Stranger on the internet: Let me tell you why you are wrong to enjoy this thing and should feel terrible for having the gall to even try.
Also, you cheaped out on buying that entry-level Hobbything 1000. You need to at least buy the expensive 3000 model to enjoy anything.
Yeah 3000 if you’re an idiot, for the price of the 3000 you’d be an idiot not to get the 3000m-ti, you won’t ever use the features but you’d be an idiot not to have them.
I used to always buy a K series chipset even though I never used the iGPU. It’s literally like a 50-70 dollar savings depending on the chipset going from K to KF. I figured I’d rather have it for troubleshooting and not need it, rather than need it and not have it - but if you’re using the iGPU chances are your dGPU is fucked in some capacity, so it’s really pointless when you’re trying to troubleshoot a graphics card problem.
I still think it’s worth it and why I only buy Ryzens with G, my GPU died during the pandemic and I was able to hold out until I could buy a cheap mid range used in mining from AliExpress.
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this is why I say that “ti” stands for “totally ignorant” please don’t listen to them op, if you haven’t trained up on models 300 to 2300 variants m-nl to qq-pp then you’re probably just going to hurt yourself and your hobbythingcraft
sorry but this is wrong you need to EARN the 3000 I’ve been a fan of Hobbything since I was 8 and even had a Hobbything themed wedding and even I wouldn’t DREAM of using the 1000 until I’d totally mastered Aspect 1, 2, and 3.
PSP-1000 > PSP-3000 and I will die on this hill.
That one is just plain truth though. I’ve got a few hobbies like photography, watchmaking, gaming, knives… The cheapest options are never good.
You should always buy more than you think you need at that time. Because if you do grow in that hobby, you won’t be limited right out of the gate.
You just wouldn’t enjoy playing the cheapest guitar, painting with the cheapest paints or cursing the cheapest woodworking tools.
I’ve always bought better stuff than I needed and have never regretted doing so.
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There is some minimum that seems to work well enough in a lot of hobbies. Can’t always go for the cheapest, but you may not have to go that high, either.
Amateur astronomers tend to hate on Walmart telescopes, and there are reasons for that. Still, the optics in any of them are better than Galileo had, and he saw a lot (admittedly, he also didn’t have a hopelessly light polluted sky). It’s a matter of setting expectations.
A $25 Baofang can get you into amateur radio after getting your technician license. There’s even a version now that doesn’t spew spurious emissions on harmonic frequencies and fuck things up for everyone else.
I once traded a somewhat older GPU for a fretless bass, amp, and effect pedal. The guy had just moved, his GPU died, and seemed like he wanted to get rid of some of his stash. While that was an exception, there’s probably some guitar guy in your city that wants to clear some stuff out and is willing to make a deal.
I started off with a Canon Digital Ixus as the first ‘real’ camera that I bought. Absolutely adored it. A full metal build and about the size of a cigarette packet. I took it everywhere and shot a few vacations on it.
But it honestly wasn’t until I got my Canon EOS 350D that I could actually attempt to really learn photography. Because now I could use manual settings, learn how to use them, use filters, try new techniques, get more creative, etc.
When I needed to invest in something like a flash, tripod or lens I always applied the same thinking: buy it so it can grow with you. Of course, eventually we got full circle and I ended up back at analog photography developing B&W Minox film in my kitchen :D
Anyways, I’ve never regretted buying better, but I’ve definitely regretted cheaping out. So I don’t if I can avoid it.
Because I take on a new hobby like every five years, and sometimes give up before then, I generally recommend for people like me that you start out with the cheapest possible option and work your way up from there.
But my biggest hobbies are art, writing, fancy writing, preserves, baking, and game dev, so they don’t rely require much in the form of materials
You just wouldn’t enjoy playing the cheapest guitar
How do you know?
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Just humans being themselves. Power consolidates corruption.
That’s a good reason to be anarchists. Don’t put any person in power - problem solved.
