Yeah both are individual space bars, at least that’s how mine is since I hit space with either thumb
Yeah both are individual space bars, at least that’s how mine is since I hit space with either thumb
Me at work after a three day weekend trying to remember what I’m supposed to do
please report any undocumented features so that they may be deported out of your cavities
Just do half hour first day, then full hour next day
she probably just wants you to stop racking up the electric bill
That sounds like a lot of time and energy I don’t have
Or they sit at green lights because they are too into their laptop to notice the light change
There’s still traffic that late?
But then you need a big cellar and sheds with tons of fermenters.
Just keep it down
How do people even find such a shop
I started running and my knees ran out
It’s precoated in BO so you can be ready for any competition environment
They are oc to me, other’s cat
Be the change you want to see
I am brave all the time by ignoring things daily
No haha mine is like a regular 65% but it’s split down the middle so I have two small space bars one for each hand