And? Despite what Trump says, presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
And? Despite what Trump says, presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
You know that Kamala isn’t the only Democrat in existence right
I agree that that specific use case is a pain, but I don’t think federated logins are the fix for it. Rather, links to posts on other instances should be automatically translated to a link to the federated version of that post on your home instance, such that you can interact with that post without having to re-log-in. There’s a bunch of issues in the Lemmy GitHub project related to this, so hopefully it gets implemented soon.
In my opinion, federating logins kind of defeats one of the main purposes of federation though, which is to give the user control over where their user information lives.
You can tell when he’s K-holing because that’s when he lets Trump have the mic
I don’t think the lack of “federated login” is unintuitive. You wouldn’t expect going to gmail.com and logging in with your Yahoo credentials to work, right?
Having a “federated login” service would probably either add a ton of complexity for instance owners, or someone would implement some super naive and insecure centralized solution, leading to a bunch of people’s creds getting stolen.
Getting the post/<id>
thing to work across instances would be a pain too, because it would require instances to all coordinate post IDs to ensure collisions don’t happen, since far as I can tell, the id in the URL isn’t globally unique.
Lol if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be constantly complaining about it
Well now you’re getting downvoted for complaining about downvotes
Your “basic chemistry” doesn’t match up with the lived experience of the plethora of people that frequently use cast iron/carbon steel. And yes, it doesn’t matter what type of pan, including non-stick, if you want your food to taste good you’re probably gonna start by heating up some fat. You’re only building excess carbon in a cast iron/carbon steel if you leave on bits of burnt food and season over that. If you clean your pan properly (with soap and hot water, because that’s totally allowed), that won’t happen. Tons of people cook with cast iron/carbon steel every single day and have absolutely no problems with it. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying everyone should only cook with cast iron/carbon steel, all I’m saying is using those pans is way less finicky than you’re making it out to be.
Ugh. You wanna know the secret to cooking on cast iron/carbon steel? Just cook with it. Put fat in, get it hot, put your food in. It’s really that easy. Wipe it out when you’re done, rub some oil on it. That’s it. You can even cook tomato sauce in it, it’ll be ok. People have been using cast iron to cook all kinds of things, acidic and not, for literal centuries. This myth that cast iron/carbon steel pans are these delicate special snowflakes that need constant attention and maintenance needs to die.
This is a strong argument for bidets on public toilets
The net is tightening? Lmao they’ve widened the search to nearly every metro area between New York and Atlanta
Taylor Swift probably has it better than most artists, considering she’s probably the most famous music artist on the planet right now, and even if you only make a small percentage off of ticket sales, a small percentage of an astronomical number is still a big number. I’d still be willing to bet the bulk of her net worth is in the rights to her music though.
Eh, the world we currently live in is shit because of people like the one he vigilante murdered
If every single one of Taylor Swift’s concerts were free, past, present, and future, she’d still probably be a billionaire. Artists don’t really make that much on ticket sales, the ticket vendors and venues are the ones making all the money. Swift’s net worth mostly comes from the value of the rights to her songs, not ticket sales.
I feel like creating headlines is sort of what the Democratic party needs right now though. They just lost what should be a slam dunk election largely because a bunch of people just didn’t show up. Flashy headlines probably make at least some of those people show up.
They had to do acid to keep up with the kids’ imaginations
Yeah sorry, good catch. Imma leave it though
Whoa guy, you gotta warn me before all that protection, you almost burned my eyes out
This is how American politics has worked for hundreds of years. Yes, the president (really the executive branch) holds a lot of power. So do the other two branches of government. One branch can’t really do anything without working with the other two, which means that compromise is a frequent theme throughout the history of American politics.