Sancerre, for sure.
Sancerre, for sure.
I think it’s telling that they acknowledge that the stuff their bots churn out is often such garbage that training their bots on it would ruin them.
Yeah, she’s also been a semi-frequent guest on Behind The Bastards.
Hey, we found one!
Not seriously, “men’s rights activists” are a specific group of people that only exist to complain about and hate women. They don’t care about men’s rights, they are anti-feminists.
If you genuinely didn’t know this, then I’d love to know what Internet rock You’ve been hiding under. If you’re trying to concern troll, fuck off, MRAs are fucking scum.
-signed, a man.
Fuck openai
I think the real reason that Koch foundation, etc al, funded her campaign until last week was still that they’d have somebody qualified in case it’s rolled that Trump is ineligible.
When your father was a Nazi, you overthrew democratically elected governments in central and South America, and your son is a war criminal in the middle east.
The NFL doesn’t own the teams. The teams, collectively, own the NFL.
I have a friend that is a sales manager for private planes. He said business exploded during the pandemic and then never slowed down. This despite flights being eye-wateringly expensive (like, 20k for one-way is a great deal, because you managed to book an empty leg.)
I care about calling out that dude’s bullshit in front of people he might influence.
The only thing they moderate is people calling musk mean names.
Lol, they’re upset because their stock dropped when they fired him. That’s all this is.
Before you go, “oh, they’re non-profit!” They have a for profit subsidiary.
The non-profit has a corporate arm. take a look at that structure.
We have a skip button on the jukebox remote; somebody played Nickelback two separate times during one of my shifts last week, and I just skipped it both times.
This kind of thing happens periodically and you have to skip certain songs for the greater benefit of the bar. If somebody complains that I skipped Monster Mash or whatever I’ll give them a dollar back.
Boy, the museums are really just the very tip of the iceberg for the Brits.
OP is saying that emoji is a Nazi.
They start with Elon saying, “I’m a socialist, but I don’t believe in any socialist things.”
Then they point out that the Nazis also called themselves socialist, but weren’t.
Tell them you were deathly sick.
“Yeah I had skin cancer. Nothing major but I had to take it easy and after beating it we all went on vacation to celebrate”
It may depend on where you live, but it may be illegal for an employer to ask about anything medical in an interview. I have a two plus year gap and if I get asked about it, I just say, “illness.” They can’t ask any follow up questions.
I have occasionally expounded on it, saying, “I’m fully recovered now.” Just to reassure them that I don’t expect to miss work due to illness in the future.
Did you specifically choose 100 years in order to not include the Great Famine in Ireland? Or what the East India company did in India? Lassez faire capitalism in action right there, baby.
How about US funded right wing death squads in central and South America that eliminated whole peoples in the 70s and 80s? There are entire languages that are no longer spoken in countries like Guatemala because the people who spoke it were all murdered systematically with US taxpayer money.
I usually buy pea protein from MyProtein online. I personally find whey proteins to be way too sweet. The only issue is that it’s thicker, so I need to use a blender, rather than one of those shaker cups.
Find a basic flavor like vanilla, and add fruit (usually banana for me.) You can add a non dairy milk of your choice, if you don’t want to use water. Soy milk works well, and has bonus protein.