As a vinyl collector, it really feels impossible to completely avoid problematic older bands. So many of them pulled heinous shit, and often the bigger they were, the more opportunities they had to indulge their worst impulses. But how can we study history without acknowledging our ancestors accomplishments and failures?
I figure if they are dead, they can’t hurt anybody anymore, and neither can they benefit. Same goes for buying used.
I just accept that myself and everyone likes things that are shit and that’s okay. Criticizing and insulting media for being shit is also fun, but that doesn’t mean anything about the person who enjoys watching it because we all have shit we enjoy.
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Buddy, that’s kind of the good side of fandom. The bad side is all the people telling you you’re a stupid piece of shit if you like X character/plot/episode/whatever. Also, the ones writing the really fucked up fanfic that makes you say, “um what the hell happened to you?”
Those are exactly the ones they’re talking about, except they said fan art instead.
Really fucked up fan art …
They said fan art of characters fucking. That’s pretty normal. Not my thing, but I get it. There are WAY, way worse things people create than that that go way beyond even kinky sex. I’m pretty sure just the tags on AO3 for some of it have scarred me for life.
Wait, what’s wrong with that?
Ah, the “straight relationships are illegal” fandoms…
“Quick! The showrunners just introduced an opposite sex couple immediately after three same sex ones! We have to make one character bi and the other pan!”
“Oh my gosh! The mean-girl character just started sucking up to a kid she used to be friends with who has since become her social superior in the most transparent power grab of all time! It must mean she had a lesbian crush the entire time!”
Why is it though that queer relationships seem somehow watchable/readable, but straight relationships are just not interesting?
Obviously this will not be a universal experience. But I’m straight BTW, love the opposite gender, just find those plots almost universally dull.
Queerbaiting is absolutrly a thing, and worth being annoyed at. If a show constantly hints that two same-sex people are gay for each other, then never actually follows through, that’s annoying.
Objection stranger, you are very wrong and have fundamental issues! You’ll never get better.
Also, let me introduce the fan meta which will inevitably ruin the original artistic vision, by popular demand.
Also, I’m going to call right now the entire plot of the second season, and if it doesn’t aline with what I think should happen, then the show is garbage and the writing is bAd.
You’re not just wrong for thinking something different about a consumer habit I have, you’re a morally bad person for it too.
On Reddit I just read without logging in. It was nice. I’m trying to help build communities on Lemmy, so I’m posting and commenting.
Since doing that, I’ve been told I’m enjoying my hobby wrong, that my friends enjoy their hobby wrong, the links I researched for a comment thread are wrong (without references to correct info), and that I’m probably wrong about how I want to live.
I know I should have thicker skin, but the slow drip of unfriendliness is alienating.
I wanted to just upvote this and move on, but I feel like that would be a disservice to you because I feel the same way about commenting.
I would say to just ignore the negative comments and continue to post. good people should not tear each other down like you describe. you never truly know who is replying to you, it could be a kid or someone that has some issues that need to be addressed.
I understand its much easier said than done, but training yourself to have thicker skin is like a muscle, just gotta keep going out there and train it lol. good luck!
Thanks. I’ve been blocking unfriendly posters. That’s working pretty well.
You’re not blocking them correctly then, because you’re doing your hobby wrong. /s
PS: Good people don’t criticize others like you’re describing. You’re doing the right thing by shrinking their reach into a list of blocked users.
Have you had positive experiences too, or are they primarily negative?
I’ve had positive experiences, mostly in the shit-posting and meme communities.
Maybe it’s just me, but the negative experiences are way more memorable than the positive ones.
Yeah, I definitely feel that way. Positive experiences just feel ambient, and negative experiences feel like distinct events.
Still, I have the sense that Lemmy is mostly positive, even though there are jerks. I have alot of comments with, like… 7 upvotes and 1 downvote, and of course the downvote sticks out in my mind… But then again, way more people were supportive than negative, and that’s kinda cool.
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That’s just how “real” fans are.
There’s nothing real about them though, except their malice.
