Baked beans are top tier, tasty and good for protein. Also good for farting.
Baked beans are top tier, tasty and good for protein. Also good for farting.
It’s a sign of a good marriage when you can both have cheeky fun!
Who’s going to be the next to rehash Robert Miles’ “Children”?
Smashing it to pieces is good practice
A true battle of good Vs evil
So they should be. Not respecting user privacy should be incredibly costly!
Same. I don’t miss it. I’m really enjoying Lemmy and the fediverse!
I’ve always had a thing for women about 10-15 years older than me that are in a position of authority or expertise. The confidence, experience, maturity, and professionalism are just sexy.
Hey look! 10 girls I’d never have a chance with!
Whoa, I’ve been having this exact problem for years and it’s been troubling me, especially in my new job. I keep needing to ask people to repeat themselves unless I’m facing them, focused on them, and within a short distance of them. We also use earpieces at work and I’m sometimes struggling to hear what I’m being told through them. It can cause embarrassment.
I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD nor do I have any diagnosed hearing problems. I’ve always wondered if its just related to my shy personality or if I have poor active listening skills, but your comment made me think that I should speak to someone about it.
NK has the largest football stadium in the world so…
Everyone who got the vaccine will eventually die. Checkmate vaxxers!!
Some potatoes went bad in my kitchen a few days ago, it smelled like actual human shit. Grim
Just reading some of the arguments between people of different political persuasions on this post would fry your brain.
TikTok girl ends all war
I don’t mind seeing communist content, it’s better than the shit that I was seeing on Reddit’s front page before I left it. At least communists aren’t spewing hatred against people based on their skin colour, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other things that people can’t control.
Although the centrists and leftists still hate each other, Lemmy is just a nicer place in general due to the lack of far-right horse shit.
Hahaha this is actually amazing.
I used to use Sync for Reddit. Now that you can use Sync for Lemmy, it’s easy for me.
I think people sometimes get confused on the term. “UFO” does not mean the same thing as “alien spacecraft”. Anything in the sky that can’t be identified is a UFO.
Why do people watch this shit on Twitch when there are sites where you can watch live porn?