The provincial conservatives where I live are trying their best to destroy that universal healthcare. It’s rather infuriating.
The provincial conservatives where I live are trying their best to destroy that universal healthcare. It’s rather infuriating.
What misinformation? That yeast isn’t mold? That’s not misinformation.
Fermentation is still resulting in live organisms
Unless you’re drinking unfiltered beers, you shouldn’t actually have any live yeast left in your beer. And if there are prepare t6o be gassy as fuck for the rest of the day.
Which essentially is what makes up a lot of food we eat.
Well everything we eat was once living, or a product of something living. It’s not why people don’t like eating mold.
Mold still tastes nasty as fuck, blue cheese included, even if that particular mold is safe to eat.
I mean Yeast isn’t generally considered mold.
People have been saying that same dumbass shit for thousands of years, here’s idiotic headlines from the last 150 showing you that every generation has said the same damn thing, and has been wrong every time:
That’s not a research article, it’s an opinion piece with no published data and no references.
here’s a real research article that found lidded flushing still produced large aerosolized droplets on flushing:
Yes, I followed the ones posted. None of them say the opposite, they all leave out the results from the lidded flushes. And someone else posted a paper that showed that although lid closed produced fewer particles, they were larger, and lasted longer, so flushing lid closed was not particularly more hygienic.
Although Mythbusters is not a peer reviewed scientific source, they do employ reasonable standards of experimentation.
And the first source you posted is particularly interesting, with similar conclusions to what I remember from Mythbusters; that lids reduce the total number of particles found, but that the particles produced from lid use last longer and are larger. So a lid closed situation can;t really be said to be more hygienic.
Unfortunately on a cursory skimming of the other articles none of them seem compare toilets with lid down to lid up, they all seem to look at lidless toilets only. Thus, they can;t really speak to the topic of lid use being more hygienic without the direct comparison.
The plumbing authority link? Yeah, they leave out the part where the Mythbusters found poop everywhere when flushing with the lid closed as well.
Going off memory of the episode.
And from what I recall your source is leaving out the part where they found poop particles everywhere when they flushed with the lid down as well.
Mythbusters found it makes no difference in the spread of fecal matter. Toilet lids aren’t perfect seals.
Mythbusters found it makes virtually no difference, and lid down can actually make particles go further due to the pressure forcing them through a smaller gap.
It’s also on individuals, our purchasing choices shape what corporations decide to make. if people only bought fuel efficient vehicles companies wouldn’t build these idiotic mega polluting trucks.
And trucks are vastly more dangerous for pedestrians than other vehicles. they have massive blind spots, and weight a shitton more. As trucks have kept getting bigger, pedestrian deaths have gone up, that’s why we bring it up.
Hey, they aren’t good at nothing. They excel at killing pedestrians.
Having a vehicle that emits more pollution, does more damage to roads, and is more likely to kill pedestrians is pretty fucking selfish and deserving of hate.
I just rent a uHaul for $20.
Labor for a single grilled cheese is super easy. If you’re selling a lot of them this could be decently profitable.
I mean, both have toxic stupid people, but Reddit does still have way more niche communities and activity. I still rarely go back to Reddit, and mostly chill on, but it is missing many subreddits I liked.
Games can be competitive. Or maybe you are having difficulty in a certain game and want to learn strategies to get better at it, even if it isn’t a competitive game.