I am the kind of guy who will make fun of you for watching and enjoying the first few seasons of Disco and Picard because I think they suck, but I’ve stopped trying to tell people how to enjoy their media. The world is already a miserable enough place without trying to make people feel bad about their content watching habits.
The world is already a miserable enough place without trying to make people feel bad about their content watching habits.
Exactly this.
I am the kind of guy who will make fun of you for watching and enjoying the first few seasons of Disco and Picard because I think they suck
If someone can be friendly while they’re joking around like that, I’m all for it. But it’s hard to get that subtlety into a comment.
There’s kind of two modes with that. If you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to just become a bulldozer of anger and malice and just shit on every single aspect of the first seasons. Otherwise, it’s just a discussion where we disagree on what things we enjoy.
I find it easier to have a simple discussion here on Lemmy. On reddit you’re about 50/50 going to encounter somebody angry and malicious, but here it’s probably more like 70/30 towards a good conversation.
… If you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to just become a bulldozer of anger and malice and just shit on every single aspect …
This is a part of speaking with people online that I think a lot of us miss. Sometimes we’re just cranky and not thinking at our best and sometimes it’s the other person. But we too often assume we’re dealing with the essential person
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Risa is a great community. I don’t post there, but I enjoy the memes.
At the same time, Picard mostly sucked… But it was good enough for me to watch through
I feel like half the problem is that not all of us are on the same page. If I say “I think this sucked”, I want to talk about it, and if anything I hope someone will recontextualize it for me and make it more enjoyable.
I want to hash it out, because anyone who does that in good faith sharpens their own opinion. Maybe I’m wrong and they convince me to give it a second chance, maybe I’m wrong and realize I only liked it for nostalgia. Or maybe we realize our opinions differ, and narrow down the reason why
I don’t think I’d like Picard aside from nostalgia…I don’t think it was fun or artistically valuable, but I didn’t stop watching. I don’t think it’s good-If you like it, I’m not going to say you’re wrong, but I will argue no one should watch it if they don’t love Patrick Stuart already. Not even TNG, the rest of the crew was pretty hollow cameos - his character was badly written, but I watched it through because it was more of his character
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Tell them to fuck off. This is the internet. Don’t let people do this to you.
I think you’re using lemmy wrong if you’re encountering that much resistance. /s
But seriously what is this hobby that’s so dividing? Are you looking through telescopes backwards or something?
It’s D&D. A game played with friends who have their own likes and dislikes. But sometimes they like the wrong thing.
Haha is this the classic minmaxer vs storyteller divide? Or maybe the serious campaign is being ruined by murderhobos?
There’s got to be infinite ways to enjoy d&d and so infinite disagreements to be had.
I have a motorcycle. It’s a Harley-Davidson. Immediately, everyone is picturing a large and unpleasant looking bearded man riding a huge, noisy, vibrating, chrome bedazzled air cooled motorcycle without a helmet from one bar to the next.
My harley makes about as much noise as a Toyota Camry. I wear full protective gear when riding it, including a bright and attention-getting helmet. It doesn’t get ridden to bars, because drinking interferes with my motorcycle addiction.
The large and unpleasant looking bearded man part is accurate, though.
I never understood the " I’m so badass I’m going to ride without the only thing that can prevent my skull from cracking like an egg" I guess live fast die young, but in the event you don’t die the only way we will know where your mouth is, it will be following the feeding tube.
Anyways safe rides dude.
I mean, some dudes won’t use environmentally friendly grocery bags because they’re afraid to appear “gay”. Some men’s masculinity is oh so fragile. Like a human skull in a motorcycle accident perhaps.
Guys, is it gay to avoid filling your trash can with a bunch of plastic bags?
so gay. can confirm, am half gay. reusable grocery bags is the new “wear white aasics to a planet fitness”
It has been my long-standing belief that a motorcycle helmet can prevent an accident. I’ve had too many things hit my visor while riding. Imagine taking a june bug in the eye with nothing but a set of oakleys for protection.
The bug in the eye is a classic, I just wanted to feel the air on my face.
So we were only half correct.
