumblr: banned NSFW content because they thought they were becoming a porn site and didn’t want to moderate that.
Reddit: Segregated it and relies on community moderation, because otherwise it’s like half of the front page.
Twitter: it’s still all over, under most popular posts. I don’t know if they moderate it out or not.
So is social media becoming porn just like entropy or something
Absolutely. I’d even say it’s media in general. TV shows, movies, advertisements. They will always get as close as legally allowed.
Unless it was just urban legend, VHS supposedly won out over Betamax because there was more porn available. It was the first “killer app” and helped make early rental stores profitable.
And similar things happened with all forms of the internet: Gopher, BBS (though maybe less so, it was before my time and so bandwidth limited), Hotline, the original cam girls and blogs.
It’s just porn, all the way down. That’s why it’s called the oldest profession.
Unless it was just urban legend, VHS supposedly won out over Betamax because there was more porn available. It was the first “killer app” and helped make early rental stores profitable.
That was just urban legend I’m pretty sure. The reason it was able to be made profitable by video rental stores, I believe, is because JVC was more willing to license out their technology than Sony, so it was cheaper and more available to the average consumer. VHS also came out with more/had more recording styles more faster, and was more willing to degrade the integrity of their system, and degrade video quality, compared to Sony.
I forget if this was the case to begin with, or if this was a retroactive codec/recording style, but you could watch a full home theater VHS copy of a movie with one VHS tape, compared to the two betamax tapes you would need. That contributes, on top of not being a more proprietary technology, to a cheaper overall price. You could also, at a certain point, record multiple hours of a basketball game, in really shitty quality, if you wanted.
Basically, VHS benefited from a sort of economy of scale, and you were able to record more for less money total, which was rapidly becoming more appealing and more relevant, compared to the marginal quality gains of betamax, as things like VCRs and more accessible home movies started to hit the home video market.
I think the only major hits betamax ended up having was sort of filling out a gap in more mid-quality video recordings for stuff like TV shows, on the production end, because they were of higher quality than VHS, but I don’t remember much about that.
The result of VHS’s open system still enabled porn to show up on it sooner. And that helped more dudes want to drop $1-2k on a VCR.
Beta_cam_ did live on as a TV video format, I used one in high school and our local cable access still ran on betacam S in the late 90s.
It was the same sized tape as Betamax, but ran at a much higher speed for better quality (more info per inch of tape), they even switched to digital at some point, but I’d move on to MiniDV in college by then.
Good to know, so it’s not all urban legend, a little bit of truth to it.
Also good to know about the betacam stuff, I couldn’t quite remember what the situation was there.
Instant nostalgia hit. Good times…
Reddit: intentionally curating the internet’s biggest high school to onlyfans content pipeline.
FTFY. I am genuinely shocked they haven’t been called out for this yet.
Intentionally curating the what now?
Reddit allows people as young as 13 to sign up. It is also one of the biggest sites for OF marketing on the Internet, and the site itself is probably at least 20-30% porn depending on how you measure it. This isn’t even some hypothetical thing, you can go see people with 5 year old reddit accounts making posts like “now that I’m 18 I can finally show you my butthole.”
To be clear here my crusade is not against porn on Reddit, it’s against children on Reddit, and not because I care about guarding their virtue or anything, but originally because I thought reddit was better before it got infested with teenagers, and now because I want to see the site burn, so this seems like a good string to pull.
Twitter: it’s still all over, under most popular posts. I don’t know if they moderate it out or not.
They used to try, now they don’t at all.
The only thing they moderate is people calling musk mean names.
deleted by creator
Its not even changed, bud, ops tripping
Thirst trap .
Yeah, they should rebrand as ’Simp Central’
“Simp Central, eh?”