I bet you’re at least a little bit pleasant to some people lol
My other half seems to think so.
Easiest way to start hating your new hobby is visiting it’s subreddit.
It’s obvious for video games because you can assume anyone that wants to be active on a specific game sub is probably a try hard that talks about the meta, or max DPS builds, or other annoying stuff. But then you visit something like the carbon steel pan subreddit, or grilled cheese, and you’re continually assaulted with this idea that there are only specific pans and oils that are correct, or that your grilled cheese isn’t actually a grilled cheese because it was cooked too close to an open pack of salami.
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then it gets nerfed and they use the new meta gun
OMG, this was what killed overwatch for me. I’m disabled and can’t play games that require fast paced precise and concise actions. So Symetra was my jam. I tried other characters like torbjorn but the all had the same problem. Some 13 yo genji prick would hop circles over my head while my health ticked away and I shot sporadically around at the sky before I inevitably die. But not Sym. All I had to do was backpedal and keep that grasshopper mf’er in my general view. And pop. Pulling him into a doorway with 6 kill lasers was the best feeling the in the world. But that enabled me to be useful to the rest of the team. I occasionally did good enough that I ranked in the top of the match, but I was almost never carried.
And then they nerfed sym because, “nOt EnOuGh PrO pLaYeRs PiCk HeR!!¡!!” No more walking shield. No more turret web. No more over shield for the team. No more wide lock on gun. They turned her into just another precision shooting player. She had a Halloween bag of tricks and they swapped it for a tooth brush.
You play an FPS and everyone uses the meta gun at the time
This is why I miss arena shooters (Quake, Unreal Tournament, Halo, etc.) being in vogue. There are no loadouts, no inherent differences between players, you’re all equal, and any weapons, ammo, grenades, powerups, vehicles, whatever, must be picked up from the map itself. This map doesn’t have a lightning gun/rocket launcher/banshee? Well tough shit, you’re going to have to do without.
These are games where you must fight with whatever comes to hand, no matter how much you dislike it, and that leaves almost no space for a meta. The closest thing that can exist is a general consensus of “for this situation, these are the weapons you want to have, and these are the weapons you really do not want to be in this situation with”.
Isn’t that largely just the case for competitive games?
Pet communities are horrible for this
Cute cat sneezes
Top comment: “This cat is gonna die Tomorrow from feline airborn disease, his left eye twitched 2.3ms longer than the norm which means…”
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Here is an actual thing that was sent to me
“If you don’t wash your guineas with unscented coconut oil once a week you don’t deserve to own them.” Like fuck off man
I can just imagine the person writing that with a smug grin on their face, nodding slowly as they finish with a “you don’t deserve to own them” and feeling all good about themselves.
Last time this happened to me was when I said I liked an experimental musician’s youtube channel cause he has a lot of content about his process etc. Got reamed in the comments by a salty user cause the musician once featured a product in a video made by a brand that it’s popular to hate, yet used by many musicians. One of the most reddit things ever.
The same subreddit heavily discouraged me, in classic reddit style, from getting a product once. I did anyway following my intuition. Then a year later it became the most recommended product for that purpose.
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Like I watched the Musical episode in Strange New Worlds, and really liked it. It was strange but fresh. I laughed out loud at the Klingon part. But then I got online and it was just hate. So stupid. And I’m a HUGE tng fan
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I enjoyed Cyberpunk at launch. Forgive me…
I did too… Even with a handful of weird bugs, it was an awesome experience (on PC)
I played it on ps5, crashes were very rare and the story/gameplay was great.
So did I. I never understand what everyone was bitching about.
Me too
echo chamber or sth, probably
game was definitely less buggy then Skyrim, even with all official patchesI waited. bought it later and thought it was a poor gta 5 clone. Same with rdr. guess I just don’t like that style of game. Loved witcher 3 though. shrug.
Even when it crasehd every hour I had a blast, I learned how to tell if it was about to crash and I would save and rebbot
I’m playing it again and it looks great on v2.1
I think this is fine and nothing to apologise about. But those that played it on the (then) current gen consoles had an awful time with it.
I understand the majority of players were on PC or newer gen consoles, but it irritates me if PC players argue it was fine because they didn’t see those issues. CDPR literally removed it from the PlayStation store and offered everyone refunds it was that bad!
It was a damn good game at launch, and it just got better over time. I defend it always since I had a blast, had very few and only minor bugs/issues, and got a ton of time out of it for the money.
I think I liked it more on launch than I do now. I had all of like 5 bugs my first 3 times through the game before they started changing things.
- A dude that pops into existence during the scene at Tom’s Diner and Gumby t-poses out a wall
- a random T-posing baddie when I zoomed in my first sniper rifle
- the painting exploit
- the melee weapon exploit when doing the boxing matches
- the slow-mo bunny hop speed exploit.
None of these negatively affected the game. In fact the last one was dope and I wish they didn’t fix that one at all.
Coming back recently because of 2.0 and I get:
- Stuck in 1st person while driving, which sucks because most of the cars have impossibly tiny windshields and I literally can not fucking see where I am going.
- AI cars in traffic that just explode like they were hit by invisible cars, throwing them around or cars falling from the sky, sometimes on me and killing me
- UI freezing so that I’m basically stuck with the scan mode overlay while I’m no longer scanning which requires a full restart of the game to fix.
- The new skill system has a skill that says it lets you reload and another skill to shoot while vaulting but neither seem to actually work.
- Tons of script related issues that break sequences in the quest I am on, forcing a reload. Sometimes several minutes prior because it has to be before the trigger that broke the shit.
None of these are fun and they all impact the game negatively. :/
I liked the emoji movie…
no you didn’t
I was 7 when it came out :p
Its okay Alex, you’re safe here.
Naw man, me too. Was it full of bugs on launch? Absolutely. Did it fall far short of the hype? Very. Was I having fun playing it? A blast, actually. I unapologetically love 2077 and feel like I got more than my money’s worth.
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Fandom is like a coin. A coin that has a shiny surface on one side and a dirty, rusty, smelly layer on the other. Some fans can have the passion and diligence to elevate the media while being respectful, while a lot of fans can be just down right hateful because it’s easier to do so while contributing to nothing
For example, Gintama anime subreddit. It is such a pleasant corner of reddit. Everyone just caring about the show and characters and jokes, that’s all. I have rarely seen a hateful comment or post.
Is it still airing? I watched it about 15 years ago, you just reminded me of something long forgotten
Iirc it finished 2/3 years ago
It is done. The finale was a movie. And holy shit, it was amazing. It’s definitely worth watching again in my opinion.
This is precisely why I don’t give a shit about “weekly episode discussions” and refuse to watch any show until it’s available in its entirety.
I prefer watching at a trickle, but only discuss it face to face. People are generally much more civil when in striking distance
That’s how I’ve been consuming the marvel TV shows, it’s so much nicer to be able to binge the series.
plus the dreaded mid-plot ax
Looking at VTuber fandom out there. Two weeks ago, a famous female VTuber called Ironmouse (who, BTW, has an immune disease and cannot leave her house) won an award, and you know what the fans of other candidates did? They sent her death threats.
Oh boy 😬
VTuber fandom has the extreme opposites. By just being in the Hololive community I’ve seen people being absolute gems and creating content that everyone loves (Kay Yu, Kanauru, 2ManySnacks)… and on the other side people gatekeeping everything, way too parasocial fans, thirst everywhere and extreme tribalism.
If you stop at top comments/posts it’s usually a great experience, you just have to learn to stop scrolling when the toxicity begins.
I only saw hate from people outside the vtuber community, specially on tiktok since people over there already went through a hate wave of vtubers after a popular male one made a concert without having a 3D model. Several people going “who?” afther she won in the live comments.
I betcha if she is a normal showface kind of streamer and not a Vtuber, her fate may be much worse
It just the edgy wannabe being toxic, which has already been a thing on the Internet since the dawn of time
Star Wars for real.
Ever since leaving reddit I feel like a new person.
Like when Galen Erso redeems himself by informing the Rebel Alliance of the Death Star’s vulnerability?
You haven’t lived until you’ve been drug into an argument about lightsaber forms.
The piss-poor treatment of the franchise by Disney has made that one a bit easier for me now. I just don’t care anymore. Maybe I’ll jump back in when another season of Andor comes out, but otherwise I’m just done with the tripe Disney is shoveling out.
There’s decades worth of Star Wars material that Disney had nothing to do with. They can’t even retcon it because their stuff takes place in a separate continuity.
I like some manga and anime, but I usually come away with an uncomfortable feeling when I interact with passionate fans of manga or anime. To me, the vast majority is crap, but there are some good gems here and there. Hardcore fans though are all about the most boring or weird shit, and even have a slightly off sense of humor. I’m sure I’d be seen as some filthy casual who just follows the mainstream shit, like how people outside of RPGs only see DnD as the entirety of the role-playing hobby. It’s probably always going to happen between casuals and passionate fans of any topic.
Majority of everything is crap, we just get all anime now instead of the handful big hitters that toonami imported.
Similar here, I enjoy a few anime and will admit to people I know that I have and do watch anime. I have no interest in discussing it most of the time as I don’t want to interact with weebs or be associated with them.
Helps that I have zero interest in romance or isekai anime, my interest are all based and related around watching a whole lot of dragon ball as a kid so I watch similar things now
In high school I mentioned that I’d just finished Death Note and enjoyed it. The Anime Kid berated me for watching a normie show and made a bunch of references I didn’t understand.
Check out Gintama subreddit. It is much pleasant compared to other anime subreddits for example. Most posts are just people talking about their favourite storylines, characters and jokes.
Oh man, I really like One Punch Man, and I’ve always been a fan of the whole “poking fun at anime tropes thing”, but if you spend 30 mins on the subreddit for that subject you find a lot of people that don’t really see that the “child that’s actually much older than they look” thing isn’t a justifiable excuse for filling your sub with subjective images of a child.
At a certain point, it basically became trolling to raise that these people needed their hard drives checked by law enforcement professionals, and less to do with the thing that I actually enjoyed.
Child that’s older than they look? Tatsumaki? Not exactly a child she’s just short…
Oh yeah. I did not hang out in Star Trek groups for many years despite being a fan - I didn’t near to hear a million times why Enterprise sucked or Discovery sucks or whatever. I enjoyed both and don’t need to listen to someone screeching about continuity errors or whatever in a fictional TV show.
And they can’t help themselves, more than once I’ve made a comment like this only to have someone reply, “Well, Discovery sucks because blah blah blah!”, and it’s like, “THANKS FOR DEMONSTRATING THE POINT I WAS MAKING. YOU’RE THE PROBLEM. YOU.”
No one hates Star Trek more than Star Trek fans.
I joined a group on facebook that is called “Wholesomeposting” and that kind of shit is not allowed. It’s much nicer that way. The noise level on Lemmy hasn’t been too bad, fortunately…so far.
Me and the Apex Legends community
Me: This seems like a cool game, and it’s free, and it’s made by the Titanfall people.
Apex Legends community: Autistic screeching
This rings especially true for Rick and Morty, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Both are good shows ruined by obnoxious fandoms
I wouldn’t say either are ruined. They just attract some fucked up people. I don’t think any media should be judged based on what kind of person obsesses with it and how they express that obsession.
With those two, you can even laugh knowing the people who make/made those shows don’t think highly of those fans.
I got that sense from the new Star Wars trilogy, too, especially ep 7 where Kylo is an obsessive Darth Vader fan who wore a helmet for no reason and wasn’t nearly as effective as his hero was (he loses a lightsaber duel to someone who hadn’t ever used a lightsaber before and his most destructive action in that movie is throwing a temper tantrum and destroying one of his own rooms).
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I never really got the hype, but I knew a lot of people in the early/mid 2010s that were into it.
Arrested Development (was cancelled at the time)